Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1051 lovers get married

Gu Qingzhou doesn't know what happened to Ye Shan, but ye Wu is very clear.

"It's Wang's fourth Uncle Wang Youchuan. He's going to get married," she told Gu

Take care of the boat.

She was silent.

"With whom?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Ye Wu said: "his name is Qin Sha. He is 37 years old, and Wang Youchuan is a childhood sweetheart. Qin family is civilized, so Qin Sha went to study in France.

She went to France and came back to find out that Uncle Wang was married. At that time, she made a scene and said that Uncle Wang failed her. People in Taiyuan family remember that.

Later I learned that it was the elders of the Qin and Wang families who could not see each other and lied on both sides. Wang's old lady said that Qin Sha married in France. Wang Youchuan was frustrated and accepted the marriage arranged by his family.

The Qin family didn't want Qin Sha to marry Wang Youchuan, so they hid the news of his marriage. They also took the initiative to testify for the old lady of the Wang family and said that Qin Sha was indeed married.

The Qin family and the Wang family have deceived Wang Youchuan and concealed Qin Sha together. When Qin Sha came back, Wang Youchuan's sons were born.

What do you think we can do? Qin Sha didn't depend on it. She had to make a big noise. Wang Youchuan knelt down to her in public. It was very busy at that time. Everyone talked about it for several years. In the end, Qin Sha was stubborn and returned to France.

For more than 20 years, she never came back. Until two months ago, her fourth brother died and all the elders died, she did not come back. She really hates them. "

Gu Qingzhou doesn't know this part. Listen in silence.

When she was young, she thought, it should be a romantic relationship.

But in those days, parents always liked to arrange their children's marriage according to their own preferences.

"I didn't see Qin Sha. Others saw her. They said she was well maintained. She married in France but had no children. Her husband died more than ten years ago and left her a lot of property.

She came back this time. Wang Jing took the initiative to lead the line. Wang Jing hoped that his father would be happy in his old age and eliminate the sins of the two families.

Wang Jing said that his mother was also involved in the plot between the Wang family and the Qin family. Before her marriage, her mother had been in love with Wang Youchuan, and she had been in the middle of the plot.

Before her mother died, she left a suicide note and deeply apologized to Wang Youchuan. Because during the marriage, Wang Youchuan fulfilled his responsibilities. He was always very good to his wife and she felt guilty.

Wang Jing went to see Qin Sha, and Qin Sha also came to see Wang Youchuan. Both of them said they had opened it. Now the Wang family is no longer blocking it, so they set a marriage date. " Ye Wu continued. ^At this time, Gu understood why Ye Shan was so desperate.

Wang Youchuan did not marry a young girl or anyone he knew casually.

He has been in charge of his family for so many years, and many people have offered him marriage. He never let go, but this time he set a marriage date in a short time.

They are not engaged. They are directly married. The lucky day is the first day of May.

"I can't wait to get married." Gu Qingzhou sighs.

"Yes, they have been waiting for more than 20 years. Who dares to say? My second sister, even if she likes her fourth uncle, is far less than Qin Sha. She must be suffering terribly now. " Ye Wu sighs.

What can she do?

Wang Youchuan and Qin Sha are in love. Ye Shan has been in love for several years. No matter how deep his feelings are, they are unilateral and meaningless to Wang Youchuan.

"Teacher, I really don't know how to persuade her." "I can't open it," said Ye

Gu Qingzhou hangs up.

She was stunned for a moment.

Si Xingfu asked her what happened, and she told him the truth.

All kinds of things about Wang Youchuan and Qin Sha, and Gu Qingzhou's outspoken words, told Si Xingpei to listen.

Si Xingfu's words have always been mean, but he is very tolerant of this matter. He said with a smile: "in this way, they are two related people. It's very good. Even in middle age, you can marry the one you want to marry and the one you miss. Life has never been in vain. "

"The most satisfactory is Wang Jing, the son of Wang Youchuan, who took the initiative to lead the line. For Wang Youchuan and Qin Sha, this is probably the greatest happiness." Gu Qingzhou road.

The Secretary also nodded.

At the same time, he said: "Ye's girl, it's better to die quickly, and don't bother others again."

He thought for a moment and said, "I want to call ye Xiaoyuan."

Gu Qingzhou quickly held him down and said with a smile, "what are you doing? Don't you salt Ye Shan's wound? "

"No, this is justice. Ye Shan, even your friend, will be killed if she acts recklessly. " Si Xingfu road.

Gu Qingzhou still said: "we are not good things. We need the justice of bullshit? Ye Shan is also very painful. Don't hurt others, and don't fall into the trap. "

Si Xingfu sighed helplessly.

He listened to the words of taking care of the boat and did not go to help the Ye family.

Although Si Xingfu didn't say it, governor Ye soon knew it, because the royal wedding invitation was sent to the governor's office.

Seeing the invitation, governor ye thought of Yeshan.

"Ashan must also know"

governor Ye thinks that he has to do something, and can't wait any longer.

Ye dujun's secret love for ye Shan has always taken an indifferent attitude, pretending not to know.

Now, at the critical moment, he had to warn the children.

If you don't have a godfather's fault, governor Ye always avoids it, for fear of provoking rebellion from his daughter. But now that ye Shan has grown up, it's time for her to understand the importance.

Even if Wang Youchuan really loves her, it's impossible for ye dujun to let her marry Wang Youchuan. Moreover, Wang Youchuan has no such idea at all, and even doesn't realize Ye Shan's love.

The Wang family is Ye Yan's mother-in-law. Once something goes wrong, Ye Yan cannot do it.

Two daughters, Ye Yan did not make any mistakes. Why did ye Shan ruin her life?

After thinking about it, governor Ye decided to talk to Yeshan the next morning.

"Ashan, do you know the news that Wang Youchuan is going to get married?" Governor Ye is right on the point.

Ye Shan is stunned.

Then her heart, like being cut by a knife, fell into the ice cellar.

"Your elder sister married the seventh of the Wang family. Wang Youchuan is our in laws. You always know that he is an elder when it comes to seniority. " Ye continued.

Ye Shan lowered her head.

"Do you know?" asked inspector ye, with a low voice and a solemn dignity

Ye Shan doesn't answer, but the big teardrop suddenly falls on the back of her hand, rippling open.

Ye dujun, even if he is sad again, should harden his heart at the moment: "Ashan, if you say something inappropriate, you will embarrass the Wang family, your elder sister, Wang Youchuan, and the Ye family at the same time."

Ye Shan is still silent, the tears are more severe, and the back of her hand is wet.

Since governor Ye opened his mouth, he would say, "Ashan, if you embarrass everyone, I will drive you out of the house."

Then he stood up and left.

At first, ye Shan just wept silently, but later she couldn't stand it. She turned around and lay on the bed, crying heartbreaking.

Cry is still very depressed, but hear clearly, cry blood tears.

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