Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 119: heavy money for medical treatment

Gu Qingzhou put on the bracelet sent by Huo's family. Others didn't feel anything, but his aunt worried for a long time.

The aunt said that the bracelet was different. The maid didn't understand why it was different.

"... I went to the master's room a few days ago and saw that he was possessed by that bracelet. At that time, I was only a gift given by a girl, which made him haunted. I tried to test him out. He would not give it to me. " Said the aunt.

Aunt thinks that Huo Yue attaches great importance to this bracelet, which looks like a gift from a young man.

Some things can't be concealed from women's eyes.

When she finished, the maid chuckled and did not retort, but felt that the aunt was suspicious.

"It's just a bracelet. Auntie's anti other women are like anti thieves."

The master originally bought to send people, so the aunt went to ask for it, and he certainly didn't give it. What's strange about this?

My aunt always wants to be windy and rainy. She is too arrogant.

The maid didn't take it seriously. After listening to her aunt's worry for a while, she couldn't empathize with her. She went on working with a smile.

But Mrs. Mei Ying kept it in mind and tried to stop Gu from going to the Huo family.

"I have an idea. Let the master think about her." My aunt is calculating.

She didn't tell anyone about the idea, including the maid she trusted the most.

Gu Qingzhou also noticed Mrs. Mei's eyes and was alert. He thought to himself, "I will not come to Huo's house in the future. She is too suspicious."

She has a diamond bracelet, and the light of the diamond sets off her full-scale eyes.

Huo Yue thinks she looks good.

No matter how beautiful it is, it's another's fiancee too -- Thinking of it, Huo Yue's mind is astringent.

Huo kept them for dinner.

After dinner, Gu Qingzhou went to the Yan Family with his brother and sister.

"Is it fun?" Mrs. Yan asked them

"Just a few of us, it's quite fun. We are all our own people, comfortable." Yanluo waterway.

Yan Luoshui doesn't like to be too busy.

Yan wushao thought about it, and said to his wife, "mummy, I seem to fall in love with Shujing."

Mrs. Yan laughed and was helpless to her son: "you see one loves another! That's the younger sister of Qingbang leader. Don't make trouble for your father! "

She is afraid that Yan Yiyuan will provoke Huo ruojing.

"What's the trouble?" Yan wushao is not satisfied, "Muma, or you can ask dad to send someone to ask for marriage!"

Gu Qingzhou and Yan Luoshui are drinking water. They all choke.

"You're going to die!" Yan Luoshui scolds her younger brother, "the character of gathering is quiet, but it can't live the life of your wife and concubine. Don't hurt others!"

"I'm really in love with her!" Yan wushaodao.

"All the people you love can go from Yuecheng to Nanjing!" Yanluo waterway. ?

GU Qingzhou laughs beside.

That night, Gu lived in Yan's house and went back the next day.

It's hotter. Everyone is careful.

After a few days, Gu Qingzhou heard Gu Xiang talking loudly in the room.

Their room was near. Gu Qingzhou listened for a while and heard Gu Xiang say, "how many times did I help her at that time? She was so snobbish!"

Later I learned that Gu Xiang married a female classmate, which was considered a high marriage, and the man was relatively rich. Female students invited relatives and friends all over the world, even those who had made conflicts, but did not invite Gu Xiang alone.

Gu Wei was dropped out of school and ran away from home. There was no more storm in the city. As a elder sister, Gu Xiang had a bad reputation.

Gu Xiang's classmates don't want to be disappointed at the wedding and simply don't associate with Gu Xiang.

Of course, it may also be that I heard that Qin Zheng was rushed to another museum and almost ruined by robbers.

The circle is so big, it is known that Gu Xiang is infamous for his sister and mother.

"I will marry better than her! No matter how rich her mother-in-law is, she is just a merchant! Fifty years ago, the merchants were all humble! " Gu Xiang scolds.

Qin Zheng makes her whisper.

I didn't hear it later.

Gu Qingzhou is not interested in Gu Xiang.

Gu Xiang is a typical woman with a straw bag. She didn't learn the skill and heart of Qin Zheng, but the escaped Gu Wei is better than the blue.

Gu Qingzhou didn't think of Gu Wei for a long time. Until this day when Gu Xiang was in a uproar, she had some interest.

"Do you want to look for goovy?" Gu Qingzhou thought.

You have to spend money to do things.

Gu Qingzhou has no money.

She thought about it, forget it, wherever goovey went, no matter what she would achieve in the future.

It's July in a flash.

Gu Qingzhou's parasol tree outside the window is dying in the sun. Cicadas are neighing day and night. The heat wave comes in through the gap in the tree top, which makes them upset and angry.

The kitchen cooked mung bean soup, still can't solve the heat.

Gu Qingzhou has nothing to do at home. When he gets up early, he practices piano for a while. He just lies in his room and writes.

Her body is light and her perspiration is limited when she doesn't move.

This day, she received a letter.

The words on the letter are a beautiful little regular script, which comes from his Wei, the daughter of Mu Sanniang.

Gu Qingzhou hasn't seen much in some days.

He Wei wrote to her, saying that he had recently found another tutor and worked two jobs in summer vacation.

"It's very powerful. I've done so many jobs since I was so young. Do I want to work as well? " Think of the light boat.

