Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 115 do you want to wear a green hat

Gu Qingzhou and Sanyi predict that the zither will move back.

She doesn't mind Qin Zheng moving back, so that Qin Zheng can quickly turn against Gu Guizhang.

Third aunt is too skeptical. She doesn't know how to use Qin Zheng.

"I can't think of anyone else who can help my wife come back except aunt Si." Third aunt too way, "light boat, can you think of?"

Gu chuckled and said, "if it's me, there are many ways.". But what do I know about my wife's mind? "

The third aunt said: "you don't know? Your wife is almost led by your nose. Don't you know? "

Gu chuckles and says nothing.

"Canoe, tell me quickly, if you are, how can you come back?" Third aunt is too worn to take care of the boat. She has to take care of the boat and tell her.

Gu chuckled, "you will not be driven out. If you are driven out, I will tell you the way."

Third aunt tickles her too much and says she's too bad.

Gu Qingzhou laughs to hide, didn't dodge, is too scratched by the third aunt to smile askew on the bed.

The day after Qin Zheng moved out, brother and sister Gu Shao came back.

As soon as Gu Shao came back, he stood on the balcony.

Gu Qingzhou saw him.

Gu Shao stood on the balcony and lit a cigar slowly.

The fragrance of the cigar wafted to the room of Gu Qingzhou.

It's already summer. Everyone is at home on holiday. It's sultry in the house. Generally speaking, people don't lock the balcony door when they take care of the light boat.

Seeing Gu Shao smoking, Gu Qingzhou was stunned.

Gu Shao is a very good boy. He is only 17 years old and has never smoked.

His hands were gathered with white stick matches, and the orange light leaped between his thin and white fingers, and the cigar emitted a white mist of blue smoke.

A mouthful of cigar inhaled into his lungs, Gu Shao coughed and his tears smoked down.

The cigar fell into her little snow white hand when Gu got on the boat.

"Don't smoke. It's not good for children to smoke." Gu Qingzhou frowned.

Gu Shao turned his face away. He did not know whether he was smoked or whether he was in pain. He wept silently.

Gu Qingzhou's heart seems to be crossed by some sharp weapon, which is a little stuffy and painful.

She loves Gu Shao.

Gu Shao is different from Qin Zheng. He has never thought of harming others. He is so kind that even ants can't run over him, but he is also embarrassed by his mother.

"I'm not a child!" For a long time, Gu Shao wiped away his tears and turned to grab the cigar in the hands of Gu Qingzhou.

Take care of the boat and don't give it to him. Throw it on the ground and crush it.

"Brother, don't be sad. Dad is angry these days. He will pick up his wife after a few days." Gu Qingzhou appeased him.

Gu Shao shook his head painfully: "I don't want her back!"

Gu Qingzhou was slightly surprised.

She finally understood Gu Shao's pain.

For a while, she was more pitiful to Gu Shao.

"Am I unfilial?" Gu Shao turns his head to look after the boat. His eyes are washed by tears. They are like dark stones, bright and bright.

Gu Qingzhou looked at him closely and found that his eyelashes were also very long, wet and spotless.

He's so clean!

His face is clean, his heart is clean, his world is also clean!

Gu Qingzhou suddenly yearns for his purity.

If Gu Qingzhou doesn't have hatred attached to her, she will also be like Gu Shao, pure as a flawless jade, right?

"No, you must have your own thoughts." "Why don't you want your wife back?" Gu said

"She's back. She's going to hurt again!" Gu shaodao burst into tears, "she will not be reconciled. If she stayed in another library and kept calm for a few days, maybe she would be less grumpy. Zhouzhou, I don't want my mother Mu to be such a person! "

He cried in front of Gu Qingzhou.

He knew the sin of Qin Zheng, and he knew that Qin Zheng would come back.

Unlike Gu Xiang and Gu Ying, he didn't want his mother to sink deeper and deeper.

Gu Shao's pure lotus was born in the mud of Gu's pond. He really came out of the mud and didn't dye it.

"We can't be the masters of our elders." Gu Qingzhou road.

Gu Shao lowered his head. His hair had a light ink halo in the sun. He lowered his head and said, "Zhouzhou, you must hate my mummy and me."

Gu Qingzhou sighs.

Gu Qingzhou hates Qin Zheng and Gu Guizhang, but she doesn't hate Gu Shao.

It's a strange feeling.

"Brother, I don't hate you." Gu Qingzhou said, "I just don't hate you!"

Her frankness relieved Gu Shao.

Two people lie on the balustrade of balcony, bathing in the warm sun silently, do not want to talk.

Time flies, another two days.

In the morning of the third day, the only servant came to the Gu mansion and said, "my wife has gone to the police station!"

Gu Guizhang was startled and asked, "what's the matter?"

Everyone was surprised.

The servant said, "last night, someone broke into another house, robbed everything in his wife's house, tore his wife's clothes, and almost ruined her!"

Everyone took a breath of cool air.

Gu Guizhang immediately came up with the idea of taking the zither back. Although Gu Guizhang hated her, he didn't want to be led by the robbers.

It's not safe!

Wearing a green hat is more disgraceful than Hugh's wife!

There's no way. We can't live in another house.

