Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 111 I'sm pretending

Gu Qingzhou tells aunt Siyi the intention of zither.

Aunt Si was so scared that she was sweating all over and shivering. She tightly grasped Gu's hand.

She didn't realize that Aunt Si would have been cheated if she hadn't been reminded by Gu Qingzhou.

The more aunt Si thinks about it, the more she fears it.

"Aunt Si, take it easy. You're hurting me." Gu chuckled.

Aunt four is too embarrassed to let go of Gu's hand.

"Don't be afraid, you'll be in control." Gu Qingzhou said, "I am everything. Aunt Si, I am going to marry in gaomen in the future. Fame is very important to me. I will not risk harming others, and I will fall into a vicious name. Don't worry, I won't harm your children. I will protect your mother and children. "

It's too much for her to rely on Aunt Si for such a confession.

Aunt four believes in Gu Qingzhou too thoroughly.

Maybe she was too frightened. Aunt Si had a more terrible nightmare at night.

She dreamt that she was covered in blood, and fell into a pool of blood, holding the child who had not opened her eyes and was still closed. She cried miserably, and Gu Guizhang had hugged the new five aunts who were too intimate.

Aunt Si woke up screaming from her dream.

Gu Guizhang slept in the room of the third aunt. He didn't hear anything. He got up early to know.

"Otherwise, don't delay, move to another house today." Gu Guizhang said too much to Aunt Si, and was dissatisfied with looking at the boat.

The environment of other pavilions is poor. They are located in the old urban area. They don't have bathrooms. The neighbors around are poor. Gu Guizhang feels that he is in a bad position.

So, too aggrieved four aunt too.

Pregnant women should be dignified, but because of taking care of the boat, four aunts suffer so much.

"What?" Qin Zheng Zheng micro Leng, "let four aunt moved to another museum?"

Gu Guizhang was unhappy.

"Master, aunt Si is my cousin, and I'm also my mother's family. She is a double person. What can I do if you let her toss and turn? "

When Aunt four heard this, her heart became colder.

The zither is really like a viper. She said this not for the sake of Auntie Siyi, but for the sake of further stirring up the relationship between Auntie Siyi and Gu Qingzhou.

"Besides, it's not the fourth aunt's fault to be pregnant." Qin Zheng is excited. "I don't agree with her moving out. How can I explain to the master in case of any good or bad?"

What's the matter with you?

The fourth aunt is almost out of control. The false face of the zither, the fourth aunt is too soon to fit. She wants to tear up the zither.

Instead, Gu Qingzhou, who was drinking porridge, looked quiet. His long eyelashes did not move.

The fourth aunt thought to herself, "Miss Qingzhou is very determined. No wonder my wife wanted to hurt her and was afraid of her. Only in this way can miss canoe be qualified to take over the limelight of his wife. "

So, aunt four put down her full anger and said to the zither with a smile: "madam, you hurt me so much. Why don't you take out your private room money and let me stay in the five countries hotel for a few months?"

The zither choked.

She could neither say it was not worth the money, nor agree.

For a time, Qin Zheng was half dead with anger.

Aunt Si won a game too much. She is in a good mood for the time being.

After Gu Qingzhou's porridge was finished, she slowly lifted her eyes and looked at Gu Guizhang and said, "Abba, I'd better borrow it from Yan's tomorrow. How would you like to come back after school? "

Gu Guizhang said, "this is the best."

This words, extremely cold and unfeeling, not polite at all.

The fourth aunt thinks that the master is too gracious.

Get along for a long time, everyone's shortcomings and advantages can be seen clearly.

Gu proposed to move away, but he didn't pack up.

After breakfast, she began to review her lessons and read at her desk.

At lunch, Gu Guizhang was not at home.

Qin Zheng Zheng's face is cold, and she is too lazy to pay attention to Siyi Taihe and Gu Qingzhou.

Others eat in silence.

Gu Xiang asked Gu Qingzhou, "have you packed your things?"

Gu Qingzhou says, "sister, have you found Wei Wei?"

Gu Wei, who runs away from home, is a thorn in Qin Zheng's heart. Up to now, Gu Wei's whereabouts have not been found. The heart of Qin Zheng is as painful as cutting.

Qin Zheng finally put down a few points, Gu Qingzhou this mention, Qin Zheng's pain all up.

She put down the chopsticks heavily, ready to scold Gu Qingzhou, Gu Qingzhou suddenly stood up.

She stood very fast, a loud noise.

Everyone was slightly shocked. They thought that Gu Qingzhou would lose his temper. They all looked at her.

Do not think, but Gu Qingzhou expression sparse light, smile: "I delicious."

She went straight upstairs.

Qin Zheng is so angry that it spits blood.

Gu Qingzhou goes upstairs and takes a nap.

In the middle of the afternoon, the cook knocked on the door and said, "Miss canoe, it's your turn to make a vegetable and fruit salad for the master today. Do you still make it?"

Gu Qingzhou got up to open the door and said with a smile, "of course."

She went to the kitchen.

The main course of the family's vegetable salad is chicory. There are many side dishes, including mint leaves.

Gu Qingzhou slowly washed the dishes, and then according to the zither teaching her, she made the salad. The maid put the plate in the ice water, surging, and could eat it at dinner. It was cool and refreshing.

At the beginning of the Lantern Festival, Gu Guizhang came back when the orange street lamp at the gate of the Gu mansion was on.

Everyone went downstairs to eat.

