Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1145 who is a lover?

Cheng Yu's eyes are endless.

The child is very happy. No matter how brilliant his smile is, there is no such innocence and warmth as Gao Qiao and Xun.

She was shocked.

She lowered her head slightly to suppress her emotions. She smiled and asked Zhuo Mozi, "what's the good news?"

"The school has five days off. I can accompany you." Zhuomozhi road.

Cheng Yu did not understand: "well, why do you have a school holiday? You're fired? "

There is no stopping laughing and crying.

"It's a reward." He said, "for a month's shooting test, I won seven consecutive titles, so I rewarded three days off. The other two days are the normal rest of the school. "

Cheng Yu asked, "are you good at shooting?"

"Yes. But......

his words are not so pleasant.

Gu Qingzhou has been sitting.

Hearing this, she knew that Zhuo Mozi only wanted to say something to Cheng Yu, which was their interest.

"I'll go back to my room first. I'm so tired today." Gu Qingzhou road.

Cheng Yu didn't stop her.

As soon as she left, Zhuo Mozhi looked out of his eyes, and the maids avoided, and he took Cheng Yu to his leg.

He is younger than Cheng Yu. When he can do this, he is skilled and capable, as if Cheng Yu was a little girl.

"Why?" Cheng Yu gradually lost patience and was not happy to push him.

Who knows that his arms are hoops, his lips are close to her neck, and he sniffs her breath. The breath is hot: "I miss you."

"Think about it later. Eat first." Cheng Yudao.

Zhuo Mozi did not, determined to hold her in his arms: "you feed me! Feed me like this! "

Cheng Yuqi is happy: "did you play me for fun?"

Zhuo Mo Zhi's voice is ambiguous and hot: "just be my actor!"

Cheng Yu immediately turned his face.

Unexpectedly, Zhuo Mo Zhi poured a mouthful of warm wine, pressed it over her face, kissed her lips, and put the sweet and spicy yellow wine into her mouth.

Cheng Yu wants to refuse, but he can't push or pry like this man.

She was forced to fill her mouth with wine.

When she let go, she did not know whether she was dizzy due to lack of oxygen or alcohol. Her thinking was not so sensitive and her speech was not natural.

"Zhuo Laowu!" She wanted to be sharp, but her face was dyed red with alcohol, and her face was full of sunlight, like a coquetry, "you don't play tricks in front of me! I'm the only one who plays for you, not for me! "

Zhuo Mo is always good-natured in front of her.

He is not the sheep like good temper of Gao qiaoxun, but like a docile wolf dog.

He lies on Cheng Yu's side and looks at her tenderly.

But by chance he would show a little strength.

Once he is strong, Cheng Yu will be pinched by him. He is not his opponent at all.

Cheng Yu feels that this person is more and more difficult to understand and control, and he wants to break up.

She seems to have brought back a wolf.

"I'll play for you." Zhuo Mo said with a smile, pulling Cheng Yu's hand and letting her soft hand rub on her.

Cheng Yu is not shy.

To zhuomozhi, she has more helpless time.

He pinched heavily on his face. Cheng Yu said, "if you make any further nonsense, you will go back to the school!"

Zhuo Mozi also smiled.

He let Cheng Yu go, but he did not stop to tease her with words when eating, and gently teased her with his feet.

A meal has not been finished, Cheng Yu has been thinking.

Zhuomozhi succeeded in bringing her back to bed.

After his efforts, Cheng Yu's good temper was exchanged. She was comfortable, sweaty and prone to him, and her breath was still uneven.

Zhuo Mo Zhi's hand, gently stroking her back.

"To tell you the truth, ah Yu, have you ever thought of spending a little time with me?" Zhuo asked her afterwards.

Cheng Yu said, "I will not marry you."

"Not marriage. There is a home of our own, you and me. " Zhuomozhi road.

Cheng Yu curled his lips. "Do you want me to go to Peiping with you?"


"I don't want to go." Cheng Yu said lazily, "I'm fine now. I've never been so good in my life."

She had Gu Qingzhou, at the same time, she also found that Huo Yue might become her brother, because in her most difficult time, Huo Yue would carry her.

They are really like a family.

If Gao Qiao Xun comes, Cheng Yu may include him in this small family.

But Zhuo wushao's ambition should not satisfy this little warmth. He may use the power of Huo Yue and Si Xingfu to destroy their feelings at that time.

"No matter how good a friend is, he is not home." Dromo said with a smile.

Cheng Yu is too lazy to talk to him. He doesn't understand.

She shifted the subject.

When it comes to the situation and military affairs, Cheng Yu knows it very well, because her family is a warlord, and she often mixes with Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu, all of which are familiar with light vehicles.

Zhuomozhi also knows.

Two people have a topic.

Two people are very happy, Cheng Yu said happy, not light not heavy to pinch Zhuo Mozi's face.

She fell asleep slowly.

Zhuo Mozi also slept.

In a daze, zhuomozhi's brain began to ache, and the pain was a little severe. He often does this recently. I don't know why. Some of his consciousness is vague after the pain.

He hummed.

"What's the matter with you?" Cheng Yu just woke up and pushed him.

Drow suddenly woke up.

He looked at Cheng Yu and was surprised. At the same time, he turned his face awkwardly.

"What's the matter?" Cheng Yu did not change clothes. The tent curtain was put down. Her body was beautiful and her skin was soft and cool. When she woke up, she was very ignorant and relied on ZhuoZhi.

She leaned up, and Zhuo Mo Zhi should turn over to hug her. Unexpectedly, he was stiff.

Cheng Yu is really confused.

"Are you ok?" Cheng Yu asked.

Just now Zhuo Mo Zhi's eyes are very strange: shocked with strangeness, as if he saw Cheng Yu for the first time.

"... nothing." Zhuomozhi road.

Cheng Yu is scared because the other side's voice changes.

Zhuo Mozi's voice is very pleasant, clean, with a little Southern Anhui accent; but now, his voice is deep and cold, completely Beijing accent.

No matter how one changes, the sound line will not become so strong.

Cheng Yuzhen is scared.

"Hello, what's the matter with you?" She crawled to the front of each other, looked at his face and touched the scar on his body.

The scar is still there. This is zhuomozhi.

Cheng Yu is relieved.

But the other side looked at her body, the eyes were very uncomfortable, and the breath was also a little short.

Cheng Yu looks at his face again. It is clear that it is zhuomozhi. Because he looks down and can't see the expression clearly, it is zhuomozhi without doubt.

She smiled, and the whole man was lying in his arms: "are you stupid? Give me a fright. "

Zhuo Mozi did not lift his eyes, but was touched by her, hugged her body, smelled the fragrance of her body, he could not help but overwhelm her.

Cheng Yu chuckles, "what kind of nerves are you having?"

Zhuo Mo stops talking and is a bit clumsy to explore her body and want her.

Cheng Yu is stunned again.

Zhuo Mozi doesn't say that it's ridiculous. He is proficient in bed affairs. But in front of him, Cheng Yu's delicate body easily makes him proud and confused, and the whole person's movements are so strange and heavy, as if he saw a woman for the first time.

"What's the matter with you?" Cheng Yu was flustered and asked again.

A word has not finished, the other side came, really very clumsy, like a young boy.

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