Gu Guizhang put down his chopsticks and went to the police station to pick up the zither.

Qin Zheng was frightened. Seeing Gu Guizhang, he cried and broke his heart.

Gu Guizhang was upset and took her back to Gu mansion.

Gu Shao is speechless.

When his mother came back in this way, Gu Shao was in pain. He despised her clumsiness and didn't want her to come back and hurt others.

But Gu Xiang and Gu Ying are so happy that they all feel that their mother is really capable.

"Muma, only you can think of such a good plan!" Gu Ying almost cried, "I can't eat well or sleep well when you're not at home."

Gu Xiang then said: "Muma is called" to stay dead and to be a posterity ". She is brave enough to take risks on her own."

The two daughters were overjoyed.

Second aunt and third aunt are too surprised. They really didn't expect that Qin Zheng could make such a bad move.

"She's too insidious." Third aunt too way.

Qin Zheng thinks that when he comes back, Gu Qingzhou will be angry.

Do not think, Gu Qingzhou smiled, said: "madam, welcome back. If you don't come back, the house will not look like it! "

Gu Guizhang immediately felt that Gu Qingzhou was more generous and kind than all the women in the house.

He nodded with satisfaction.

Qin Zheng is just a laugh, but also can only laugh, nothing can be said.

When she came back this time, Gu Guizhang said publicly to all the family members and servants of Gu Mansion: "in the future, there will be only one wife in Gu mansion, that is, the second wife!"

Neither divorce, but also no longer recognize the Qin Zheng "wife" identity.

Servants are very embarrassed, I don't know how to call Qin Zheng.

Gu Guizhang also didn't say that Qin Zheng is an aunt!

Leaving this message, Gu Guizhang left, leaving the women of the Gu mansion to stare.

However, aunt Si is too far away from the zither, dare not close to her.

Aunt Si asked her daughter, "where did you hide my child?"

"You are obedient, and I will give you the child!" Qin Zheng Zheng said, "otherwise, don't blame me for being cruel!"

When Aunt Si came out of the country, she entrusted her daughter to someone. She hid well at that time.

Unexpectedly, Qin Zheng sent people secretly to look for it, and found it.

Now, the child fell into the hands of the Qin Zheng, and aunt Si suffered from the enemy.

Fourth aunt is too helpless to go to Gu Qingzhou again: "Miss Qingzhou, can you think of a way to get the baby back for me?"

"I can't help it." Gu Qingzhou said, "aunt Si, don't forget that I helped you once. You didn't thank me, but you begged for my wife and betrayed me. "

"It's my fault, Miss canoe. Please." "Four aunt too cry a way.

Gu Qingzhou's eyes turned slightly and said, "don't worry, my wife is afraid to harm your children for the time being. I'll think of a way to help you later. "

She neither promised nor refused, but for the time being, she steadied aunt Siyi.

To tell you the truth, Gu Qingzhou doesn't trust aunt si very much.

Fourth aunt is too uncertain, at least in the mind of Gu Qingzhou, she is an unstable person.

Aunt Si can control Gu Guizhang too much. She may be the enemy of Gu Qingzhou in the future.

Gu Qingzhou also needs to know aunt Si.

"Well, thank you, Miss canoe!" Four aunt too or from the words of Gu Qingzhou, heard a few wisps of slim hope, her heart seems to have relied on.

After this, it's totally out of place to attend home.

It's also a holiday. I have to stay at home every day to take care of the boat. I'm also upset.

However, she was relieved that Si xingxu didn't find her recently.

These days, he seems to have gone to the camp again. It's estimated that it will take him half a month to come back.

The atmosphere at home is not good, and the weather is hot. Neither Gu Qingzhou nor Gu Shao can lift their spirits.

Later, it was Gu Shao who got two tickets for Pingtan. Please go to listen to Pingtan in the light boat.

Gu Qingzhou went.

It's dusk after listening to Pingtan.

At sunset, Yuecheng is covered with a splendid coat, which is gorgeous everywhere.

"... just now in the theater, you stare at a person honestly. Why?" Gu Shao asked Gu Qingzhou.

Gu chuckled.

She didn't mean to say that she saw Huo Yue.

I can't believe it. It's the leader of the Green Gang. I also mix in the crowd to listen to the comments.

His desk is just opposite to Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou's remaining light can feel that he is looking at her. But when she raised her eyes and looked at the past, Huo Yue's vision was blurred and fell on her.

Gu didn't dare to come forward to say hello, for fear that others would recognize him.

I heard that Huo Yue was not safe around. Sometimes someone wanted to kill him. Gu Qingzhou dared not expose him.

"I don't know him, but I think his long gown is very nice." Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "there are not many people wearing long shirts now, and even fewer are wearing good-looking ones."

As she said this, she happened to pass a tailor's shop.

The tailor's shop hasn't closed yet, but lit a bright light.

"I'll make a long gown too, will you?" Gu Shao said with a smile.

He is seldom interested.

"Good." Gu chuckled. "I've never seen you in a long gown."

Talking, they went into the tailor's shop.

Gu Qingzhou also didn't notice that a car was parked at the corner of the street. Si Xingfu was looking at her quietly through the window glass, and her eyes were deep.

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