Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1084 return of old love

Gao Qiao and Xun are back.

He changed his appearance, darker and stronger than before.

He stood in front of Cheng Yu and said in Japanese, "you are still here."

When he said this, his mood was joyful, it seemed that he was surprised, and his eyes were bright.

As soon as he came back from Japan, he didn't adapt to the change of accent, so he began to speak Japanese.

"Mr. Takahashi, why are you here?" Gu Qingzhou interrupts Gao Qiao and Xun in Chinese.

Gao Qiao Xun coughs and changes his language.

When he speaks Japanese, he is very pleasant to listen to, and has a kind of extraordinarily moving and slightly magnetic. When he speaks Chinese, his voice will be hoarse.

Gu doesn't quite understand the principle.

"I've just arrived. I want to find an old friend." Xun Xiaodao, Gaoqiao, went a few steps further and came to Cheng Yu. "I didn't expect"

what he wanted to say, but Cheng Yu went a few steps faster.

Gao qiaoxun thought that she wanted to hug herself, but she just passed.

Her shoes were ticking, stepping on the bluestone board, making a series of rapid sounds.

She and Gao Qiao Xun are separated.

Xunzi, Gaoqiao, looked back and saw a man standing at the gate of the courtyard, and Cheng Yu had jumped into the man's arms.

She tiptoed and hooked him around the neck.

The man was overjoyed and put his arms around her. At the same time, he was a little shy. His face was slightly red and he said something in a low voice.

However, Cheng Yu took his hand and went out of the gate, disappeared outside the wall, and soon disappeared.

Gao Qiao Xun's neck was a little stiff, and his face was all faded.

After a while, he turned around, his voice was mute, and asked Gu Qingzhou in Japanese, "who is that?"

"His name is Zhuo Mozi. He is the fifth son of Zhuo Dashuai in Peiping." Gu Qingzhou told the truth.

Although she knew that Gao qiaoxun didn't want to hear this.


GU Qingzhou pursed his lips slightly.

She didn't directly tell Gaoqiao Xun that Cheng Yu and Zhuo wucai had known each other for a few days, and Cheng Yu also made it clear that she wanted Zhuo Wuwu to be her little white face.

At the beginning, Gao qiaoxun called and left without saying it clearly, which made Cheng Yu very sad, although Cheng Yu didn't admit it.

After he left, Cheng Yu immediately found an Englishman, but he couldn't get along with him. In the middle of the night, he went home in the snow.

At that time, Gu Qingzhou still remembered the loss of soul.

Cheng Yu went back to Kunming and tried to forget all this, but when he came back, he would think of him and get drunk again.

These, Cheng Yu refuses to say, and Gu Qingzhou looks at them.

Cheng Yu is afraid of feelings and dare not pay, but she is not heartless.

She'll be sad if she gets hurt.

Gao qiaoxun really abandoned her, leaving her with only one phone call. She was stubborn and didn't admit it, but her drunkenness was revealed.

Gao Qiao and Xun left without saying goodbye, which is not a responsible act.

Let Cheng Yu explain his doubts.

As an outsider, Gu Qingzhou only sympathizes with Cheng Yu.

Therefore, Gao Qiao and Xun wanted to ask if Cheng Yu and Zhuo Wu were engaged. Gu Qingzhou didn't answer.

"Come in and sit down?" Gu Qingzhou changed the subject.

Gao Qiao and Xun look sad.

The suitcase in his hand seemed to weigh a thousand pounds.

He came here because Mrs. Hirano came back with him. He wanted to tell Gu Qingzhou, meet his old friends and have a steaming dinner.

His father is still in Taiyuan, but the house is cold and clean.

I can't imagine meeting Cheng Yu.

It's very happy to meet you, but the result is so bad.

"No, I just came to tell you that I'm back." "My father has a house here. I'll go first," said Xunzi

Then he left quickly.

Cheng Yu didn't come back this evening.

The next morning, she and Zhuo five returned to the side of the Gu light boat.

She was radiant and full of spirit.

Zhuo five and she also intimately many, take the initiative to give her a meal with vegetables, attentive.

"Where do you go in the morning?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Cheng Yu said with a smile, "you don't take care of it, anyway."

Zhuo Wu just smiled and said, "doctor"

before she finished, Cheng Yu interrupted her: "don't call doctor, she is several years older than you, please call her sister Qingzhou."

Zhuo five was obedient and called sister Qingzhou.

Cheng Yu wants to go shopping with Zhuo Wu to see a movie and go to the restaurant. Before Zhuo Wu goes out, he goes to the bathroom. Gu Qingzhou immediately sits beside Cheng Yu.

"Cheng Yu, yesterday"

"yesterday was a good thing." Cheng Yu immediately interrupts her words and deliberately misunderstands what she wants to say. "He is four and a half years younger than me. This time, I also ate tender grass."

Gu Qingzhou only slept with Si Xingfu in his life.

Even intimacy, also only with the Secretary line.

All kinds of things in Cheng Yu, Gu Qingzhou can't understand. What was her feeling like? Gu didn't understand even more.

"Well, congratulations." Gu Qingzhou road.

She didn't disappoint.

Cheng Yu went out with Zhuo Wu and had a good time all day.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Zhuo Wu drives the car from Gu Qingzhou and sends Cheng Yu back.

Cheng Yu said, "stay with me tonight. When your school is off, come to live with me."

Zhuo Wu stops at two streets near the courtyard.

He said, "I have a word to ask you."

"I'm very honest. I can explain everything to you clearly. You ask me."

"Did you know the man yesterday?" Zhuo five.

He saw Xunzi at that time, just behind him. When Cheng Yu hugs him, Gao Qiao and Xun turn around and look at them. His eyes are very different.

"Yes, he was my little white face." Cheng Yudao.

Zhuo five asked, "what about me?"

"You are also my little white face, didn't you just say that last time?" Cheng Yudao.

Zhuo five is slightly stunned.

"What do you mean by little boyfriend, little white face?" Zhuo five asked.

"Yes." Cheng Yu answered.

Zhuo five's beautiful heart slowly faded.

"Then we won't get married in the future?" Zhuo five asked her, "do you want to marry me?"

"No." Cheng Yu said, "if you don't want to, you can go now. I've slept with too many men. Don't worry about last night. "

Zhuo five was silent for a long time.

After silence, he kissed Cheng Yu in the car.

Just know a few days, said the feelings really can not talk about, Zhuo five not even how angry.

There was a strange thought in his mind, but he didn't want to step into it.

Now he is attached to her, last night's * * let him can not give up.

Love is very strange. It happens quickly and quickly, as if it comes in a flash.

But it goes fast, too.

Zhuo five's love has come. He can't leave Cheng Yu at the moment. Then wait until the love disappears. Anyway, it's not urgent. It won't even take much time.

"I won't go." He whispered, "I can be your little boyfriend as long as you don't call me little white face."

Cheng Yu smiled, put his arms around his neck and said, "you are so lovely!"

Her mood has improved a lot.

With Zhuo Wu, she went back to the yard of Gu Qingzhou, and the two returned to their houses.

Gu Qingzhou doesn't want to live here, because there is too much movement downstairs.

Cheng Yu is her friend. Gu Qingzhou is always on her side.

She thought that what Cheng Yu did may not be right, but Cheng Yu is not a moral example. She does not need to do the right thing.

She didn't get involved in other people's marriage, and she didn't get married by herself. Everyone she looked for was aboveboard, not to mention right or wrong.

It's just that she made such a big move at night, which made Gu slightly embarrassed.

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