Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1187 anticipate as God

Wang Cuishou is outside the yard of Gu Qingzhou.

The sunset is over, and the sky is dark, which covers the mountains, ridges and treetops in the distance.

Seeing that Si Xingfu left, Wang Cui turned to the back wall, found a place to settle down, and waited until it was completely dark.

He doesn't need to see Gu Qingzhou with his own eyes. He only needs to listen to a few words from the people who are in charge of Gu Qingzhou's care, so that he can know the severity of Gu Qingzhou's situation, or whether he is dead.

If it wasn't for the strict control of the servants of the division, who went out of the courtyard and never talked about the affairs in the mansion, he didn't even need to visit the house of the light boat overnight.

The servants who take care of the boat are as well-trained as the adjutants, and they are firm and prudent.

Wang Cui waited for a long time, and finally waited for the night.

He hooked his lips, lit a small piece of incense, threw it across the wall, waited for a quarter of an hour, estimated that the small piece of incense had burned out, heard nothing in it, and then began to bite his teeth and turn over the wall.

He boasted that he was a very cautious man. When he turned over the wall, he looked in and saw two or three people lying on the ground. Then he jumped down from the wall.

Wang Cui goes to one of them and reaches for his belt. It will be convenient for him to change his clothes and walk in the house.

No sooner had his hand touched the man's buckle than the man seized his wrist.

Wang Cui is horrified. Is this man not dazed? Or did he wake up so soon?

Then, Wang Cui felt a hard and cold thing stabbing at the back of his head.

It's a pistol!

Wang Cui, who is still thinking about the Countermeasures in her heart, suddenly gets cold in her heart.

He fell into the hands of the deputy of Si Xingfu!

"I must think of a way to escape before Si Xingfu comes back." Wang Cui's cold sweat permeated through the whole process, and he made a quick decision.

Wang Cui thought so, turning her eyes, she said, "excuse me, is this the Hu mansion?"

Without waiting for an answer, he continued, "I'm Miss Hu's boyfriend. She won't see me, so I'm not a thief. I'm from the Wangs, really. "

He didn't expect to deceive these soldiers. He just wanted to coax them to take away their guns, or send him to see their officers, so that he could find a chance to escape in the meantime.

Not long after he returned home, he turned over the wrong wall for some romance. Who dares to punish him?

In this way of thinking, Wang Cui's tension and anxiety gradually subsided, leaving her calm.

"Hu family? Is it Mr. Hu's? " Asked the man behind.

Wang Cui said quickly without thinking: "yes, Mr. Hu. I've been in love with his young lady for a long time."

"Is it?" The man behind smiled, "this is not the Hu mansion."

Wang Cui breathed a sigh of relief.

Since it's a misunderstanding, he just left.

Unexpectedly, the man behind continued: "Mr. Hu's daughter is only 13 years old. Is it too small to be your girlfriend? Have you agreed to make friends with a 13-year-old girl? "

Wang Cui's forehead immediately began to sweat again.

His heart was beating wildly.

If it is true, the adjutant must give him to Mr. Hu.

At that time, the explanation was unclear. Mr. Hu only wanted to kill his 13-year-old daughter.

Time flies!

Wang Cui wants to plead for help. He turns his head and looks at the man behind him. He is hit by something and sits on the ground in despair.

Pointing a gun at him is not a common soldier, but a manager!

Why is he here? Didn't he catch Wang Ke?

Wang Cui clearly saw him take people away with his own eyes!

Which link is wrong?

He can't understand, but the current situation can't allow him to understand.

Si Xingfu kicks Wang Cui to the ground and says, "take it!"

Several people who were lying on the ground pretending to be in a coma immediately stood up and hurriedly detained Wang Cui.

Wang Cui's eyes saw the incense on the ground that had been pressed into the mud and wiped out. Now I understand that Si Xingfu has taken people to squat here for a long time!

But what's the use of knowing it?

He lost, he lost completely!

I just don't know what happened to Gu Qingzhou. If she died, she would not lose too much money.

