Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1156. He went to kill

The rumor exploded in the school.

Everyone in the school knows Wang yunian's story.

The three major crimes of "setting up colleagues", "persecuting students" and "defaming academic work" were summed up by the students.

They soon finished the banner and pulled the black words on the white background to the entrance of the medical school.

Gu Qingzhou and others went to the principal's office.

The headmaster has already said, "dismiss Wang yunian."

This is the decision of the school and the Ministry of health, because NIE is already gnashing his teeth in anger.

Wang yunian kept arguing and shouting: "why did you fire me? Even if I tampered with her teaching materials, how about that? Which law says I should be fired? "

The headmaster tried to tell him with the law: "this matter has been made public, has formed a bad influence, has run over colleagues, has damaged the reputation of the school, has constituted a dismissal!"

"Damaging the reputation of the school? What about the evidence? " Wang asked aloud.

The headmaster paid no attention to him.

It's his decision.

"Go and check with Mr. Wang." The headmaster said to his teaching secretary.

No more teachers or vice presidents.

Wang yunian still wants to struggle. He doesn't leave and spits at the headmaster.

He was very excited. His face was red and swollen. His neck was thick. He could not accept the decision of the school.

From the dean to his dismissal, he has ruined his social status and left him without a foothold.

"You're ruining me!" He yelled at the headmaster, "why don't you kill me with one knife? You kill me!"

The headmaster was patient at first.

Gu Qingzhou is here, so is Si Xingfu, and vice president Nie of the Ministry of health. Besides them, there are other leaders of the school. The headmaster is not willing to quarrel with Wang yunian in hysteria. It's too disrespectful.

Can't imagine, Wang yunian is so ungrateful, the headmaster is also angry.

He sneered: "I'm going to destroy you? From the beginning, what did you do to destroy president Gu? Have you made sense of your failure? "

Wang yunian was shocked.

Other people looked at each other.

He has no regrets so far. His frame-up of Gu Qingzhou was a murder.

He didn't think about how to take care of the boat once he succeeded.

He probably thinks that after a woman's downfall, she can hide in the dark or allow him to bully her, right?

Si Xingfu looked at him coldly for about ten seconds. He had a slight radian on the corner of his lips, then turned his eyes away, and refused to pay any more attention.

He just looked at his wife.

Gu Qingzhou's attitude is plain and speechless.

Wang yunian was roaring and making trouble, even trying to fight with the principal. Finally, two young teachers came out and dragged him out.

At the same time, the principal's teaching secretary has gone through the formalities and formally dismissed Wang yunian.

One copy of the school's expulsion order was given to Wang yunian and the other to Nie, who was left in the Ministry of health for the record. In addition, the school also gave one copy to the school newspaper and sent one copy to Taiyuan evening news.

When Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu came out, a banner was still pulled at the gate of the medical college. It seemed that the students were organizing a demonstration to ask the school to dismiss Wang yunian.

They haven't received the news yet.

"President Gu, what did the school do?" Knowing Gu Qingzhou's students, seeing her and Si Xingfu coming out, he asked.

Gu knew it was going to be announced to the world, so he didn't have to lie, so he said, "dismiss."

The students are very happy.

They also worried that the news was not true and asked, "is it a verbal decision? When will a written decision be made? "

"It's a written decision." Gu Qingzhou road.

The students cheered.

The students who had planned to demonstrate withdrew the banners and went back to their dormitories to talk about it or review their lessons.

Gu Qingzhou went out of the school gate.

She was very tired, sitting in the driver's car, like off the force.

"What's the matter?" She asked in a low voice, kissing her cheek.

"Tired." Gu Qingzhou said, "I don't know what's going on. I'm too tired and exhausted today."

"Go back and have some good food. Have more rest." Si xingchu said, and his arm was tighter around her at the same time.

Si Xingfu said to the other adjutant, "hurry back and let the servant stew the bird's nest. The wife will eat it when she comes home."

The deputy said yes.

When Gu Qingzhou returned home, Cheng Yu arrived.

"How is it?" Cheng Yu asked Gu Qingzhou, "what happened?"

"No, we won. Wang was caught by surprise and was in front of many students and teachers. Oh, the principal and the undersecretary of the Ministry of health are there Gu Qingzhou road.

Maybe it's too noisy in the classroom. She has a headache all the time. Now her mind is buzzing.

Cheng Yu was slightly surprised: "the second director of the Ministry of health? How did he get there? "

Gu Qingzhou doesn't want to talk. He doesn't have the strength to talk.

"Invited by Wang yunian," said Si Xingfu. Without his invitation, vice president Nie would not have happened to visit today. Nie Cichang is very angry. He knows that he was almost used by Wang yunian. "

Cheng Yu laughs: "it's really a matter of throwing stones at his feet. Wang yunian deserves it!"

The secretary was speechless.

The servant stewed the bird 's nest and brought in three bowls.

Gu Qingzhou takes a bowl, and Cheng Yu naturally takes a bowl.

When Gu finished eating the boat, Si Xingfu gave her the rest of the bowl.

"Sleep for a while." Si Xingfu road.

Gu Qingzhou nods.

She went to sleep, but for a moment she fell asleep.

Cheng Yu is ready to leave.

Si Xingfu walked out quickly.

Cheng Yu followed him: "what are you doing?"

"Something's going on." Si Xingfu ignores her and continues to walk outside.

But Cheng Yu trotted after him: "wait, Gu Qingzhou is not very comfortable. Do you want to go out? It's not like your style. You take care of the boat more than your eyes. Are you willing to leave her for half a step at this time? To be honest, are you going to do something bad? "

"No." Si Xingfu continues to ignore her, but goes faster.

Cheng Yu ran out of breath: "if you don't tell me, I'll guess for myself. I will not only guess for myself, but also tell Gu Qingzhou that you must deal with Wang yunian. "

Si Xingfu finally stops.

He cut Cheng Yu's eyes, his words were cold, as fierce as a fierce Ghost: "if you still live in my house, close your mouth. You dare to talk nonsense. I'll throw you out. There is a mental illness waiting for you outside, you know it! "

Cheng Yu thought of zhuomozhi.

She shivered.

"Bah, bad thing!" Cheng Yu spat at him, "get out of your egg!"

She stopped following sixingxu and turned back.

It's just that Huo Yue is out.

Last time, Cheng Yu had a little affection for huoyue. She had been looking forward to her brother's carrying her all over the country since she was a child. Unfortunately, her brother is a medicine pot, so weak that he can blow away in a gust of wind, let alone carry her.

Huo Yue is satisfied with her fantasy about her brother, so she is very enthusiastic and calls Huo Yue: "Huo Ye."

"Miss Cheng?" "Huo Yue smiles," just came back, how to run sweat

Cheng Yu touched his forehead and ran hard.

She smiled: "it's OK. I've just chased him. Mr. Huo, Si Xingfu has been fooled again. He must have killed people. "

Huo Yue is surprised: "who do you want to kill?"

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