Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1206 comfort of delicious food

Gu Qingzhou is dormant.

Cai Changting instinctively smelled something. He went to the door to see Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou did not see her.

And Mrs. Hirano also came twice, and Gu Qingzhou was not seen, but she met with Si Xingfu once.

Sun Heming has left Taiyuan.

Because Gu Qingzhou told him that she would help. If he trusted her, he would go back and wait for the news.

If two people do the same thing, but not at the same pace, there may be trouble.

"Uncle, the sun family will depend on you later. You're safe. I'll make sense of it. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Sun Heming used to be incognito.

If there is only one person in the world who knows the pain without face and identity, it must be sun Heming.

Similar experience enables him to understand Gu Qingzhou. She knows Gu Qingzhou's friendship with the sun family and her dedication to the identity of "Gu Qingzhou".

If Gu Qingzhou wants to join Mrs. Hirano, she has already joined her.

From the beginning, she knew that she was Mrs. Hirano's daughter. She was just not sure who her father was.

Just because she wants to know her father doesn't mean she cares.

Now she knows. This result is the best, because she has already started to Gu Guizhang, and all her grievances have ended.

She'll never be able to stand together.

It is the safest thing for sun Heming to leave it to her.

"Tell your uncle what you want. You avenged the sun family. My uncle thought you were the blood of the sun family. " Sun Heming said, "this is the Revenge of the sun family and yours. It's the business of both of us. My uncle will spare no effort to help you."

Gu Qingzhou nods.

Sun Heming left Taiyuan to show his absolute trust in Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou is very moved by this.

When Mrs. Hirano could not see her, she chatted with Si Xingfu.

"I conceived her in October." Mrs. Hirano said softly, "no matter how angry she is, she can't say that. I am her forehead Niang, not sun qiluo. "

Si Xingfu said: "what the boat knows, she knows her own choice."

Mrs. Hirano shook her head and said, "she doesn't understand. She's in a childish temper now. I blame her for leaving her

A cigar was drawn out by the driver.

"Go and get her out," said Hirano

"She wants to be quiet." Si Xingfu road.

He lit his cigar slowly, took a deep breath, and then spit out the mist.

Through the thin smoke, he looked at Mrs. Hirano: "if you want to forgive you by boat, can you just say it by mouth? No benefits? "

"Oh, what do you want?" Mrs. Hirano glanced at her eyes.

Si Xingfu thought about it and said, "for example, give Huo Fengjing back to her?"

Mrs. Hirano was stunned.

She smiled and looked at Si Xingqi. "Well, you let the boat out. I'll tell her about Huo Rongjing."

"You don't have to say anything, just bring people here." "If you don't want to give it, then I can go to Cai Changting to ask for it."

Mrs. Hirano changed her face at once.

She seemed to bite her teeth, repressed the mood that was almost out of control, and then slowly smiled: "son in law, you have a foot in the middle, and are not afraid of future infidelity?"

"I don't even recognize you as my mother-in-law. Don't call me son-in-law. I can't afford it. " Si Xingfu's tone is still not light or heavy.

In his tone, no matter how patient he is, he makes people jump.

Mrs. Hirano is more resilient than he thought, because she just changed a little from beginning to end and didn't lose control at all.

"You let the boat come. I'll talk to her about it," she said

The light in the eyes of Si Xingfu moved a little, like a strange ghost fire.

Mrs. Hirano felt a little cold in her heart and felt that she had leaked the secret.

When she left, he went to Gu Qingzhou and told her about it.

"Huo Fengjing is not in Taiyuan, at least not for the time being." "It's no wonder we haven't heard from each other for such a long time," said Si

Mrs. Hirano's tone and eyes told her.

Gu Qingzhou looks at a loss.

It seems that Huo Fengjing and Mrs. Hirano are very distant things.

She sat cross legged in the sofa with her head on her lap.

She is calm.

"Canoe, are you hungry?" The Secretary also noticed.

When sun Heming was still there, she seemed to be relieved, and she looked at ease. But when sun Heming left, her spirit gradually relaxed.

Her whole body strength was taken away by others. She was soft and could sit on the sofa for several hours without saying anything.

Si Xingfu is very distressed.

Gu Qingzhou has never been an iron hearted man.

It's not appropriate to say she's in pain. It was no accident to her that she had been prepared; but it was not appropriate to say that she was really OK.

She was in such a complicated mood that she couldn't make up her mind, and she didn't know how to speak.

So he squatted half beside the sofa, lowered his head, looked up at her low face from under her knees, "what would you like to eat?"

Gu Qingzhou is silent, then smiles: "drunk shrimp."

"That's disgusting. Do you really want to eat it?" Si Xingfu road.

Gu Qingzhou nodded, "well."

"Would you like rice wine?" "Drunk shrimp with rice wine is a delicacy," he asked

Gu Qingzhou shook his head: "I don't want to drink, just want to eat drunk shrimp."

Si Xingfu straightened up, reached out and gently stroked her head: "then you go to buy fresh shrimp with me?"

There is no spirit in taking care of the boat.

"Do you want to go?" said the secretary

Ordinary small things, he said it is particularly charming, the heart of the boat gradually enlivened, was tickled, shrunk on the sofa legs landing.

She stood up and said, "go."

Taiyuan is not close to the sea. There are not so many seafood markets in Yuecheng. You need to go to a special place to buy them.

Moreover, due to the inconvenience of transportation, all the fish and shrimps in the seafood market are not fresh.

The living shrimp is not fresh, the drunk shrimp is not delicious, so we have to make others.

Gu Qingzhou is a little disappointed.

Si Xingfu comforted her: "don't look at the poor materials, I can still make delicious food. Do you believe it?"

"Letter." Gu Qingzhou road.

"Isn't that stupid? How can you trust a man?" Si Xingfu taught her, "women need to be a little wary, or men will treat you as a fool."

"I don't believe that." Gu Qingzhou changed his course.

"You don't believe my words, aren't you a fool?" said the chief executive? When did I cheat you? "

Gu Qingzhou laughed at him.

The fishmongers and shrimps all looked at the light boat, but they didn't expect such a noble and elegant young lady to smile so bravely.

Si Xingfu is very satisfied.

After selecting the ingredients, the company went home and started work.

The big kitchen was occupied by him. All the cooks gave him a hand. He set out to make a big meal and even squeezed out Cheng Yu's lunch time.

When it's time to have lunch, the kitchen is not available. Cheng Yu hears that it's because of Si Xingfu and Gu Qingzhou. She rushes to the kitchen angrily.

"Phoenix tail shrimp!" She saw Si Xingfu on the plate, "is this Jinling dish? I went to Nanjing with my father several years ago. "

Gu Qingzhou said: "most of the dishes in Jiangnan have this one, but the phoenix tail shrimp made by Si Xingfu is not Jinling dish, but Yuecheng dish."

Cheng Yu reaches for it.

She tucked it into her mouth and chewed it until it tasted good. She kept saying, "yummy, yummy!"

Gu Qingzhou laughs.

"This silly girl." She said.

Si xingxu hasn't seen her smile for a long time, and her heart is warm.

At this moment, he thought, he had another friend.

Gu Qingzhou likes Cheng Yu very much. Si Xingfu should treat her kindly.

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