Moreover, Gu Qingzhou had a tea accident in the four room flower hall and the four room ten. If she died, Si Xingfu would not let go of the four rooms either.

So it seems that even if you lose, others are not good.

In this way, Wang Cui is not too upset.

"I want to kill myself by jumping over the wall by mistake. Just over the wall, how dare he take me? " Wang Cui gives herself strength.

At the same time, he prayed to God: God, let Gu Qingzhou die!

Just thinking about it, Si Xingfu has taken him to a bright place.

Someone was standing under the eaves.

The man's hair is spread over his shoulders, and her figure is slim. She stands quietly, her face is against the light, like a statue of a goddess.

"What happened?" Si Xingfu smiled and waved, "is it cold or not?"

The woman walked up to them.

Before seeing his face clearly, he heard a voice: "it's Wang Cui, isn't it?"

Take care of the boat?

Wang Cuimeng's eyes are bigger than those of the bronze bell!

Gu Qingzhou has come to the street lamp, her face is gradually clear. The night wind made her cheeks crimson, her eyes clear and bright, and her smile flowered.

She's fine. She's not sick at all.

How could she have done nothing!

She didn't drink the tea?

Wang Cui's heart suddenly cooled.

"Of course, it's Wang Cui's guess. When did you miss it?" Si Xingfu said with a smile.

Gu Qingzhou smiles.

"Go back and wait for my result." "You're good at sleeping. You'll get up in the morning and watch the play."

Gu Qingzhou pulls off his sleeve.

According to sixingqi's understanding, Wang Cui was first taken to the basement of the backyard. He and Gu Qingzhou went back to their houses.

"What's the matter?" The Secretary asked.

Gu Qingzhou said: "last time I went to see Qin Sha, she told me a lot. There is a reason why Wang Youchuan tolerated his two nephews.

Wang yunian is dead, and Wang Cui is left in the long room. You can force him to do it. Don't leave him with too serious injuries, or he will be hard to talk to Wang Youchuan. "

She knew the severity of the punishment.

Secretary Xing Xuan eyebrows: "my wife is so pure, so lovely."

He joked about the light boat.

Gu gave him a beating: "don't leave me alone."

Si Xingfu pecked her on the lips: "that guy wants to poison you. If I let him go lightly, how can I kill a chicken and make an example of a monkey? Over the years, I've been too indulgent to put you in danger again and again. "

Gu Qingzhou has warm hair.

"Then be careful," she whispered, "and don't ask the Wang family to hold on."

Si Xingfu agreed this time.

He went to the gate of the courtyard and Cheng Yu arrived.

Cheng Yu was eager to read the gossip: "I heard that he caught the person who poisoned Gu's light boat. Where is it?"

"In the secret room in the backyard." Si Xingfu road.

Cheng Yu rubbed his hands excitedly: "take me to have a look?"

"What are you looking at?" The chief executive said, "can you bear the punishment?"

After all, he strided away.

Cheng Yu yelled at his back: "Si Xingqi, you are a wicked thing. Will you die if you let me watch a bustle?"

It seems that he didn't hear it.

Cheng Yu watched him disappear at the corner of the wall and went to Gu Qingzhou.

"Is it really Wang Cui?" Cheng Yu asked, "not Wang Ke?"

"No, it's Wang Cui." Gu chuckled.

Cheng Yu gives a thumbs up: "well, you win again, and you expect things as they are."

Gu Qingzhou came back from Wang's house a few days ago and knew everything.

She told this to Si Xingfu, Cheng Yu and Huo Yue.

They guessed that the people who started it were either Wang Cui or Wang Ke.

Wang Cui and Gu Qingzhou have a feud to kill their brother. Wang Ke is in an abnormal state of mind. Both of them are possible.

Cheng Yu decided that it was Wang Ke, who was so stupid because of his mental illness. He came up with such a trick as poisoning Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou thinks it's Wang Cui.

As a result, they diverged.

Now that their differences have come to an end, there is no doubt that Wang Cui is right. Gu Qingzhou's guess is accurate. She has won Cheng Yu once again.

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