Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1220 how to coax?

The pillow seat is soft, and Cheng Yu falls into it. He doesn't feel pain, but his head is spinning.

When her mind was clear, dromo stopped her.

His eyes are gloomy, like the monsters in the cold night.

He had a gun in his hand for a long time, with thick calluses and a little bit of numbness. He slipped across her cheek.

He stroked her face slowly.

Cheng Yu was captured by his momentum, and all the pungency was buried in his heart, unable to vent.

She looked at him, breathless.

"I don't like that horse." His voice was cold, like an ice cone under the eaves of a cold winter house, "deal with it. Otherwise, I'm going to fight. "

Cheng Yu slowly recovers from the shock.

She looked at Zhuo Mozi and thought that he had worn his feet in order to save himself. She was a little timid. She always seemed to owe him something.

The eldest Miss born in the Cheng family has been used to other people's life and death for her since she was young. It is the glory of those who wear their feet.

Cheng Yu is not used to being grateful, but when she is faced with a great deal, she always feels sorry.

She hates this kind of debt.

"I'll sell it." Cheng Yu organized the language for a long time and replied, "not because of you, but because I was going to sell."

Dromo did not move.

When Cheng Yu pushes him, he feels like a mountain. When he stabilizes her, she has no power to fight back.

"Not for me?" He asked.

This sentence, the voice is also cool, is the cold heart to the outside. So, this is not so cruel, but a little sad.

Cheng Yu didn't understand.

Zhuo Mozi also collected emotions.

"Yes, I will not change for anyone." Cheng Yu said, "when I make up my mind, I will never turn back. I was going to sell that horse. It's none of your business. "

Zhuo Mo stops talking.

Cheng Yu said again, "what did we say at the beginning?"

"How is it?"

"You are my little white face." Cheng Yu said, "if you forget, please leave!"

Zhuo Mo Zhi's expression did not move, just slightly tightened the lip line, revealing his ruthlessness.

He gets up slowly and releases Cheng Yu.

Cheng Yu breathed a sigh of relief. The weight on her body disappeared, and the weight on her heart disappeared. Cheng Yu found himself in a flash.

The feeling of helplessness under Zhuozi really scared her.

She jumped out of bed and walked out without shoes.

The horse, Cheng Yu, was handed over to the servant, who took it back to Gaoqiao Xun.

"If he doesn't want it, he'll sell it. Sell it in front of him. " Cheng Yudao.

The servant said yes.

At dusk, the servant came back and took a bill of exchange to Cheng Yu.

"It's sold, Miss Cheng." The servant said, "the amount is too large, so the villain takes the initiative and asks for the bank draft. With the money order, you can go to the bank to withdraw the money. "

When Cheng Yu saw the number, he was shocked: is it so expensive?

She thought that the horse was just a good one. Now it seems that people who know the goods recognize it as a BMW, so they bought it at a high price.

"I'm going to donate the money to the orphanage." Cheng Yu to Gu Qingzhou road.

Gu Qingzhou thought of the horse.

If it wasn't for Gao Qiao Xun, she would have bought it.

It's really a good horse. It's also suitable for Si Xingfu to serve as his horse.

It's also convenient to fly back to Pingcheng.

It's a pity.

"Yes. It's a lot of money. It's better to divide it into five parts and donate it to five philanthropists. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Cheng Yu gave the draft to Gu Qingzhou: "help me with this, I really don't want to do it. My brain, it's not clear. "

Gu Qingzhou chuckles: "OK, I'll come."

She asked Cheng Yu, "I heard that Zhuo Mozi left this morning with a bad face. Did you quarrel?"

"No. He has no heat in his temper. It's hard to quarrel with him. " Cheng Yu said with a smile, "he can't even get angry."

When Zhuo stops being angry, he has a spirit that can make people feel his anger.

Anger should be hot, and his anger is cold.

"Don't bully him, either." Gu Qingzhou said something casually.

Unexpectedly, this sentence annoyed Cheng Yu.

"I bullied him? He bullied me almost. Miss Cheng, I haven't suffered such a big loss! In front of him, I always feel guilty and indebted. Do you know how hard it is? " Cheng Yu growls.

Gu Qingzhou pushed her shoulder: "go out crazy, I have no time to talk to you."

Then she got up and left.

Cheng Yu's nose was almost crooked.

She followed Gu Qingzhou and had to explain things to him.

"... I called and told him that he didn't answer me, but just dropped the phone." Cheng Yu said, "I went to see Xunzi, Gaoqiao, to explain what happened in the morning. I have a clear conscience and take care of the boat! "

She straightened her chest and tried to straighten out.

Gu doesn't answer her.

Cheng Yu continued, "what is his right to be angry?"

Gu Qingzhou stopped and said with a smile, "I don't think he is angry, but jealous."

Cheng Yu sniffed: "what vinegar does a man eat? Women chirp. "

Gu couldn't help laughing.

She controlled herself from laughing.

"What's the matter?" It's hard for Cheng Yu to laugh at her. It's a bit confusing.

"It's OK, but Si Xingfu is always jealous. I'll tell him what you said later." Gu Qingzhou road.

Cheng Yu then knew that men also love to be jealous, and when jealous, they are more unreasonable than women. They will eat any kind of vinegar.

She was stunned.

Zhuo Mozi didn't come last night. Cheng Yu thought of him as red blood, and thought he was angry.

Now thinking about it, he must have stayed up all night.

It must have been a long time since he received the phone call yesterday and came to see her this morning.

"Do I have to coax him?" Cheng Yu asked.

Gu chuckled, "whatever you want. If the secretary is jealous, I will coax him. "

"How to coax?"

"It's hard to say. Let it be." Gu chuckled.

Cheng yubai takes a look at Gu Qingzhou and thinks that Gu Qingzhou is amusing her.

Gu Qingzhou ignored her.

After seeing her off, Gu Qingzhou is going to send people to the charity hall in the city.

Si Xingfu is back at this time.

"Something happened. Governor Ye was so angry that he scolded his mother." "It's really funny," he said with a smile

"What is it?" Gu Qingzhou took over his cloak and hung it up for him. He was virtuous and courteous.

"A little thing." "However, it may have something to do with our family."

"Our family?"

"Yes." Si Xingfu pointed to the direction of crossing the courtyard in the West. "If I have a good guess, it must have something to do with Cheng Yu's side."

He uses the housework of "our family" to refer to Cheng Yu and makes Gu Qingzhou feel confused and warm.

They seem to have two more families, Huo Yue and Cheng Yu.

"Is it zhuomozhi?" "What did he do?" Gu asked

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