Wang Jing was reluctant to give up.

His mentality, or a little like a child.

His mood at the moment is probably worried about his friends breaking off.

Gu Qingzhou also turned around and waved to him again and again.

Cheng Yu said next to him: "so reluctant? Otherwise, you can find him to be your little boyfriend. "

The Secretary coughed.

Gu Qingzhou laughs.

She thought she would be mature, just like facing Cai Changting.

Can't think of it, Si Xingfu is jealous: "are you so reluctant? You're too kind to the little one! "

"Yes." Cheng Yu stirs up divisions.

Although most of the time she favors canoes, she wants to see a lot of fun.

The worse she mixed things up, the more lively she was.

At this moment, Gu Qingzhou would like to recover immediately, so as to occupy Cheng Yu's time. She is not allowed to spend any more time with her husband and wife.

"What!" Gu Qingzhou said, "I look back again and again. Instead of looking at Xiao Shi, I see Wang Ke. Wang Ke was standing not far behind Xiaoshi. He looked more haggard and gloomy than before. His face was as gray as a ghost

"He's looking at you?" The tone of the secretary was even more wrong. "What's the devil with Wang Ke? He shouldn't have a mental attack. He wants to rob people with Laozi!"

Cheng Yu disdains very much: "think too much, you this daughter-in-law besides you, who is willing to want?"

Gu Qingzhou was in the middle. He didn't know which one to refute. He smiled for a while.

She said to Si Xingfu, "I can deal with Wang Ke. Don't worry about it."

"He robbed me of people, how can I not care!" Si Xingfu road.

Gu Qingzhou can see it. Si Xingfu deliberately advances her to make her happy.

They all thought that Gu Qingzhou was unhappy because of Wang Cui's business.

If she has handled it properly, she may not be unyielding.

Gu Qingzhou smiled and said to Si Xingfu, "what you can't take away is yours."

Cheng Yu said, "meat and hemp are not meat and hemp?"

The good atmosphere was completely destroyed by her.

The three of them went to deshenglou to eat the roast duck. Unexpectedly, before they had finished eating and had time to return home, the Wang family sent another person to look for them.

"What's the matter?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

The Wang family's visitor bowed his head and dared not touch the sight of Si Xingfu. He trembled and said, "Mrs. Si, the second young master committed suicide!"

Gu Qingzhou is shocked.

Looking back at Si Xingfu, he was shocked.

How can Wang Cui commit suicide?

Wang Youchuan just punishes him to think behind closed doors, which is nothing to him. He is still the second young master of the Wang family. He can still live a good life and plan his "revenge plan". How can he commit suicide at this time?

"Let's go to the Wangs first." Si Xingfu hugs Gu Qingzhou and tightens his waist, appeasing him.

On the way to Wang's house, Gu Qingzhou is still discussing with Si Xingfu. Wang Cui has no reason to commit suicide at all.

Gu Qingzhou suspects that Wang Cui didn't commit suicide at all, but was killed.

But when the Wang family saw Wang Cui's body, Gu Qingzhou decided that Wang Cui had committed suicide.

It's too unexpected.

Wang Youchuan, with red eyes, took a piece of paper to Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu and said, "this is his suicide note. It's his handwriting indeed.

I'll have him shut up in my room. I'm going to see him after lunch. Who knows the Kung Fu? He will... "

After reading the suicide note, Gu Qingzhou is still confused: "fourth uncle, do you think Wang Cui committed suicide?"

"Impossible." Wang Youchuan said, "although I haven't seen each other for many years, I know that this child is a bit like his brother. He's not the kind of person who will die."

Qin Sha also said: "it's just thinking about it behind closed doors. It's not normal that it's worth dying."

Gu Qingzhou went to read the suicide note with the hand of Si Xingfu.

It's indeed Wang Cui's handwriting. He wrote on it that he had done something wrong and had no face to face his relatives, so he wanted to apologize for his death.

The idea is quite clear. Si Xingfu and Gu Qingzhou think at the same time.

They think of what Wang Cui said to them yesterday.

"My parents left early. My brother dragged me and Yushu together. Now you have killed my brother. I don't care who is right or wrong between you. As Wang yunian's brother, I should avenge him!"

For a person like Wang Cui, his relatives are only Wang yunian and Wang Yushu. He only feels sorry for not being able to kill Gu Qingzhou. He doesn't feel that he has done wrong by poisoning Gu Qingzhou at all!

Wang Cui didn't feel guilty and died in a very strange way!

Wang Youchuan asked Gu Qingzhou, "Qingzhou, you have excellent medical skills. If there is any clue on the body, you can definitely see it."

He also felt that Wang Cui had been killed.

Gu Qingzhou shook his head and said, "four uncles, I am not a doctor, but a doctor."

Wang Youchuan is also too sad, a little confused.

Wang Youchuan is still unbelievable. Qin Sha comforts him in a low voice.

Wang Jing suddenly opened his mouth and said, "sister Gu, will someone kill the second brother with strange poison, and then use the rope to make the illusion of suicide?"

He also doesn't believe that Wang Cui committed suicide. He has read several detective novels recently, in which several homicide cases use this kind of routine.

"Impossible." Gu Qingzhou shook his head and said, "no matter what strange poison, as long as it enters the human body, it must be able to show clues, or there is a problem with blood, or there is a problem with breathing, or there is a problem with organs. I don't mean to do it, but if he is poisoned, I can see it. "

Wang Jing was also lost.

Gu Qingzhou's medical skills, he is the most believe, but, the second brother will commit suicide, it is not very true.

"Four uncles, small ten, you don't want to be cheated by her!" Wang Yushu with red eyes strode in.

Wang Youchuan was afraid that she would make trouble in front of Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu. She had just been pulled to the side hall to wait. I don't know how she got rid of those servants and ran over.

Wang Yushu looked at Gu Qingzhou angrily and said with gnashing teeth: "you are a miracle doctor. You can save people and kill people naturally! You must have killed my second brother by some unknown means! "

"Little sister, there is evidence for this." Cheng Yu stands out at once, blocks in front of Gu Qingzhou, and confronts Wang Yushu. "If Qingzhou wants to kill Wang Cui, it can kill him at home last night. Why send someone here to kill him?"

"Why do you want to do more? I have to ask you how do I know!" Wang Yushu said hatefully, "you killed one of my brothers, and the other!"

"Yushu!" Wang Youchuan snapped, interrupting Wang Yushu's words, "this matter has nothing to do with Mrs. Si. Don't talk nonsense!"

He told Wang Jing, "your sister is not calm. Take her back to her room and comfort her."

"Yes." Wang Jing answered, and then looked at Gu Qingzhou. "Sister Gu, don't take my nine sister's words to heart. She talks nonsense."

He felt that his sister Gu was innocent. He was kind enough to send his second brother back to Wang's house, but he was also suspected by Wang Yushu.

Wang Yushu is not as strong as Wang Jing. He struggles hard and scolds Gu Qingzhou.

She believes that Gu Qingzhou killed Wang Cui.

Gu Qingzhou stepped forward and slapped Wang Yushu heavily.

"Sober up?" Gu Qingzhou asked her softly, "if you wake up, think about yourself. If you pour dirty water on me again, you will die without burial place. "

Wang Yushu was shocked.

She covered her face and stepped back.

Gu Qingzhou's slap in the face shocked her; her words made Wang Yushu's heart bristle, and Wang Yushu's spirit disappeared.

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