Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1143 selection of Gu Qingzhou and huoyue

Cheng Yu didn't understand, but Gu Qingzhou did.

"I know, too." Gu Qingzhou also spoke, the voice is still so steady.

Huo Yue makes a sound.

"What do you say?" Cheng Yu asked. She has to ask, or she'll suffocate.

Gu Qingzhou is silent.

It was getting dark, and the whole mountain was covered by the night. The roar of wild animals, the warmth of fire and the fragrance of meat were heard from afar.

When Gu Qingzhou got the map Cai Changting gave her, he guessed that Cai Changting was testing them.

Test the response speed and action speed of the agents around them, so as to make plans for them.

This is Gu's first guess.

However, she always felt that Cai Changting was not so simple, hiding Huo Fengjing was not his purpose, and his exploration was not so single.

What is Cai Changting testing? Gu Qingzhou is not sure.

Until the woman showed up.

She appeared on a moonlit night.

The moon night is neither dark nor bright. Hazy, her figure and eyebrows and eyes, is Huo gather static appearance.

Even her voice was deliberately imitated by Huo Fujing.

She didn't imitate, so she spoke in a low, dark voice and didn't speak much.

"Cai Changting is to test our feelings for Huo Fengjing."

At that time, Gu knew.

In the moment of shooting, she understood one thing: "Huo shuojing is a fake. Cai Changting will never hand Huo shuojing over so easily. He will keep her as a chip."

This truth is known by Gu Qingzhou, Si Xingfu and Huo Yue.

there must be an eye liner in the next bush.

As long as Huo Yue or Gu Qingzhou hesitates a little, they will become the next target of Huo Fengjing.

Understand this, bet Cai Changting dare not be rash, Gu Qingzhou and Huo Yue sharp shot.

They did not hesitate.

Any temptation is broken.

Cai Changting should understand now: as long as Huo Rongjing becomes a weapon and injures any one of them, she will be eliminated immediately.

In this way, Huo's role is not so great. Maybe she can survive, or Cai Changting will push her to death.

However, Gu Qingzhou and huoyue are not in a relaxed mood after the event.

They are afraid.

After a night of suffering, they are more afraid. The more I think about it, the more I fear it.

"What if it's Huo Shujing?" The idea hovered in their hearts.

With this idea, Gu Qingzhou and huoyue knew that Cai Changting had succeeded again.

No matter how they go, Cai Changting is sure to win.

"The next time a similar masked woman appears, can we be so determined?" Gu asked himself.

She couldn't do it, because she would think at that time, how could there be so many people like Huo Fengjing in the world?

This time, it consumed all her courage.

It's not just her. It's the same with huoyue.

They are not happy.

Cheng Yu has been asking what happened to Gu Qingzhou.

After eating two pieces of barbecue, Gu Qingzhou was a little relieved and told Cheng Yu about it.

Hearing these twists and turns, Cheng Yu's mind was covered with paste and completely blocked. He couldn't make sense at all.

"So, weren't you very sure at first that the woman was fake?" Cheng Yu thought slowly and asked for a while.

Gu Qingzhou nods.

"You're still shooting as fast as you can?" Cheng Yu asked again.

Gu Qingzhou has a mouthful of meat in his mouth, which he can't swallow.

She tried to press down hard, but her throat was blocked.

"If you don't shoot, Huo will be more dangerous with you in the future?" Cheng Yu asked again.

Gu Qingzhou spits out the meat and drinks the boiled water, which makes his tongue tingle.

"Take care of the boat, you are a hero!" Cheng Yu said, "be brave and decisive, and judge accurately! Fierce, I will give you my life in the future! "

Gu chuckled bitterly.

Si Xingfu took her hand and gave her another piece of meat.

Gu Qingzhou tore it down, chewed it and swallowed it. This time, he didn't spit it out.

After comforting Gu Qingzhou, Cheng Yu said to Huo Yue, "Lord Huo, you carried me when I couldn't walk.

I want to remember this kindness. I have no other ability. Pray for you. I'll get up every day and pray for your sister's safe return. "

Huo Yue rarely has a little expression and a little smile: "thank you, Miss Cheng."

After eating, Gu Qingzhou is tired.

They depend on the big trees.

Si Xingfu leans on the trunk, Gu Qingzhou leans on him, and Cheng Yu leans on the other side of Gu Qingzhou.

On one side is her husband, on the other side is her best friend. Gu Qingzhou's heart is gradually stable.

Huo Yue lies on the opposite tree trunk.

All of a sudden, Si Xingfu said to him, "in my life, it's enough to have you and a boat."

Huo Yue picked out the lower lip angle, wanted to laugh, but didn't laugh.

At that time, he chose reason, the connotation of reason, which was the executive director.

He chose Si Xingfu.

Reflecting on himself, he is not a good big brother. A Jing has been tortured since she was a child and has fallen into a hell like killer organization.

Later, Huo Yue bought Jiang Lin and secretly rescued ah Jing. I can't imagine that Jiang Lin is still a bad man. He abducted ah Jing.

Huo Yue didn't really love a woman, so he didn't know that Jiang Lin's eyes were the same as those of an ancient well. Only when he saw a Jing could he have a little ripple, because he loved her very much.

Jiang Lin loves a Jing so much that she can watch her make a boyfriend, as long as she is happy, as long as she can live a dream life.

Huo Yue, who is proficient in calculation, lost his judgment on sincere feelings alone. He did not protect ah Jing.

It's terrible to lose ah Jing. What's more, once there is a conflict, he will choose Si Xingfu.

"Next time, let me shoot." Si Xingfu said again.

"Don't shoot," Gu said

Si Xingfu kisses her on the forehead.

Cheng Yu sits next to him.

Her heart is warm, I don't know what it's like. She wants such a friend, too.

If between life and death, will Cheng Yu choose to take care of the light boat?

She buried her head in the neck of the boat and stopped talking.

Later, Cheng Yu said, "I knew that this time, we shouldn't go up the mountain. In any case, we will lose. "

Gu Qingzhou said: "with the news of ah Jing, how can we not come? When Cai Changting moved out of ajing, he would have won. "

When Cheng Yu thought of CAI Changting's face, he couldn't help sighing.

"A man is so beautiful, but so bad!" Cheng Yu exclaimed, "I can't understand him."

"What kind of vision do you have?" said Si Xingqi

Cheng Yu doesn't argue with him, because she doesn't want to hit the gun.

"Light boat, don't let him go." Cheng Yu said, "go back and find him."

Gu Qingzhou nods. She is going to find Cai Changting to settle the account. Gfbmmjd6vtlsad jnamr7x + cajfrxmldwh / zzyo8z5gisjlpbdedigjfyq9n6alntkprnlifskmt6m4khqwjra = =

this time, she's not going to play a conspiracy. She's going to throw a show.

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