Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1081 can I kiss you

Gu Qingzhou and Cheng Yu stayed in Peiping for three days.

These three days, they went to the palace again.

Cheng Yu walked through the long steps and said to Gu Qingzhou, "did the former Emperor go to court here?"

"Well," Gu said

"Can I go in and have a dragon chair?" Cheng Yu asked again.

Gu Qingzhou pressed her shoulder: "no, what kind of gossip do you want to give others? You are the miss of the distinguished Cheng family. "

Cheng Yu thought about it deeply.

In addition to the front hall, Cheng Yu has to visit the palace where Cixi lived.

Gu Qingzhou couldn't hold her, so he went with her.

Zhuo five accompanied them.

After shopping, Cheng Yu came out and said, "Alas, the place where the emperor and his concubine live is not so good! The courtyard of our Cheng family is almost like this. "

Gu Qingzhou said, "what a big voice!"

"I don't know. You can go to Kunming to see if I'm bragging some day!" Cheng Yudao.

Zhuo five stood beside, speechless, thinking that Miss Cheng was free and easy-going, not that coy person, very good.

I wonder if she's married.

Zhuo five has such an idea, his face is slightly hot.

He knew very little about the Cheng family, only that they were famous. I also know that Cheng's family collapsed, and then rose again. In a word, they are strong.

As for Miss Cheng Cheng Yu's various things, he has never heard of them.

He liked Cheng Yu very much, but he thought of the splendor of the Cheng family. He was afraid at once, and a thought clearly floated in his mind: "I can't climb up."

He is not the successor of Marshal Zhuo. He is just a prey that can be killed by his brother at any time.

On the third day, Gu Qingzhou and Cheng Yu are going back to Taiyuan in the afternoon. Zhuo Wu laughs and says, "doctor, Miss Cheng, my mother would like to invite you two for dinner. Are you welcome in the restaurant outside?"

Cheng Yu thought that this must be thanks to Gu Qingzhou.

"Yes," she said. If the food is delicious, we won't leave. It's OK to stay for another night. "

She has a lively personality and is bold and dignified everywhere. Zhuo Wuyue thinks that she is really good.

It's a pity that she was born so well that she didn't have the qualification to make friends, otherwise she must be pursued.

At noon, Zhuo Wu's mother came.

The aunt, who has read books, is gentle in her gestures and has a gentle smile.

"It's not important to disturb the doctor, just to thank you again and again." Said the aunt.

"Auntie, you don't need to be polite. I'm just raising my hand," Gu said

"No, doctor Gu, you know that when people are desperate, you are saving our mother and son. Now at home and abroad, who is not envious of the fifth child and is favored by the miracle doctor? " Said the aunt.

Gu Qingzhou's heart is warm.

She told her aunt, "I've been in trouble before, and I've been helped by others, and then everything came through.". Five young people have a heart for the people, a heart for the world, and there will be a future. "

My aunt said happily, "take care of the doctor. I'll take advantage of your good words."

The two of them began to talk.

Gu asked his aunt where she was from.

A meal, as expected, will eat more than three o'clock, back to the night will be on the way.

Si Xingfu is not in Taiyuan. Gu Qingzhou doesn't have to explain anything. He stays with Cheng Yu and decides to leave in the morning.

It's not safe to fly at night.

Zhuo five sent them to the hotel.

"Five little, come here, I have a few words to tell you." Cheng Yudao.

Gu Qingzhou gave her a wink and was glared back by her. Gu Qingzhou couldn't help it. He went back to his room first.

Cheng Yu calls Zhuo Wu to his room.

"Did you get married?" she asked him first

So direct face to face, Zhuo five's heart almost jumped to the throat, his face slightly red.

The room didn't turn on the light, the sunlight filtered through the screen window, spread on the floor, full of aperture.

Zhuo five stood in that aperture, warm on his body and hot on his face. He was so embarrassed that he couldn't help himself for a moment.

He was silent for a moment. He felt that he needed to answer. He didn't answer badly.

He cleared his throat: "I didn't get married, I didn't get engaged, I didn't have a girlfriend."

Cheng Yu is clear.

Zhuo five leaned against the table by the window. She took off her shoes and sat cross legged on the bed. She asked, "is there any clean servant girl in your family?"

Zhuo was surprised.

His mood gradually subsided. It is also in this stability that some beauty comes out.

He really can't climb up. But if Miss Cheng falls in love with him, there won't be his climb. It's just miss Cheng getting married.

The woman I like happens to have a powerful family. It's like winning the first prize.

"No, we don't have that in our family." Zhuo five.

Cheng Yu pondered and asked, "you won't still"

she compared him and thought about how to speak.

Zhuo Wu understood his mind.

"Once or twice," he replied cleverly, "but at that time, he was very young, and he was not emotional."

It is strange that he came from such a powerful family without a woman. Therefore, there are some lies that will be punctured at a glance. It's really unnecessary to say.

Cheng Yu smiles.

She rubbed her glass stockings, cross legged like the jade girl in front of Guanyin, sitting there beautiful and dignified, fascinating.

"Do you want to be my little boyfriend?" she asked

Zhuo five way: "that is my honor!"

"Don't worry about answering." Cheng Yu said with a smile, "I'm older than you. You can see that."

Zhuo nodded.

If they are all in their thirties and forties, then how old they are may be counted. Now they are all in the same age. It doesn't matter how old they are.

"I've been married, but I've been divorced, and I've had other boyfriends." Cheng Yu continued.

Zhuo May 1 Leng.

He didn't expect that.

In his heart, suddenly more rippling, he thought he could make friends.

If Cheng Yu is divorced, his status will be lower, and the Cheng family will not necessarily dislike him.

As for the future, he is sure to have a future.

Zhuo five's mood, like the lake in the afternoon sunshine, warm, sparkling, all are ripples of joy.

He likes people, just like him, and he can still deserve it, it can't be better.

What do you want to say.

Before Cheng Yu finished speaking, Zhuo Wu came over.

He stood by her bed, stooped slightly, and asked, "can I kiss you?"

Cheng Yu didn't think of it.

However, such an active man is fun and easy to kill. He is young and beautiful, which is exactly what Cheng Yu wants.

Cheng Yu raised his face and asked, "dare you?"

As soon as her voice fell, her warm lips closed.

Cheng Yu has not been in touch with men for a long time.

She thought that returning to Yunnan could lead a happy life. Who knows that her mother forced her to live a nun like innocence, and even asked her to remarry.

Miss Cheng was afraid of marriage, and decided not to let men down her chance in this life.

For a long time, there was no chance to dance with a man. Suddenly someone kissed her, which should be very heartbeating, just like when Gao Qiao Xun kissed her, she couldn't wait to go to bed with him.

But Zhuo five didn't kiss her. She was a bit confused.

The feeling of heart is not, impulse is even less, she is afraid in the heart.

"Did I live to be an old nun?" She thought in dismay.

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