Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1230 kidnapping

Kang Nuan's anxiety is in his eyes.

She shook her head. "It's OK."

She paused and said to Kang Nuan, "once upon a time, there was a girl he secretly loved. Please invite him out to play. He's paranoid. Please let me give him an idea. "

"What's the idea?" Kang warm asked.

"I asked him to bring some of my spies." Gu chuckled, "when I came from the south of the Yangtze River, I brought a group of my own people with me. They are seldom used in normal times."

"There's nothing wrong with it." Kang warm road.

Gu Qingzhou nods.

Kang Nuan said with a smile: "are six brothers afraid of humiliation? The boy is very strange, always want face, take servants a bit like the old and the young, they face up to not go

Gu Qingzhou also smiled: "that's exactly what it is."

They talked for a while.

Kang Nuan said his intention.

Her father was so happy last night that Kang Nuan was in a state of anxiety.

"I'm afraid of his bad things." Kang warm road.

Gu Qingzhou comforts her.

Her comfort, too, was hollow, and she was reminded of her father's actions.

Others, wait and see.

"Sister Qingzhou, who asked for six brothers?" When Kang Nuan was about to leave, he asked suddenly.

"He didn't say it." Gu Qingzhou road.

Kang Nuan left nervously.

Gu Qingzhou breathed slowly.

"It's a strange day." She exclaimed.

She sent Wang Ke out before and wanted to give her an idea.

Before opening his mouth, Gu Qingzhou suddenly thought of something.

Kang warm's arrival, let her connect things together. Although she felt absurd, she asked Wang Ke a question.

She asked Wang Ke, "I think you and Kang Nuan look familiar. Do you two have much contact?"

"Yes." Wang Ke said, "kangnuan's father and my father are close friends. Later, my father died, and uncle Kang often came to see me. "

"Do you know about your treasure?" Gu asked suddenly.

Wang Ke was confused.

Well, how did you mention uncle Kang?

If it wasn't for Kang Nuan's sudden arrival, it would have nothing to do with Uncle Kang?

What's more, even if Kang Nuan comes, it's not related to Uncle Kang.

"I didn't say that." Said Wang Ke.

"Really?" Gu Qingzhou's expression is a little serious. "Think about it."

Wang Ke frowned.

What else did he want to say? Suddenly, his mind exploded. He thought of something the day before yesterday and thought carefully: "maybe, I really said it."

He looked at the boat.

Gu Qingzhou is not upset or eager. He looks at him quietly and waits for his next words.

Wang Ke licked her lower lip. Her heart was empty and not very stable.

He said: "Uncle Kang and my father have a very good relationship. They often play together since childhood. Later, my parents died, and he took care of me."

Gu Qingzhou nodded and encouraged Wang Ke to continue.

In Wang Ke's heart, the position of the festival was very high, at least it had good feelings.

"I was going to visit my English teacher the day before yesterday, but I met uncle Kang. He said he hadn't seen me for a long time, so he took me to drink.

While we were drinking and chatting, he suddenly mentioned that I went to the temple every month to offer incense. He asked me if I would go this month, and I said no. " Wang Kedao.

He goes to Shangxiang every month. Before Kanglian Festival, he went there with him.

Kanglianjie suddenly asked about this, but also casually mentioned.

Unexpectedly, Wang Ke's attitude was not quite right. At that time, there was doubt in Kang Lian's expression.

"He mentioned my father, said a lot of things, I did not control, accompanied him to drink a lot of wine. That's my father's past. I can't help drinking.

I didn't think at that time. Now think about it, uncle Kang may want to set me up. Later, I was a bit confused, or I said that there was treasure on the cliff of the temple. " Wang Kedao.

Wang Ke was young and had a bad drink. When he was drunk, he was cut off. Kanglian festival had a high position in his heart. When it comes to the temple of the ancient benevolence, it's possible to talk about treasures.

After all, his heart has been untied.

"Gu Qingzhou light oh voice:" this is it

"What is that?" Wang Ke was puzzled.

Gu Qingzhou lowered his voice and whispered, "Kang Nuan said that Master Kang Er spent a sum of money, and asked the people of Ma Bang to do three things for him."

"Mrs. Si, do you mean uncle Kang took a fancy to the treasure?" Wang Ke repeatedly denied, "it's impossible. Uncle Kang can't do such a thing.

The Kang family is so rich that he can't see it. He's a man of integrity. He is just like my second uncle. How can he plot my things? "

After that, he shook his head again and again: "Uncle Kang... Uncle Kang is not such a person."

His voice is a little high.

He said repeatedly: "Uncle Kang is not such a person. All the people in the Kang family are noble. Besides, that treasure has been taken away by you. Even if Uncle Kang wants it, he can't find me. "

"Or, he didn't know that the treasure had fallen into the hands of me and the manager!" Gu Qingzhou road.

After drinking, Wang Ke may not have said everything.

