Gu Qingzhou is entangled by Kang Nuan.

Since Er Bao and Kang Han are close, Gu Qingzhou often gets involved with the Kang family.

Fate in the dark is hard to describe.

Gu Qingzhou stayed in Kang's house all day, and only at dusk did he return to the side of Si Xingfu.

Cai Changting just called her.

"Come back to live?" Cai Changting asked her with a smile.

He hasn't called for many days. He hasn't come to see her. He seems to be busy, but he disappears.

Now in the emergence, although it is just the voice, as if nothing happened to the gentle, let Gu Qingzhou stand on his back.

She said: "Si Xingfu will go back in a few days. When he leaves, I'll go back. Can you ask madam for permission? "

"Madame, naturally." Cai Changting said with a smile, "light boat, when shall we eat together?"


"You and I, and the manager. Last time, I said something to you two. " Cai Changting said with a smile.

Gu Qingzhou is confused. He doesn't know what medicine he sells in his gourd.

What do you want to say to Si Xingfu?

Do you want to persuade Si Xingfu to join the royalist party, subvert the Democratic Republic and restore the imperial system?

Gu Qingzhou thought at random and said with a smile, "OK, have a meal together when you are free. However, I'm busy these days. I'll call you when I'm free. "

Cai Changting said yes.

Gu Qingzhou hung up the phone, went upstairs to change his clothes, and then went downstairs.

Sitting downstairs drinking tea, Si Xingfu finally came back.

When they had a meal, Si Xingfu scalded a pot of rice wine and gave it to Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou took a hard SIP to drive out the cold. The rest was returned to Si Xingqi. She was not used to drinking it.

She talked about Kang Nuan.

"That Liu Jianyang is really not a good person." That's what Gu said at the beginning.

"You are so easy to come to a conclusion?" said Si Xingfu

"I sent someone to check. It's true. Liu Jianyang's character is worrying. His family has a good relationship with the Kang family. The second master of the Kang family values the power of the Liu family. That's why they got married. " Gu said.

Liu Jianyang's uncle, now a cabinet official in Peiping, has a prominent position.

"It's their business to worry about their character. It's not related to us." "Do you have another drink?" said the secretary

Gu Qingzhou shakes his head.

Si Xingfu is not interested in this matter all the time, so Gu Qingzhou tells him casually while eating.

"During the Mid Autumn Festival last year, Liu and his friends went hunting and invited Kang Nuan. In front of all the people, he said that kangnuan's blood was humble, that kangnuan's father and uncle were both wild species. " Gu Qingzhou road.

This gossip, Si Xingfu also told Gu Qingzhou.

It can be seen that when he knew how to deal with his son-in-law, Si Xingfu understood his character, which is not believed.

The world hates the rich. If we catch a small thing, we will spread it around.

The three masters of the Kang family are indeed not successful, and the aunts of the Kang family are indeed business minded. The old master is not restrained in supporting the court with his daughter, which has caused so much gossip.

These gossips were first introduced into restaurants and teahouses from the marketplace, and then into the big Wangs.

The reason why Si Xingfu believed it was that the person who told the secret had a clear idea.

Rumors are terrible.

"Since I want to be Kang's son-in-law, I have no quality to speak like this." Si Xingfu poured another glass of wine and took a sip slowly.

In the space of his drinking, he also brought food to Gu's boat and commented on her argument by the way.

"Isn't it? Originally, there were rumors. Liu Jianyang said it publicly. In the future, Kang Nuan would not want to look up in Liu Jianyang's circle of friends. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Gu Qingzhou also thinks that Liu Jianyang will die at this point.

"Kang Nuan couldn't stand it, so she went home and told her parents to back out. Her father disagreed, so she ran to Liu's house.

In front of Liu's parents, she took off the ring and gave it back to Liu. Do you know how Liu responded to her? " Asked Gu Qingzhou.

"Do you cry or kneel?" said the secretary

"Not at all." Gu Qingzhou said, "Liu Jianyang slapped her twice, and scolded her as an unknowable bitch."

The wine of Si Xingfu stopped at the lip and poured out from the bottom of his eyes in surprise.

He has seen a lot of people.

Even a man who can't bear it will never hit a woman so easily.

Liu Jianyang is inferior to a beast in this way.

"It's time to kill." Si Xingfu was too lazy to drink. He put down his glass gently and said, "don't advise Kang Nuan, let those people do it tonight. Who will be the bane of these beasts? "

Gu Qingzhou sighs.

The secretary sent a shrimp to her and said, "don't be soft, it's none of your business."

Gu Qingzhou put down his job and made a bowl of soup again.

She scooped up the soup with a porcelain spoon and said to Si Xingfu, "I also think the Liu family is terrible. At that time, Liu Jianyang's parents were present, and they were so submissive that they dared not say a word for Kang Nuan. "

The parents love their son too much, which leads to the son's domineering and domineering, and the support of their uncle. They can't control their two sons.

"Kang Nuan went home and told her parents about it. Her parents went to Liu's house to confront him. Liu's parents and Liu Jianyang denied it." Gu Qingzhou road.

"As expected, it's the dragon pond and tiger cave. You will be killed when you marry." He said.

The Liu family didn't admit that because Kang Nuan had mentioned quitting before, the second master and the second wife of the Kang family only took her as an excuse for quitting and framed the Liu family.

Instead, they made amends to the Liu family.

Kang Nuan knew from then on that the marriage would be her burial place, so she tried to find out about Liu Jianyang and collect evidence to tell her grandfather.

Liu's friends all said that Liu was violent and cruel.

In fact, the servants of the Liu family are not serious people, but the running dogs that Liu Jianyang keeps.

"The Liu family invites servants, all of whom are women of weak family." A man secretly told Kang Nuan, "those servants can't come out after entering the Liu family.

You go to see the maid of Liu's family. Whose husband or parents and brothers are still in the city, whether they are married or not? Do you know how many of those women have children and are pregnant? "

When Kang Nuan tells Gu Qingzhou about this, Gu Qingzhou is also shocked.

Now I will tell Si Xingfu that his eyesight will turn ferocious.

"The Kang family has never inquired about such a family?" The Secretary asked.

"The Liu family has only started in recent years. Liu Jianyang is very strict. No one can understand those words." Gu Qingzhou road.

She felt pity for the maids of the Liu family. I don't know if they would like to leave.

"The way that he wanted to tame Kang Nuan as a slave before he became a married man is just beginning to flourish," said Si Xingfu

To humiliate Kang Nuan, to belittle Kang Nuan's blood, to beat her resistance, these are all for taming.

If Si Xingfu guesses well, Liu Jianyang must apologize afterwards, and he also has a lot of benefits.

"Is that so?" he asked Gu

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