The tutor Gu Qingzhou can't do it, and Gu Qingzhou can't join the class and study, which is not as solid as He Wei and can't teach children. However, the business of he's drugstore is so bleak that his uncle is free, not to mention caring about the Qingzhou.

If he did work, Gu Qingzhou would not be good at anything, and would make Gu Guizhang unhappy.

Gu Guizhang felt disgraced.

In the letter, He Wei said that her father cooked licorice soup at the door of the drugstore, free of charge to relieve the heat of passers-by, and won word-of-mouth, and people nearby liked them very much.

Finally, He Wei invites Gu Qingzhou to he's pharmacy in his heart. It seems that he wants to discuss something with Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou is funny: "she is a little hairy child. What can I do for her?"

So thinking, Gu Qingzhou went to he's drugstore.

She went early in the morning.

When he came to he's house, he Weigang just got up and was going to work in her teaching family.

Seeing Gu Qingzhou, he hugged her waist excitedly: "sister Qingzhou, you haven't come for a long time!"

Gu Qingzhou saw that she had lost a lot of weight and touched her arm with heartache: "you are tired and thin."

"Not worth it." He smiled.

There is a Book office nearby.

Gu Qingzhou can go to the bookstore to kill time. When He Wei finishes at noon, he will play together in the afternoon.

"Don't make trouble with your sister, and don't let her waste money, you know?" My aunt told me after death.

He Wei said that he knew about it, so he took Gu's boat and left.

They first took a tram, changed a bus, and arrived at the French concession.

A villa with red tiles and white walls, hidden behind the tall sycamore tree, with deep green and thick green leaves, casts a shade.

He Wei pointed to the stained glass window of a family: "I teach in this house in the morning. It's two sisters. One is eight years old and the other is six years old. It's enlightenment. Teach them to write. The host family says my words are good."

"Your words are very good." Gu chuckled.

He Wei smiled smugly, but he was still a child.

Then, He Wei told Gu Qingzhou: "sister, you go ahead, across the corner of the street, it's the bookstore. There's tea in the bookstore. You go first, and I'll go to you when I'm finished. "

"What's the matter with you?" Gu Qingzhou is curious, "let me know first."

However, He Wei just smiled. At a young age, he said, "don't ask me, sister."

Gu Qingzhou was unable to teach, so she went to the book store across the street first.

The bookstore is not small. There are two large sycamore trees at the door. The shade covers the thick sun. The shop is cool and fragrant.

Gu bought three books and said, "I want to wait here."

The boss found a back window position for her and brought a pot of green tea for her to drink and watch.

It's almost eleven o'clock. He Wei is coming.

"Elder sister, you wrote to me and said that your medical skill is very good, isn't it true?" He Wei asked Gu Qingzhou in a low voice, which was quite mysterious.

"Why, what's wrong with you?" Gu asked nervously.

He Wei shook his head and said, "I don't have one."

After a pause, He Wei took out a newspaper from his schoolbag, pointed to the place where she circled it with a pen and showed it to Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou looked at it and found it was an advertisement.

"A lot of money for medical treatment?" Gu Qingzhou saw these words first.

After reading it slowly, she found that she was the boss of a jewelry shop. She was suffering from constipation for a long time. Both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine had been invited, and the effect was very poor.

Now, he is willing to give three hundred yuan to ask for a folk prescription to relieve his constipation.

"Three hundred!" Gu Qingzhou marvels.

If it's a small family, 300 yuan will be their living expenses for one or two years.

It's a lot of money!

"Elder sister, I want my father to take over. My father says it must be a liar. I don't know what conspiracy has been hidden. How could anyone spend so much money to seek medical treatment?" What tiny vent way, "but what if it is true?"

He Wei wants Gu Qingzhou to take the money, and the fat water will not flow into the fields.

This is what she saw the other day.

The child's heart was so angry that he was ready to move: "sister, do you want to try it? Anyway, it's a holiday. You're OK at home. Isn't it good to make some money? "

He Wei, a young man, has come out to make money as a tutor and subsidize his family.

Gu Qingzhou is two or three years older than her. Can she not be as good as her?

What's more, if the other side is really suffering from a difficult disease, he can also solve his pain, and win each other, right?

"Good." Gu chuckled, and then asked, "why don't you tell me in the letter that I have to run?"

He Wei chuckled a few times.

She hasn't seen Gu Qingzhou for a long time, and miss her a little. At the same time, He Wei didn't expect Gu Qingzhou to agree so happily, so she wanted to persuade her face to face.

It's said in the letter first that if she doesn't agree, it's not good to be proactive.

"I'd like to invite you out to play. I'm in a hurry at home all day." He Wei said, "my tutor this afternoon, the child went to have a wedding party temporarily, just in time for me to have free time."

"Do you study and tutor hard?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

"No. Don't every family live like this? Fortunately, my words are good-looking and I am willing to work hard at school. The teacher wrote me a letter of recommendation, or I would not find a tutor. It's good to find it. It's better to work hard. " He Wei Dao.

Gu Qingzhou admired He Wei very much.

At his Wei's age, she was very vain and lazy, but she knew how to stand on her own.

"If you succeed, half of the money will go to you." Gu Qingzhou road.


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