Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1055 causes of pretending to be ill

Gu Qingzhou returns home.

In the absence of Mrs. pingye, how to deal with the residence of Silang pingye? Governor Ye didn't say that at least he would not live in the light boat.

There was nothing else for her except a few clothes, some ordinary jewelry and cosmetics, and some Japanese materials that Cai Changting gave her.

None of this matters.

A day later, Su Peng came again, holding a test sheet from the West hospital.

According to the test list, he may have been injured in the brain, but there is no specific disease, maybe an unknown disease, which needs to be treated conservatively with drugs.

"Mrs. secretary, what should I do?" Su Peng kept rubbing his hands and was full of depression.

He has a worried face.

Looking at him like this, Gu Qingzhou immediately threw the test sheet to the ground.

Her eyes were bright and covered with frost.

Su Peng's heart tightened.

"Mrs. Si"

"Su Tuan, you are a real nuisance. You're smart, but you treat other people like fools! I don't care about others. I don't want to be a fool when I look at the boat. " Gu Qingzhou's eyebrows and eyes are cold, and his cold feeling comes to him.

After that, she stood up and shouted, "sister Xin, see off."

In response, sister-in-law Xin came out of the small door next to her.

Su Peng was surprised and hurriedly hid the panic in his eyes: "Mrs. Si, I don't know what is wrong, please forgive me. How can I treat you as a fool when I really seek medical treatment? "

Gu turns around and takes a few steps forward.

Her injury was not so sharp, so she walked slowly.

Sister-in-law Hsin smiled and said mildly, "please, sir, my wife is going to have a rest."

Su Peng was so upset that he refused to miss the chance and instead pursued two steps. His voice was loud and mournful: "Mrs. Si!" ^

take care of the boat.

"Is this your medical ethics, Mrs. Si? Do you shut the patient out like this? " Su Peng's voice is higher.

Several adjutants and servants in Gu's yard went outside the side door for fear that Su Peng would hurt them.

Gu Qingzhou turns around.

Looking at Su Peng, she sneered: "Su Tuan, do you think I'm cheating you? My medical ethics are only for real patients. Are you a patient? "

Su Peng's cold sweat came out along the sideburns.

Gu Qingzhou continued, "think about it for yourself, and speak after you have made it clear!"

Su Peng's tongue is a little hard and his legs are slightly soft. It seems that there is no room for him to step back.

"Mrs. secretary, I didn't mean to hide anything." His voice, no anger, only supplication and weakness, "Mrs. secretary, please."

Gu Qingzhou is unmoved.

Su Peng continued, "Mrs. Si, I dare not treat you as a fool. I am a bastard!"

After that, he slapped himself in the face, which was regarded as an apology to Gu Qingzhou.

When it came to this point, Gu Qingzhou gave sister-in-law Xin a wink and said to her, "go down first. You are not allowed to come in without my orders and no one is allowed to eavesdrop."

Sister-in-law Xin looked at the boat with worried eyes.

Gu Qingzhou shakes his head.

Sister Xin is very obedient to the servant's duty, and she retreats without any self-determination.

Gu Qingzhou asks Su Peng to sit down again.

"Why pretend to be sick?" she asked directly

Su Peng's lips are a little white, and his temples are also sweaty. He wants to speak a few words and is very poor.

"Mrs. Si, I'm really ill. Can you give me a prescription?" Su Peng's voice is soft. He doesn't show off his cleverness any more. He just needs to get down on his knees.

"Why come to me?" Gu asked again.

Su Peng didn't answer.

In fact, Gu has his own answers to these questions.

Why does Su Peng pretend to be ill? Because he wanted to get out of the army and leave the barracks. As for the purpose of his departure, Gu Qingzhou did not know.

Why to find Gu Qingzhou? Because Gu Qingzhou is the first doctor and a VIP of governor Ye's mansion. Her diagnosis can be trusted by the governor, making Su Peng's application for demobilization more smooth.

He wants to take advantage of the light boat.

However, Gu Qingzhou's first doctor is not a false name. She is very confident in her diagnosis.

From the beginning, she realized that Su Peng had no head disease or any headache disease. She thought it was her negligence.

Today, when I saw the information Su Peng brought, it was obvious that western medicine was not sure about his illness.

The diagnosis is similar.

Gu Qingzhou immediately concluded that Su Peng was pretending to be ill.

"You know, pretending to be ill and wanting to retire is nothing but desertion. Do you know how governor Ye handled the deserters? " Gu Qingzhou spoke sharply.

Su Peng's face was as white as paper.

Of course, he knew what happened to the deserters.

The end is death. He's an officer, and it's even less likely that he'll be excused.

If governor ye knew that he was such a devil, he would only shoot him on the spot.

Su Peng is very smart, but he mistook Gu Qingzhou.

He didn't expect that Gu Qingzhou was so strong and confident in his medical skills.

He can bite and refuse to admit it, and Gu Qingzhou can also tell governor ye who he believes?

Governor Ye naturally believed in taking care of the light boat.

Su Peng is desperate.

He bowed his head and could not speak for a long time.

"Say, you don't speak. How are you going to prepare?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Su pengmouyu.

"I'm sorry." After a long time, he said such a sentence, endless.

"Well, I accept your apology." Gu Qingzhou said, "tell me, why do you want to retire from the army and leave the barracks?"

Su Peng didn't answer.

He frowned in pain.

Gu Qingzhou said, "since you don't say it, I can't force you to go."

Su Peng raised his eyes, full of fear, and asked Gu Qingzhou, "you"

"I will not tell governor Ye." Gu Qingzhou road.

Su Peng was suddenly relieved.

A little relaxed, his reason slowly occupied the upper hand, he suddenly thought that he now this situation, has no way to go, in addition to take care of the light boat who can help him?

First of all, Gu Qingzhou knows his secret. Once she sends someone to check it, she can't help him. Second, Gu Qingzhou is kind, and she may help him.

Su Peng raised his face, his voice was heavy and slow: "Mrs. Si, I"

"I will not help you lie, you go, there is no need to tell me." Gu Qingzhou road.

Su Peng only asked her to kneel down: "no, Mrs. Si, please help me. I have nowhere to turn to except you. "

Gu Qingzhou frowned: "you still depend on me?"

Su Peng licked his cracked lips and thought that he would be a rascal once. He had no choice.

He wants to ask for ye Wu in the past, but ye Wu is just a child in the end, and ye dujun may not be able to listen to her advice, but taking care of the boat is different.

Gu Qingzhou is Mrs. Si. In the eyes of governor ye, she is a grown-up. Her words have weight.

"Mrs. secretary, please." Su Pengdao, and then he did not wait to consider the boat refused, began to talk about his plight.

He told all the problems he had encountered to Gu Qingzhou.

Although said, said is also half concealed, Gu Qingzhou actually understood completely, immediately stunned.

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