Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1159 handshake and harmony

Wang yunian was expelled, killed and his wife who occupied others. A series of scandals were enough to become the biggest conversation resources of Taiyuan government.

Gu Qingzhou read the newspaper while eating breakfast.

Before finishing reading, the servant said that Mrs. Hirano had arrived.

Gu put down the silver spoon, folded the newspaper again, and said to the servant, "please come in."

Mrs. Hirano soon arrived at the main courtyard.

"Did you have breakfast?" Gu asked with a smile

Mrs. Hirano looked at the light Jiangnan rice porridge on their table, and had a little appetite: "not yet."

"Have some together." Gu Qingzhou road.

The servant quickly added dishes and chopsticks.

Si Xingfu has finished eating. She stands up and says hello to Mrs. Hirano. She goes out first.

The restaurant is just Mrs. Gu Qingzhou and Mrs. Hirano.

"How did Wang yunian die?" Mrs. Hirano said at first, "light boat, is this related to you?"

"Nothing." Gu Qingzhou is concise and comprehensive.

Mrs. Hirano pondered: "I heard that yesterday morning you made such a scene that the school dismissed him on the spot. In the evening, he was cut to death. It will inevitably involve you, right? "

"Not really." Gu Qingzhou said, "at that time, countless students were present, and the original cause of the matter was known all over the world. Moreover, Wang yunian did not die in an unknown way. He was the wife of others and was cut to death by others. He died clearly. "

Mrs. Hirano's intention has been pointed out.

Her voice is slightly low: "what's the matter, you tell me."

She hasn't heard yet.

At that time, it was governor ye who interrogated the murderer.

In addition to the presence of Gu Qingzhou and others, it is known to the senior officers of governor ye and the police station.

Wang yunian is not important. He is neither an important member of the military nor a politician. Mrs. Hirano doesn't care about him. He died. Mrs. Hirano didn't read the newspaper until she got up in the morning.

This matter involves taking care of the light boat for a few minutes. It's only natural that Hirano is curious.

She thought that instead of looking for it, she might as well ask Gu Qingzhou directly.

"... the man of Zhao family can't bear to cut him to death." Gu Qingzhou simply recounts the story.

Mrs. Hirano raised her eyes, looked at her again, and asked again, "are you sure it has nothing to do with you?"


Mrs. Hirano nodded a little.

She said to Gu Qingzhou, "Qingzhou, e Niang hopes to cross smoothly recently."

When Silang Hirano died, Mrs. Hirano was rebuilding her power. She didn't think of any accidents.

So, she didn't bother to take care of the boat.

Last time Gu Qingzhou fought with CAI Changting, she should have asked. But she didn't want to think much about Gu Qingzhou.

Now Mrs. Hirano is full of vigilance for everyone - Gu Qingzhou and Cai Changting, the people she once trusted the most, are now on her guard.

"It will be stable. Isn't life very good?" Gu chuckled.

She has her own considerations.

Mrs. Hirano smiles.

After breakfast, she went for a walk in the courtyard with Gu Qingzhou. Osmanthus is already in full bloom, with a strong fragrance everywhere.

The air in the morning is slightly cool, and the sun is warm again.

Mrs. Hirano said to Gu Qingzhou, "Changting did something wrong last time. He wanted to apologize to you. Light boat, see in sum Niang's sake, you eat a meal together, be to shake hands to say and

Gu Qingzhou pondered and said with a smile, "this is not good. Madam, do you think Cai Changting and I can make up? "

"With the presence of e Niang, Changting will always work for us. You don't have to see him in a boat. " Hirano man.

Gu Qingzhou said: "Cai Changting won't be reconciled. He is like a wolf who doesn't grow well. He will bite us in turn."

Mrs. Hirano smiled: "light boat, you are always so thoughtful."

From her attitude, there is no suspicion of CAI Changting.

But she wants to make Gu Qingzhou and Cai Changting reconcile, which shows that she is on guard against Cai Changting. She even wants Gu Qingzhou to make more contact with CAI Changting, so they fight first.

Her heart can be seen through at a glance.

It's not that Gu Qingzhou is too smart, nor that Mrs. Hirano is too stupid, but that Gu Qingzhou, the target of Mrs. Hirano, knows.

She does everything to run for that goal, and Gu Qingzhou guesses according to that goal.

Therefore, Mrs. Hirano no longer has a secret. Her mind is more transparent than crystal.

She must know, too.

"In a few days, she will either completely incline to Cai Changting or completely incline to me." Think of the light boat.

When ahun died, their balance was broken; when Silang Hirano died, Mrs. Hirano's foothold was pushed down.

Now she must make a choice.

Gu Qingzhou firmly believes that Mrs. Hirano will favor her and she will win sooner or later.

"Make peace with him." Mrs. Hirano's voice, whispered in the ear of Gu Qingzhou, "even for the sum of Niang."

"Good, even for you," Gu Qingzhou said with a smile

Mrs. Hirano was a little sad: "you never called me sum Niang."

Gu Qingzhou pondered and said directly, "that's because I have doubts in my heart."

"What doubts?"

"I doubt my identity." "I may not be your daughter," Gu said

"Children's words," said Hirano. If you were not my daughter, how could you be like me? I don't have any sisters, even the concubines don't have any grown-up ones. You can go and find out. "

Gu Qingzhou purses her lips slightly.

"I still don't believe it." Gu Qingzhou said, "what's the secret? You haven't told me, and I won't ask. I think that on the day when the truth comes out, you are indeed my mother, and I will call you

Mrs. Hirano sighed, but slightly lowered her eyes.

She hurried to hide her emotions.

Some things, she will not tell Gu Qingzhou, Gu Qingzhou will no longer ask.

After that, Gu called Cai Changting.

Hearing that it was Gu Qingzhou, Cai Changting immediately smiled and laughed happily: "Qingzhou, what are you doing?"

"I don't know what you mean, madam, that we should shake hands and make peace."

"Will I be angry with you? Don't say you just slapped me. Even if you put me to death, I won't change my mind. " Cai Changting said, the voice of friendship.

Gu Qingzhou also smiled: "that's good. In that case, we'll have dinner together tomorrow evening? It's not just me, it's my husband. "

Cai Changting hesitated.

He repeatedly confirmed with Gu, "are we three? Let's have dinner alone. "

"I'm afraid of the land." Gu Qingzhou road.

Cai Changting has no objection.

He promised to eat together in the evening.

Late in the evening, when the secretary came back, Gu Qingzhou told him about it.

Si Xingfu didn't care much about it. He said, "OK, just have a meal together. By the way, I met a little strange thing in the street today. "

"What strange thing?"

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