Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1166 the ferocious Secretary

Zhuo Mozi told Cheng Yu, "it's my mother's meaning that I stay in Taiyuan."

Cheng Yu did not understand.

Zhuo Mozi explained: "the third is falling out of favor, and my father doesn't trust him any more. He's like a trapped animal now. He'll bite anyone who catches him.

He still has some spare power. If I meet him hard, he may be cheaper than other brothers. My mother means that it's better to retreat for a few months.

Grandma loves me and speaks good for me. Even if I'm not with my father, he can't forget me. It's good for me to leave, so I can't go back for the time being. "

Cheng Yu understood: "snipe and clam fight for profit. You don't want other brothers to be fishermen, do you?"

Dromo nodded.

Cheng Yu is very disdainful: Zhuo's environment is really too bad. It's not like a family at all.

People living in such an environment may be mentally abnormal.

"Why don't you laugh recently?" Cheng Yu asked suddenly.

The topic of her turn was inexplicable, fast and strange, as if it had taken a sharp turn.

Zhuo Mozi was not surprised at all.

He said lightly: "I was like this. We've just met before, and I want to pretend to be nice to you. "

Cheng Yu stares, "don't you need to please me now?"

"I need it." "Do you want me to go back to the hypocrisy of the past?" said ZhuoZhi

There seems to be an explanation for his abnormality.

Now he is a little cold and steady, which is the real him.

The gentleman is sunny, just to cheat the little girl and get the favor of Cheng Yu.

"What the hell is dissociation!" Cheng Yu scolds himself, "I'm serious about the theory that others don't form a tune. I'm too stupid to save."

She looked into Zhuo Mozi's eyes: "that's it. There's no need to pretend. You are very good in this way. You used to be stupid and not so pleasant. "

Now, he has a more ruthless charm and is more mature.

Cheng Yu likes mature men.

Of course, she also likes silly men, like Gao qiaoxun.

The train of thought turned to Gaoqiao Xun, and Cheng Yu immediately cut it off. In order to consolidate her achievements, she hugged zhuomozhi.

She can't think of Takahashi.

Thinking too much is not good for her and Gaoqiao Xun. No result of feelings, need to be decisive, muddleheaded harm others.

A telegram was sent to Si Xingfu in the south.

Others are in Nanjing. The telegram was sent from Pingcheng to Nanjing.

He thought there was something important, but it was Cheng Meng's.

"Telegram from Pingcheng." Si Xingfu took it in his hand and said to Gu Qingzhou, "Cheng Meng asked Zhuo Mozi about it."

Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "how can I ask zhuomozhi? Is it not that the two families have started to get married? "

"Cheng Yu is divorced. If she can remarry in the army, it will be a great future for her. Cheng wants to know what Zhuo Mozi is Si Xingfu said with a smile.

Then he shook his head and laughed first.

Gu Qingzhou asked him, "what are you laughing at?"

"Laugh at their fantasies. Where is the character of Cheng Yu suitable for marriage? She'll thank heaven for not mixing the two into enemies. " The chief executive gloated.

Gu Qingzhou set up his horse: "nonsense, Cheng Yu can't be wronged. If it's a good marriage, how can it hurt her? She's still very good without being wronged. "

Si Xingfu hugged Gu's waist and bit her ear gently.

Gu Qingzhou hurried to hide, laughing and saying it was itchy.

"Canoe, why are you so short?" The Secretary asked her.

Gu Qingzhou thought: "I learned from you, you protect the short and make people angry."

He laughed.

Gu Qingzhou learned a lot about his temper. Once upon a time, he also occasionally heard that he was eccentric.

But these strange tempers were learned by Gu Qingzhou. Si Xingfu looks on, not surprised, but lovely.

In this way, he is proud of himself.

"Don't learn well!" Si Xingfu scolded her with a smile, "I have so many benefits, why don't you learn?"

"For example?" Gu Qingzhou drags his voice and asks.

She was so rebellious that Si Xingfu stopped her and had to clean her up.

There was a knock at the door when the two were in a row.

"Who?" Si Xingfu was interrupted. He was very unhappy. His voice was cold and harsh. He asked.

Gu Qingzhou thought him impolite.

The man at the door obviously felt the same way, so he paused for a moment and then replied, "it's me, young master."

In the commander-in-chief's residence, servants call him "grand young master", while aides call him "major commander" instead of "division seat".

This displeased Si Xingfu.

When he heard the words "big young master", he frowned first, and then he could hear that there was a young female voice outside. He thought it was an unsightly maid and said, "get out!"

Gu Qingzhou patted his arm and whispered, "it seems that it's aunt Wu."

After saying that, Gu Qingzhou pushes aside Si Xingfu and gets up to open the door.

When she opened the door, she saw aunt Wu was coming downstairs, and there was a maid with a tray beside her. Both of them hung their heads.

Gu Qingzhou shouted: "aunt Wu?"


Aunt Wu looked back too, a little embarrassed on her face, smiled and said to Gu Qingzhou, "little grandma, miss qiongzhi asked someone to cook the bird's nest and send some to you and the young master."

After Gu Qingzhou got married, she was hardly called little grandma. After hearing this, she felt a little uneasy in her heart and didn't show a word on her face: "thank you very much."

Then she reached for it.

The maid gave her the tray in a hurry.

Gu Qingzhou smiles.

Five aunt too also smiled perfunctorily two sentences, took the maid to leave.

When she went downstairs, aunt Wu's hand was always hidden at the bottom of the sleeve. She held it tightly, and the palm had been pinched by her deeply.

She is the fifth aunt of the commander-in-chief. Although she is the concubine of the Secretary's family, she is also the concubine of the Secretary's wife.

However, Si xingxu is not very respectful to his father, let alone his common mother. He will not take anyone seriously.

He has no rules since he was a child.

"Aunt Wu, don't be angry." The maid saw that the green tendons of aunt Wu's forehead had come out. She was in a hurry, but she didn't know what she was angry about. She comforted her.

Aunt Wu held back her breath and said, "go ahead and do something."

The maid said yes.

After the maid left, aunt Wu went back to the room alone.

He didn't eat those bird's nests, but Gu liked them very much.

"Qiongzhi is very sensible." Gu Qingzhou said to Si Xingfu, "I came back this time and saw her kindness."

We have the ability to see what is said and what is seen. She analyzes a person's good and evil not only from her expression, but also from her subtle actions.

She felt her kindness.

At least, it's not a disguise.

As soon as he arrived in Nanjing, the governor was disappointed. Looking at him with half white hair, he was not allowed to go for a few days after taking care of the light boat. It was only to comfort the superintendent.

During this time, he was neither too intimate with them nor alienated.

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