Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1057 no control

After su Peng left, Gu Qingzhou sat in the sofa and put his hands on his ribs.

The sky is gray without sunshine. The white locust flowers fall on the back window. The room is fragrant and windy. It's about to change.

Gu Qingzhou's ribs suddenly hurt.

She thought, "is it going to rain?"

It's common sense that a bone injury hurts when it comes to rainy days. You don't panic when you take care of a light boat.

She just missed Si Xingfu.

"If the manager is here, he will definitely help me. With him, I seem to be able to be more shameless, even if I have no position, I can take a position. " Gu Qingzhou thinks in silence.

Her self-examination, often with a moan.

Bad people, good people, are all for survival. If she doesn't kill people, they will kill her. Her evil deeds are often self-protection.

At this thought, Gu Qingzhou felt that he could be saved.

However, she couldn't let Su Peng go.

She contrasted her conscience and said to herself, "I don't owe him. He came to me and tried to deceive me."

She added, "he also wants to go to the Huye family. Mingming's heart is full of people who want to marry ah Wu. Isn't it harmful to her all her life? "

In this way, Su Peng seems to be inexcusable.

Gu Qingzhou thought again: "if he strengthened his aunt, wouldn't that woman be pitiful? May she be in pain? "

Finally, she concluded: Su Peng used her to deceive Ye Wu and hurt his aunt. It's so damn!

As for the children in his widowed aunt's belly, it's not her responsibility. She doesn't even have the right to care, let alone consider their future.

I helped myself clear my mind. After a long time, Gu found that the house was dark. It was already dusk.

It's cloudy today. It's early dark.

Gu Qingzhou twists the lamp beside the sofa and calls the servant to prepare for dinner. ^

"would you like tea, madam?" Xin sister-in-law asked.

As sister-in-law Hsin spoke, she turned on the chandelier in the living room, and the room was bright.

A bright light, like a warm sun, can shine deep inside.

"I want to drink hot chocolate," Gu said with a light sigh

"Good, just a moment," said sister-in-law Hsin with a smile

As soon as the hot chocolate is served, ye Wu comes directly from school.

She knew that Si Xingfu was not at home, so she came to accompany Gu Qingzhou. At the same time, she brought a lot of raisin cakes. Gu liked the taste.

As soon as she entered the door, she first smelt the mellow hot chocolate, and then she was very hungry. At this age, ye Wu is the most likely to be hungry. After an afternoon's class, she is already hungry with her front chest close to her back.

"Hot chocolate, too." Cried Ye Wu.

Gu Qingzhou smiles.

After a few minutes, the living room was filled with the smell of hot chocolate and raisin cream cake.

Gu thought, Su Peng is facing a dead end, he may not trust Gu.

Now that he has told Gu Qingzhou, he is ready to go to Gu Qingzhou to Tell ye Wu that he may take the opportunity to find Ye Wu's help.

After all, leaf charm is more thin and soft.

Gu Qingzhou took a sip of hot chocolate and watched Ye Wu eat cake and drink hot chocolate in silence. She was in a hurry to eat and drink, so she waited for a moment in silence, waiting for ye Wu to be almost half full. "I want to talk to you about Su Peng's illness," he said

Leaf Charm a cup of hot chocolate to see the bottom, also ate a cake, stomach warm: "yes, I also want to ask today."

It can be seen that ye Wu is very concerned about it.

For Su Peng, ye Wu always seems to be ashamed. Gu Qingzhou knows that she has experienced too few dangers and is still a delicate and transparent heart.

She is so soft and kind that she can easily be used by Su Peng.

"He's not ill. He's pretending." Gu Qingzhou said, "the first time I felt his pulse, I found that he had no possibility of intracranial pain.

However, a person pretends to be ill for no reason. It's always a little strange. I asked him to go to the West Hospital, and then I asked your father about something. Now it's determined. "

Ye Wu breathed a sigh of relief.

Since she pretended to be ill, she was relieved.

"Well, why does he pretend to be ill?" Ye asked.

Gu Qingzhou tells Ye Wu all the facts that Su Peng forced out.

Leaf Charm listened, gape, expression is quite painful.

She is the big girl of Huanghua. Although she is in love, she just kisses, hugs and holds hands.

Su Peng's widowed aunt, they have all met, and she is also a beauty. She has a delicate and honest character, and she also keeps some pretty girls.

At that time, Gu Qingzhou also told ye Wu that Su Peng's widowed aunt had been living in the inner court since she married. She had never been out of the house in her whole life, and her temperament was spotless.

Such a woman is worthy of love.

But the status is there.

"If he is a supervisor of other fashionistas, he may forgive Su Peng for his life. After all, he has no blood relationship with his aunt." After a long pause, ye Wu murmured.

Without waiting for the light boat to intervene, she went on: "may"

but governor Ye is not.

As ye Wu said, the nature of this matter is not so irretrievable.

"Once upon a time, in those backward tribes, they were all concubines or other wives whose father died and their son inherited his father. Even Li Shimin, the Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, took all his wife and sister-in-law after killing his brother?" Leaf charm is still self garrulous.

She also said, "Empress Wu Zetian also married her father and then her son, without any influence on her great career."

Gu Qingzhou slowly listens to Ye Wu.

Leaf Charm on all the history of the past, and then asked Gu Qingzhou: "teacher, if they really, you can open one side of the net?"

Gu Qingzhou nodded at the moment: "yes, if they are sincere, they can."

But ye Wu hesitated.

She dared not tell her father, let alone let her teacher offend his scales.

Ye Wu, the teacher, pondered over it again and again.

"It's not advisable to lie." Gu Qingzhou interrupts her. She knows what she wants to say next.

If ye Wu is willing to help, he can help Su Peng solve the problem, but lying to cheat ye dujun is the stupidest one of all methods.

"Then what?" Leaf Charm has no appetite at once, "teacher, what do you say to do?"

"I don't care."

Leaf is enchanted at once.

She thought in silence and found that it was not her responsibility at all. She had no obligation to save Su Peng's life.

Su Peng's behavior is not only deception, but also utilization. It can be said that he did evil first.

Ye Wu somehow pinched the tendon in her mind, and now it was smooth, saying: "yes, we can't control it. Teacher, you often say to me that one should be responsible for one's own behavior. "

Gu Qingzhou was relieved and touched her head.

Ye Wu sighed leisurely and said, "Su Peng has been shaking smart. This time, he should be responsible for himself. We can't help him."

Gu Qingzhou hum, agreed with Ye Wu.

She told ye Wu that she wanted Ye Wu to be on guard. If she didn't say it in advance, when Su Peng went to find Ye Wu, ye Wu would be confused and hold the matter on her body. At that time, she could not shake it off.

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