The cook served all the dishes and brought up the salad made by Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Guizhang took a few bites and said nothing.

Qin Zheng Zheng is a little nervous. She holds the chopsticks and shakes her hands slightly.

Then, Gu Qingzhou also ate it.

Aunt Si also ate half of the dishes.

Qin Zheng took a few bites, but Gu Xiang and Gu Ying didn't eat them.

Gu Xiang and Gu Ying do not like to eat grass.

After dinner, when we sat and drank tea, Qin Zheng was very quiet and gentle, but her eyes drifted to Aunt Si.

Four aunt too suddenly put down the tea cup, said: "Oh, I have a little pain in the stomach."

Qin Zheng immediately said: "Xiangxue, are you ok?"

Aunt four looks very painful.

Qin Zheng Zheng is so nervous that Gu Guizhang is also nervous. He asks, "how painful is it? Go to the hospital. "

Aunt Si waved her hand and said, "maybe it's upset. I ate a lot of vegetables tonight. My stomach is very smooth."

She asked the maid to help her and went to the bathroom.

After half a quarter of an hour, aunt Si is still sitting in the toilet.

Gu Guizhang was a little worried and asked the maid to ask, "what's the matter with aunt Si? Does it hurt?"

The maid went out and said, "master, aunt four said she hasn't had a clean diarrhea yet. She still has a little pain in her stomach. It'll be fine in a moment."

Gu Guizhang frowned a little and didn't feel very well.

Qin Zheng is very experienced. Knowing that the time is right, she gives another maid a wink.

The maid went to the kitchen.

Soon, the cook took the rest of the salad and said to Gu Guizhang, "master, it seems that the salad made by Miss Qingzhou tonight is not right."

"What?" Gu Guizhang did not understand.

Everyone looked at the boat, then concentrated their eyes on the salad in the hands of the cook.

Gu Guizhang immediately picked it up and looked at it carefully, as if it was no different.

However, the cook took out a dish that had not been made and showed it to Gu Guizhang: "master, there is this in the salad tonight."

This dish, very similar to mint leaves, Gu Guizhang did not understand, asked: "what is this?"

"This is hyssop leaf, not mint leaf." The Cook said.

"What is hyssop?" Gu Guizhang didn't quite understand.

Qin Zheng's face is white: "master, niuxiye is Chinese herbal medicine, used for abortion."

Gu Guizhang suddenly stood up. His face was pale. He looked at Gu Qingzhou in amazement and at the rest of the salad in his hand.

"You... You..." Gu Guizhang was trembling. No wonder aunt Si said that she had a stomachache!

Everyone was shocked and looked at the light boat.

Just said that Gu Qingzhou's zodiac has collided with aunt Siyi too, let her move out, she should not want to move, hurt aunt Siyi too, the motivation is too obvious!

"Bastard!" Gu Guizhang put the salad on the table and got up to take care of the boat.

Qin Zheng protects Gu Qingzhou and says, "master, don't be angry. Aunt Si is too important. Please let aunt Si come out of the toilet. Let's go to the hospital!"

After that, Qin Zheng wanted to slap Gu Qingzhou in the face: "why do you want to kill aunt Siyi?"

Qin Zheng and Zheng want to take the opportunity to play Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou firmly catches the hand of the zither.

She refuses to obey the discipline. Qin Zheng and Gu Guizhang share the same hatred and hatred, hoping to kill her.

But the second aunt is too frightened, I don't know why Gu Qingzhou is so insidious.

Gu Shao couldn't believe it. He didn't believe it was Gu Qingzhou.

"Come on, tie up this inhuman thing and send it to the police station!" Gu Guizhang wanted to kill her, but he was afraid of killing her. The military government could not spare him.

He had his servant take care of the boat.

Just about to be noisy, aunt Si came out.

"Xiangxue, go to the hospital!" Gu Guizhang could not take care of the boat. He immediately put his arms around aunt Si's waist and sent her to the hospital.

Can't imagine, four aunt too but expression convergence, way: "master, why to go to the hospital?"

"I'll tell you later. It's important to help!" Gu Guizhang was sweating.

Fourth aunt too tightly held Gu Guizhang's hand: "master, you calm down, my stomach doesn't hurt, I'm pretending."


This sentence, like a ladle of cold water, splashed on the heads of Gu Guizhang, Qin Zheng and Gu Xiang Gu Ying. They were all stunned and puzzled to see Aunt Si.

Fourth aunt too Mou Guang calm: "master, I eat salad, there is no niuxiye, I also have no stomachache. I'm just pretending to hurt so my wife can show her horse's feet. "

Gu Guizhang was puzzled. He looked at Aunt Yan and Qin Zheng.

He didn't feel his brain was working.

Qin Zheng's face is whiter.

"No way, she won't know. She's cheating me!" Qin Zheng makes herself calm down. Don't be cheated out by Aunt Si.

Aunt Si must have eaten niuxiye. She had a stomachache just now.

The Qin and Zheng are all arranged.

She used it more than once.

"What do you mean by that?" Gu Guizhang didn't understand. His mind couldn't turn around. He asked directly.

The fourth aunt was too pushy, and said, "master, my wife wants to kill the baby in my stomach with the help of Miss canoe's hand. In addition to me and miss canoe, there are two birds with one stone. "

Gu Guizhang was stunned.

His neck seems to be frozen. He's slowly jumping for a while. He turns his head a little bit and goes to see the zither.

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