Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1250 tea for her

Gu Qingzhou really praised shiboshan.

Mrs. Hirano smiled: "Boshan is another trump card for me. Coincidentally, he had a very good relationship with the Japanese military department in Tianjin. "

That is to say, shiboshan and caichangting check and balance each other.

Once someone has betrayal, they can replace each other.

At the same time, the two of them didn't have a chance to join hands, because they were too similar.

Mrs. Hirano knows all about it, but she pretends not to know, and makes good use of it.

"In the future, you can contact Boshan more." "He's loyal to you," said Hirano

"Yes, princess," said shiboshan

"I'm not your princess." Gu chuckled. "Why, didn't madam tell you?"

Shibo mountain way: "Madam told me everything. What would you like me to call you in private? "

"Call me Mrs. secretary." Gu Qingzhou said, "this is my only surname now."

Shiboshan looks at her.

He smiled: "today's women have an independent consciousness. Are you still an old school? Women are not men's vassals. "

"I'm an old school man." Gu chuckled, "the new era seems to me fresh and interesting, but mysterious. I'm afraid of it. It's the ideology and culture of the old times that makes me safer. "

Shibo mountain way: "may as well, I can teach you."

Gu Qingzhou is always capable of drawing one's attention from business to corner.

Like now.

Shiboshan seems to be particularly interested in symmetry.

So Mrs. Hirano interrupted them: "let's call it a canoe. You are already familiar with her, and canoe is her good friend. It's no surprise that you call her that. "

"Well, light boat." Shi Boshan obeyed Mrs. pingye's advice and called her name as expected.

Gu Qingzhou said, "well, it's so simple and direct."

She also likes to be called "boat".

This is her face.

After that, Mrs. Hirano invited Gu Qingzhou to have tea and even talk about some things.

Gu Qingzhou has gone.

By the time I came out, it was late midnight.

Shiboshan wants to send her, Gu Qingzhou refuses. When she came out of Mrs. pingye's yard, she met Cai Changting.

Cai Changting is coming back from outside.

"Are you leaving?" He asked with a smile, "is Boshan here today?"

"You've known each other for a long time?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Cai Changting nodded: "I have known each other for many years. By the way, he has been in love with ahui before. It's a very serious feeling. "

This sentence is very provocative.

As everyone in the eyes knows, ah fan's death is related to Gu Qingzhou. She is an indirect enemy.

How can ah fan's admirers have good intentions to take care of the boat?

"You didn't love ahun, too?" Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "if Shibo mountain is really for ahun, then he hates you more than I do."

Compared with the shiboshan, he was more inclined to caichangting, and caichangting was treacherous in appearance. Anyone would regard him as the rival of love, no matter male or female.

He wants to tell Gu Qingzhou that Shi Boshan is hostile to her. Then Gu Qingzhou also wants to tell him that Shi Boshan is more hostile to him.

In this world, feelings also matter.

In front of the jealous man, life and death can not match that shallow feeling.

Cai Changting smiled: "you win again. In front of you, there's no point in what I say, is there? "

Gu Qingzhou nodded, "when you don't talk, it's better."

Cai Changting used his slender fingers and pressed them on his lips to show his kindness.

He sent the boat to the gate.

He taught Gu to hunt in a light boat.

When hunting, we need to have excellent patience, physical strength and mental skill.

Compared with Mrs. Hirano, Gu Qingzhou is more peaceful.

She can control her emotions, and she can push out Mrs. Hirano's card step by step.

Cai Changting, shiboshan.

How many more are there?

Who else?

So these days, Gu Qingzhou often eats and goes out with Mrs. Hirano.

She had already seen the followers of Taiyuan mansion. Even Mr. Hu, who was next to governor ye, was bribed by Mrs. Hirano.

They take good care of the light boat.

"I haven't seen Qin Sha for many days." Mrs. Hirano suddenly thought of this, "how about inviting her to tea?"

After the event of the two treasures, Qin Sha broke off the relationship with the royalist party.

Mrs. Hirano agreed.

Moreover, in order to prevent herself from getting rid of her body again, Qin Sha will never contact the business of the Wang family or participate in the management of the Wang family's house.

In the eyes of the Wang family, she has a good sense of interest and is worthy of respect.

Wang Youchuan paid more and more attention to her.

"Why bother her?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Mrs. Hirano said with a smile, "can't ordinary intercourse be done?"

Gu Qingzhou shakes his head.

"Madame," she said, "you are going to do great things. Don't waste your time on small people."

Mrs. Hirano stopped.

Gu Qingzhou has something to say.

Mrs. Hirano went to see Qin Sha. It was clear that she had a purpose. She also had to take care of the boat, but also at a glance.

And Gu Qingzhou doesn't want to involve Qin yarn in it.

A small purpose, pierced by the patron's boat, becomes meaningless.

"Mrs. Hirano smiled:" you are not bad

When Gu Qingzhou returned home, the more he thought, the more he felt something was wrong. He was afraid that Qin Sha would fall into the trap of Mrs. Hirano and be dragged into the mire again.

She called Jing Wang.

"... would you like some good food, is your mother free?" Gu Qingzhou asked, "why don't you call your mother, let's go to dinner and see a movie?"

Wang Jing is very happy.

He is idling away.

"Well, I'll book the restaurant." Wang Jing said with a smile.

As a result, the western restaurant he wanted to go to was renovated and closed for two days.

Other places, Wang Jing can't see them. She hesitates for a while.

Qin Sha said, "sister Gu wants to get together with us. It's not important to choose a secluded place."

Wang Jing obeyed.

He chose a quiet restaurant.

After booking, he called to tell Gu the address.

At eleven o'clock in the morning, Gu went to the appointment according to his words.

As a result, there were not only Wang Jing and Qin Sha, but also Wang Ke in Yajian.

Wang Ke smiled: "I heard that there are delicious food, and I have come."

You don't mind having more than one person.

After dinner, the waiter said that Wang Jing had a friend who also came. He asked if it was convenient to come up and say hello.

Wang Jing thought it was inconvenient. After all, his mother and sister were there. All those friends were just talking in their heads, so she went down on her own.

Wang Ke also knew the man, so she went with Wang Jing, so that they would not hear that he was coming, but would come up again.

Only Gu Qingzhou and Qin Sha are left in Yajian.

"What's the matter?" Qin Sha asks Gu Qingzhou directly.

Gu Qingzhou won't ask her out easily.

"A little thing." Gu Qingzhou road.

She told Qin Sha what Mrs. pingye suggested to visit her last time.

There is a layer of cold hair on the back of Qin yarn. "What's the matter? All my property has been given to my wife. It was agreed at the beginning that there will be no task for me in the future. " Qin Sha's lips are a little pale.

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