Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1049 ambition

Shiboshan's words are appalling. I don't dare to believe them.

She was afraid that she would believe too much, put in hope, and finally be disappointed.

For this reason, Shi Boshan could not force him to take care of the boat, so he shut up.

Gu Qingzhou returns to ER Bao.

Er Bao asked Gu Qingzhou, "elder martial sister, Han Han said that you are hurt, does it hurt?"

"Can you see that elder martial sister is injured?" Gu Qingzhou asked him.

Er Bao shakes his head.

Gu Qingzhou's heart sank: "didn't you say you could see a little last time, but now you can't see it?"

Two treasure smile, very simple and honest: "yes."

Whether he saw it or not, he didn't care. He had a good time every day. He was 100 times more comfortable than before, and Han Han was beside him. He was very satisfied.

Kang Han is also beside them. He looks at them, but doesn't care about it.

Gu Qingzhou asked Er Bao again, "can I ask elder martial sister to pick you up and live here?"

Er Bao's face fell slightly, and Kang Han's color changed.

Kang Han panicked and asked, "elder martial sister, did I not take good care of Er Bao?"

"No, no" Gu was embarrassed and hurriedly explained to them.

After explaining for a while, er Bao and Kang Han were a little relieved. Gu Qingzhou didn't dare to talk about taking Er Bao back to live.

Er Bao saw a little last time, but after a few days he recovered from blindness.

Gu Qingzhou has made the worst plan.

She has seen through a lot of things recently. Life can't be perfect and everything can't be restored.

If you change, you have to accept it. ^

she will support Er Bao all her life. She also found a girl who really loves him for ER Bao. What Gu Qingzhou can do has been done.

She gently stroked the head of Xiaer Bao.

Er Bao laughs, but Kang Han asks: "elder martial sister, do you always worry about Er Bao?"

Gu Qingzhou didn't expect her to be so transparent and mature beyond her age, so she said truthfully, "yes, I always hang my heart for him."

"Elder martial sister, er Bao has no eyes. I can hold him." Kang Han said, "I'm always with ER Bao. He won't fall. Don't worry."

Gu Qingzhou's eyes were suddenly hot. She didn't expect Kang Han, a young man, to be able to say that.

On second thought, children's mind is the most simple. Er Bao and Kang Han are good now. This is a pure and profound feeling that was born from childhood.

She nodded hard.

Kang Han stands up and takes the two treasures away.

Si Xingfu came back half afternoon.

When I saw a room full of young children, I thought that Gu Qingzhou had not been out for a long time. But the doctor said that she could move her muscles and bones. Si Xingfu said, "go out for dinner?"

The kitchen hasn't prepared the meal yet, and is not afraid of waste. Gu Qingzhou smiles and asks, "do you have a good place?"

"I don't need a good place. I'll choose a foreign restaurant and bag it. The restaurant has both a dance hall and food, so you can enjoy yourself. " Si Xingfu road.

He put his hand under his rib and said with a smile, "my wound is not completely healed. I can neither dance nor drink."

"We can watch them play. I haven't had a dance for a long time, and I'm going to be moldy. Look at them playing happily. They are in a good mood. " Si Xingfu road.

After thinking about it, Gu Qingzhou really lies down every day recently, very monotonous.

When Mrs. Hirano returned to Japan, Cai Changting disappeared, and Gu Qingzhou could not find anything to do.

She can only wait for Mrs. Hirano to come back.

Even if Mr. Hirano has gone, Mrs. Hirano is also his widow, and she is still Japan's expensive wife, which will not change.

However, when she comes back, the situation will definitely change. I don't know whether it will be better or worse for Gu Qingzhou.

She thought, a quiet day is a day, need to grasp now.

"You're right. I want to play." Gu Qingzhou said, "it's very good to see them dancing and drinking."

Gu asked Ye Shan and ye Wu.

The Ye sisters are so happy that they clap their hands.

Others are happy, too.

The secretary called. Because it's not a new year's day, the foreign restaurant is very good to book, and soon there will be news.

When she was confirmed, ye Shan hurriedly called her friends and asked them to go to the party.

"You're right. It's really a long time since there was a dance. They're crazy." Gu chuckled.

When they arrived at the restaurant, there was no one in the restaurant, but there was a wine table and a dance hall.

The young man was happy at once.

Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu choose the table farthest from the dance floor to sit down.

"Does the rib hurt?" he asked Gu Qingzhou

"It's OK. I didn't walk much." Gu Qingzhou road.

Speaking of ribs, she thought of Qin Jiuniang and Wuyan and said, "they are really powerful. I'd love to invite them to the army, but once they come out, they can't go back. "

"Everyone has a choice." "What you are willing to give them is not necessarily what they want," said Si. I'll spend my whole life in the mountains. If I have a peaceful mind, I think it's a good day. "

There are so many disputes in the world that it's not bad to stay in the mountains.

Gu Qingzhou smiled and said nothing more.

Lu Lu continues to have people come in, not only Ye Shan and ye Wu's classmates and friends, but also Kang Yu and his brother and sister.

Gu Qingzhou said to the Deputy: "look at Er Bao and Kang Han. They can't drink."

Most of the others are grown-up and it's OK to drink some red wine.

The deputy said yes.

The children, although ordering, can't wait to go to the dance floor.

Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu are the first to serve western food.

Si Xingfu cuts steak for Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou has a glass of honey water in front of him. After cutting the steak, he clinks a glass with her: "Mrs. Si, recover as soon as possible."

Gu chuckled.

Her short hair fell in half, blocking the side of her face. Si Xingfu reached out and tucked her hair behind her ears.

On the opposite side of the restaurant is a jewelry shop. During this period, business is booming. People come and go, and Gu Qingzhou doesn't look there.

There is a long and narrow corridor between the two shops, but it is blocked by a street lamp post.

The corridor is dark. Pedestrians walk in the light, not to mention the traces in the dark.

Cai Changting leaned against the wall and looked at the restaurant across the street.

He saw Gu Qingzhou.

Cai Changting had just been involved in a fierce fight. He was injured all over and blood flowed down his hands.

Regardless of his pain, he stood in the dark, looking at the dimple of Gu Qingzhou.

Her eyes and eyebrows are charming, and her smile is very bright, like a enchanting flower, which is extremely poisonous but beautiful and deadly.

Cai Changting seems to have been poisoned.

He leaned against the dry and cold wall, the blood on his hands was trickling, but he did not move, watching.

The poison of that flower flowed slowly in his blood. When he saw her again, he had some vitality.

Suddenly, he smiled strangely.

He thought, "she is mine, and it will be mine after all!"

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