Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1218 jealousy

Cheng Yu takes away the door.

Gu Qingzhou's heart is thumping. He feels something is going to happen.

She turned to look at Xunzi, Gaoqiao. As expected, Xunzi's face changed.

Even a simple man can see that Cheng Yu is still in love with him.

Cheng Yu almost wants to write the four words "love is not over" clearly on his face.

"She... She has me in her heart, doesn't she?" Gaoqiao Xun turned his eyes and looked at the light boat. His eyes were full of excitement and tears were looming.

The light boat is silent.

He saw clearly, and did not care about the need to speak.

When he left, his steps were light.

"Do evil." Gu Qingzhou sighs.

She doesn't blame Cheng Yu. Most people can't control their emotions in a sudden.

Just as Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu met assassins when their hatred was unresolved, Gu Qingzhou could not help jumping up to block his gun.

At that time, she did more than Cheng Yu.

Thinking of this, Gu Qingzhou went to Chengyu's yard.

Zhuo Mozi didn't come last night. Cheng Yu went to bed without taking off his clothes.

She buried her head in the quilt.

When she heard footsteps, she looked up alert. When she saw Gu Qingzhou, although she was relieved, she was a little disappointed.

Maybe she thought it was Gao Qiao and Xun who came after her?

Gu Qingzhou sat beside her bed and clapped her across the quilt: "don't be sad."

Cheng Yu said, "I'm not sad."

"Don't blame yourself. You didn't do anything wrong. Everyone has a feeling that it's hard to control, including me." Gu Qingzhou road.

Cheng Yu pours.

She took a deep breath and sighed slowly again.

After a long time, she pulled the quilt again and covered her head. She hid in the quilt, her voice humming: "you go, let me sleep for a while."

"Shall I take you out to play?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Cheng Yu shakes his head.

She didn't want to go, she didn't want to go anywhere.

At the moment, she is weak.

She thought of a bit of the past. In the past, Gao Qiao Xun smiled at her like a child, making her heart languish.

She didn't care to admit anything.

She is dishonest, but she is honest both physically and mentally. They betrayed her and betrayed her in front of Gaoqiao Xun, so that she could be fully explored by Gaoqiao Xun.

She stayed in bed and refused to get up.

At about two o'clock in the afternoon, the servant called her to have dinner.

She didn't eat it in the morning. Now she was really hungry, so she got up.

Soon after a meal, the phone rang.

Cheng Yu took it as Zhuo Mozi.

I don't think so. The other end of the line is Gao Qiao Xun.

His voice is hoarse, Chinese is still so poor: "can I meet you? I want to give you back one of your old things. "

Cheng Yu thought that when he lost his temper in the morning and kept hiding all the time, he became more and more thoughtful and never stopped.

When Xun decided to leave her from Gaoqiao, the relationship ended.

The heart may ache, and it will lag behind. I mistakenly think that they are together, so I need to toss and ache.

Cheng Yu understands that these are all necessary processes.

When her ex husband betrayed her, she experienced all this. She can also understand that in a few days, when she meets Xunzi, Gaoqiao, she will be calm.

He even joked and joked with him.

"Well, I have something to tell you, too." Cheng Yudao.

"The restaurant you used to visit before, you know the address." In the voice of Gao Qiao and Xun, there was joy, which was really conveyed.

Cheng Yu is inexplicably sad.

When I was with him, although I often despised him, though I kept my heart and didn't talk about my feelings with him, I always felt sorry for him.

He is like a little boy.

Every time he bullies him, Cheng Yu feels guilty.

This kind of emotion should not appear between two young men and women.

Cheng Yu sat in the room, thinking for a long time.

At the end of the day, she called Zhuo Mozi.

Now zhuomozhi is her little boyfriend. If you go to see the little white face before, it's the safest thing to say, so as not to trouble each other.

It's her responsibility.

A person in a relationship, regardless of gender, should be a responsible person.

"... I made some misunderstandings with him in the morning. I want to explain. What's more, he said that there was something left over from him, and I'll get it back. " Cheng Yudao.

There's no voice over the phone.

Cheng Yu feeds again.

Still no sound.

This is the only phone in the school. After getting through, I went there and called Zhuo Mozi. Zhuo Mozi came here temporarily on the way to class.

He ran very fast, his voice was a little gasping, and he said, "a Yu".

At the moment, he was silent.

Cheng Yu asked again, "don't you want me to go?"


Cheng Yu hears the sound. It was a long time before another young man's voice came over the phone.

"Zhuo taught him... He went back to class." That's humane.

Cheng Yu knew that Zhuo Mozi had left the phone.

He has a big temper.

Cheng Yu did all he had to do, so he changed his clothes and combed his hair again.

She packed herself, and it was half past five in the afternoon.

The setting sun hangs in the west, and the setting sun is like melting gold. The courtyard is inlaid with gold border, which is brilliant.

It's a little cold. Cheng Yu wears a fur. A circle of yellow fur collar covers her neck. She huddled in thick fur, warm and dignified.

She went to the restaurant.

As soon as she got off the bus, she saw Xunzi, Gaoqiao. He was standing at the place where the lights were luxuriant. He was wearing a suit, anxious and uneasy.

Cheng Yu's footsteps stop.

She was hesitating.

She thought of many things, all of which were in her heart, which made her eyes astringent.

At last, she went to Gaoqiao.

Gao Qiao and Xun Da Xi.

When they sat down in the restaurant, Cheng Yu asked, "what can I do for you?"

"It's not for you either." "I want to give it to you," Hsun said with a smile

Then he poured her a glass of red wine.

Red wine in the crystal goblet, slightly played a ripple, a circle of swing open and return to calm.

Cheng yuduan takes a drink and nods.

Her words can be left to the end. Because after dinner, they are full, have the strength to be ruthless, also have the strength to be sad.

"I used to like horses, you know. I have said that I want to give you a horse. You say that I like the brown Damascus and the Mongolian one. " XUNDAO, Gaoqiao.

Cheng Yu remembers this.

When she said this, she had a clear idea, which was to create difficulties for Gao Qiao and Xun.

She had seen the British inspector's horse, which was very tall and glossy.

"I met a Mongolian Lord not long ago..."

"is there another Mongolian Lord?" Cheng Yu asked, "they didn't go back?"

"If someone doesn't go back, most of them will have a good time in the concession in Tianjin." "In a word, he helped me get it. He has arrived at Taiyuan mansion."

Cheng Yu's eyes brightened a little.

She wanted a horse of her own very early.

However, it was sent to her by Gao Qiao Xun, which made her more or less embarrassed.

"What is it like?"

"I've got someone to lead me here. I'm in the back street. Can I have a look?" Gao qiaoxun has pulled out his chair and stood up.

Cheng Yu slightly pondered, "OK, let me have a look first."

After reading it, I find an excuse to say that the horse is not good. I don't like it. I refuse it again, so it doesn't hurt people.

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