Gu Qingzhou was silent for a moment. He did not challenge Wang Ke, but asked, "Wang Ke, do you believe me?"

"Of course it is." Said Wang Ke.

He was sure, serious, not perfunctory.

Gu Qingzhou said, "you are going to meet tonight and take my spy with you."

"Ah?" Wang Ke is a little reluctant because of the accident.

Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "you have to take people around you. You can't drive out of the city by yourself or walk out of the city, can you?"

"Not so good, right?" Wang Ke said, "take a lot of entourage with you when you go out. It's like a local old hat. People will make fun of you."

"It's necessary to be defensive." Gu Qingzhou road.

Wang Ke finally agreed.

He didn't doubt Conrad, but fan Zihui.

He felt that it was not normal for fan Zihui to find him.

Wang Ke returns home from Gu Qingzhou and gets a call from fan Zihui in the afternoon to remind him of his evening date.

"That's strange. How can she be too enthusiastic? " Wang Ke thought.

At the moment, he has 45% doubt. It may really have something to do with the festival.

Wang Ke left an eye on fan Zihui and said, "maybe I can go there earlier and help you arrange."

"No, no, you are too early. The servant is not ready. I was caught off guard. You can leave at six. " Fan Zihui said.

Wang Ke 's heart is half cold.

Fan Zihui probably despised him very much. He felt that he was a half dead man, so he obviously revealed the meaning of "good work in dark" to him, and didn't pay attention to him.

"Do you want to go?" Wang Ke is full of hesitation.

At the moment, he is very curious about the inference of the light boat.

Fan Zihui and Kanglian Festival, seemingly unrelated people, were suddenly connected by Gu Qingzhou, which made Wang Ke itch.

He was only twenty-two. No matter how gloomy he was, he also had the curiosity of young people.

He wanted to see the result for himself.

This result, driven by his curiosity, is even more important than his safety.

Delay to fan Zihui said time, Wang Ke finally with the people who take care of the boat out of the door.

The people sent by Gu Qingzhou were silent, and they also cared about Wang Ke's nose and eyes when they were in front of him, which made Wang Ke feel more comfortable.

In addition to Wang Ke, there are five of them, just in a car.

Wang Ke is sitting in the back seat, sandwiched between two people.

All the way was peaceful and nothing happened.

Wang Ke's spirit is getting more and more tense.

"What does it mean to be calm?" Wang Ke thought.

"Will something happen?" he asked the man next to him

"Don't worry, young master Wang. We are here." That's humane.

When the car left the city, the road became rough, but their car performance was good, which was nothing.

Unexpectedly, Wang Ke was in the most tense mood when the car suddenly shook, sank down and suddenly couldn't move.

The driver said, "the wheels are in the mud."

It's not a big deal.

Wang Ke slowly breathed a sigh, saying that she was about to be scared to death.

He said: "try to see if you can climb out. If you really can't, let's all go down and push."

Although he didn't have much strength, these people sent by Gu Qingzhou looked very strong and pushed a car.

"Don't move!" The leader's retinue, with a coagulated expression, pointed to a man beside Wang Ke and said, "go down and have a look."

The man went down.

Within a short time, there was a gunshot outside.

"Gun... Gun?" Wang Ke's scalp will burst.

Sure enough, sure enough!

If he didn't lose sleep last night, he hit and found Gu Qingzhou by mistake, at this time he would have been tied up.

The other side didn't know how many people came, but only one of them got off.

"Let's go down and help!" Wang Ke was in a hurry.

"Don't move. Stay in the car." Several others quickly got out of the car and locked the door.

Wang Ke had no gun in his hand and was still weak. It would be no help to go out at this time, so she lay down on the back seat.

He suddenly thought, "the spy who just sat next to me, dressed in a suit of the same color as me, had the same hair style as me, and was about the same size as me."

This is arranged by Gu Qingzhou.

Wang Ke was so nervous that she didn't notice it all the way.

After a burst of gunfire, there was a sound of * * fighting outside.

Wang Ke was afraid of the gunshot just after his entourage got out of the car. He didn't know if he was hiding.

If it's him, most of them can't hide and will be hurt.

Just as he was daydreaming, the door suddenly opened.

"Master Wang, everyone has caught it." People sent by Gu Qingzhou stood outside the car.

He's so strong that anyone can feel safe watching him.

Wang Ke seemed to take off his strength and got out of the car for a long time.

There are three people on the ground. They are not good at first sight. They are pressed by the people who take care of the boat.

Seeing Wang Ke getting out of the car, one of them couldn't help swearing: "Damn it, I've been cheated!"

When Wang Ke heard this, he knew that they were coming for him.

They dug a hole in Wang Ke's only way and made a trap. They waited for the people in the car to get off and check.

They hid nearby. As long as Wang Ke came down, they could tie him up unexpectedly.

Who knows that someone pretends to be Wang Ke and intentionally leads them to the bait!

"Who are you?" Wang Ke said coldly.

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