Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1091 marriage

The manager is leaning against the kitchen door.

The kitchen servant saw him, but he didn't make a sound. He was afraid of him because of his reputation, and he made a silent action.

When he saw that Gu Qingzhou had heated the oil pan, he wanted fresh mushrooms.

The water on the fresh mushroom hasn't been wrung dry, and the vegetables haven't been put into the pot. The water drips in first, splashing a large oil. Gu Qingzhou shrieks and retreats. The fresh mushroom is still in his hand. The oil pot is on fire.

Seeing this, Gu Qingzhou is confused, and the whole person is helpless.

Si Xingfu immediately came forward, covered the pot cover, put out the fire, and dragged Gu Qingzhou out of the kitchen.

"Where is it hot?" The Secretary asked.

Grab her hand. The back of her hand is a little red. It's splashed with oil. A small drop has fallen. The rest has fallen on her clothes.

This little burn is like being bitten by a mosquito.

"Nothing." Gu Qingzhou is still stunned with fresh mushrooms. "My God, I'm scared to death!"

The Secretary laughed.

"Come on, don't pretend filial piety. Where are you cooking materials?" "I'll do it," said the secretary

"The Cook said, it's easy to make. It's cooked as soon as you stir fry it." Gu said, "I'll do it."

"Leave it to the cook. Don't make any trouble. The governor is still ill. Can you cook? " Si Xingfu road.

Gu Qingzhou blushes.

Indeed, it's too sinful to stir up the appetite of the sick.

"How do you think of cooking?" she asked? You've never been shy. "

I am not good at anything. Generally, I am not strong enough to do it. I would rather give it to others.

He has known her for so many years, and she has never cooked.

The secretary was reluctant to do so. The kitchen is smoky and burning, which is not suitable for her delicate girl at all. Rough work should be done by men.

"The governor is not very comfortable and doesn't want to eat. I said I would do it, and he promised to eat some. " Gu said, "I want to coax him to eat."

"You will say later that you did all this, and be resolute," said the secretary

Gu Qingzhou laughs.

Si Xingfu said: "since I want to eat this affection, let me do it. We are husband and wife together, what I do is what you do. "

In terms of cooking skills, the chefs in the house are not as good as those in the office.

Yuecheng cuisine is famous for its delicacy. It's heavy in sugar and light in salt. It's the best for people with weak spleen and stomach.

He quickly worked out a few menus for the cook to prepare the ingredients first.

When the ingredients were ready, the cooks cut up the spices and put them in the pots, and then returned them.

Gu Qingzhou sat beside him, enjoying himself though he coughed because of the fumes.

A pot of rice porridge has been bubbling. Gu Qingzhou stirred it from time to time.

"There must be a lot of gossip in the city." Gu Qingzhou suddenly said.

While cooking, Si Xingfu replied, "gossip has been flying all over the world for a long time. Don't care about this."

Gu Qingzhou now wants to care, but he can't care.

The funeral, so that all the rumors have been confirmed.

She is indeed the ex-wife of SIMU, and she is indeed a fake death. She has married simu and returned.

"An interesting story." He laughed as he thought, and said to Gu, "as long as I succeed in the future, this interesting story will be very attractive."

Gu Qingzhou laughs bitterly. The heat of rice porridge steams her cheeks. Her cheeks are red and her eyes are full of water vapor.

She said nothing but sighed in her heart.

It doesn't matter.

Besides, she can't manage these things.

The Secretary's family is the Warlord's family, with strong guns and pipes. No one dares to embarrass Gu Qingzhou in person. For Gu, that's enough.

As for chewing the back of the tongue, we can't control it. I have done something shameful. Can't others talk about it behind my back?

When her rice porridge is cooked, the dishes of Si Xingfu are finished. The simple four dishes and one soup are tender in color and fragrant.

The fresh mushroom and vegetable heart were sprinkled with sesame, which was very nice. Gu Qingzhou said, "I'll try it."

Si Xingfu holds a chopstick and hands it to her when it's cold.

Gu Qingzhou ate it in his mouth and said, "it's delicious, just like the vegetables cooked in fish soup."

"How can I eat like this?" said the secretary

"In winter, my nurse sometimes cooks a big pot of carp soup, which is milky and thick, and then burns some vegetables. That's the taste of the vegetables in the fish soup Gu Qingzhou road.

Si Xingfu laughed.

The couple brought a meal and went to see the superintendent.

The governor was dozing all the time, smelling the hot fragrance of rice porridge, and opened his eyes.

Looking at these dishes, the superintendent managed to squeeze out a little appetite.

After tasting a chopstick of fried three delicacies, he said, "light boat, are you doing all this?"

Gu Qingzhou's face: "no, Dad, it's done by Si Xingfu."

The chief inspector rarely smiled: "what do you say about the full name of this evil son? Don't I know him? "

Gu Qingzhou was momentarily mute.

From the very beginning, she had never changed her name.

"We used to call it that." Si Xingfu is on the side road.

The superintendent did not go into it.

He knew that Si Xingfu could cook, and he would occasionally cook when he was in the military camp.

Every time he cooked a big pot of rice, what he made was delicious, which led to the leader of major general saying that he would kill the fire brigade. Compared with what the commander-in-chief did, the fire brigade just took pig food against them.

These jokes have been told in the military so far.

The chief inspector took a few bites, and his appetite opened.

He drank a bowl of porridge and ate many small dishes.

With food in the stomach, people are a little bit more energetic. After seeing the eye Gu light boat and the eye Si Xingfu, he said, "the food is all good."

Gu Qingzhou said, "Abba, would you like to go out for a walk?"

The governor shook his head.

There was a little silence in the room.

The governor seemed to want to say something, but he didn't know how to say it, so he stopped talking.

He didn't open his mouth, neither did Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu, and the atmosphere was immediately awkward.

"We are leaving tomorrow." Si Xingfu breaks the silence.

The superintendent was stunned.

His surprise came out on his face.

Looking at him, Si Xingfu and Gu Qingzhou both felt that he was too old to support his huge family business.

He is very sad to Mrs. Si, but it is the woman he has loved for more than 20 years. How can he not be sad that he left first?

Besides, he has not been really free from the departure of sime and Fangfei.

"Well, you are all busy. You have lived for several days this time." "Go," said the inspector

"Abba, if you are too tired, you should resign from the important post of commander in chief and return to Yuecheng for peace and cultivation." Gu Qingzhou road.

The governor shook his head.

If we take a step back at this time, we may become the fish on the cutting board in the future.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it." The governor said.

He saw the eye Secretary Xingfu and knew the dream of his family. It was impossible for him to put it on his son and eat the meal he cooked. Even if he was relieved.

Thinking of this, the governor fell into deep despair again.

Will there be a day of father's kindness and filial piety in the future?

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