Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1252 pregnancy

Gu Qingzhou has been diagnosed.

She looks at Cheng Yu.

Cheng Yu seems to collapse. She holds her heart and asks, "how is it?"

At any time, her heart will be crushed by herself.

Just wait for Gu Qingzhou.

"As you guessed." Gu Qingzhou said, "Cheng Yu, you are pregnant."

Tighten your hands.

This time, knot firm firm firm hold her heart, she felt the flesh and blood knead into powder, in the palm a little flow.

Her brain froze and her body slowly lost consciousness.

Cheng Yu's monthly affairs have always been accurate, even if it is delayed, it will never exceed three days.

When she got married for the first time, she also looked forward to having a child, which was very attentive. In the end, it's a pity that she died of her marriage and her child didn't want to succeed.

At the time of divorce, I think it's better to have no children, or the children will be pitiful.

This time, the monthly event was postponed.

Cheng Yu has a contraceptive technique. She rubs the acupoints at the back of her waist. This is from the palace. When she was in Hong Kong, she inquired about those socialists.

She used it all the time when she was with dromo.

I didn't expect that...

the monthly event was postponed for seven or eight days, which made her uneasy; today is the tenth day, and she feels that she can't get away with it.

When she got up early, she came to Gu Qingzhou, hoping that Gu Qingzhou could feel her pulse.

She came in a hurry.

But in the process of waiting, she thought a lot.

The deeper she thinks, the less she wants to involve Gu in it. When Gu came back, she lost the courage to talk with her.

She wants to go to the hospital.

She went to the hospital, but looked around the scene, heart hair timid.

She's never been so scared in her life.

She came back in a hurry.

At the most frightening time, she found that she was still only able to rely on taking care of the light boat.

Gu Qingzhou has the strictest mouth and the most steady action.

"Cheng Yu?" Gu Qingzhou gave her a low cry, like a tree full of snow, which crashed and buried Cheng Yu.

Cheng Yu was cold and heavy, and woke up in a flash.

Her lips were pale, and she tried to speak without success.

Gu Qingzhou clenched her hand.

The palms are really warm and powerful, which makes Cheng Yu's lips slow down a little.

"What to do?" She helplessly looked at Gu Qingzhou. Her eyes were big and lifeless. "What should I do, Gu Qingzhou?"

Gu Qingzhou ponders.

In the alliance of Zhuo and Cheng, Cheng Yu's pregnancy will indeed put Yunnan in a passive position, and also make her lose her position in Zhuo's family.

How about her and Zhuo Mo Zhi? We can't hide the reputation of bringing children in.

In upper class society, this is called "scandal".

It's a good day for Cheng Yu to be free, so it's a shadow.

She may not think about other people, but she has to think about herself.

And her children.

If the Cheng family wants to make too much profit, it will definitely not continue to form an alliance with the Zhuo family; and Zhuo Dashuai, a greedy beast, is unable to give up the favorable opportunity to get it easily.

Once the Cheng family gave up the alliance, Cheng Yu suddenly lost confidence: "if things don't go well, my mother won't recognize me. She has suffered so much these years that she has become a mature politician

For his mother and brother, Cheng Yu can't always look at them as a child.

After father's death, mother and brother had real power.

Power will change kinship.

For example, the old saying "the royal family has no kinship", because in front of power, kinship has no value.

This kid, it's too unlucky, too hasty!

"Take care of the boat, what can I do?" Cheng Yu keeps repeating this sentence.

Gu didn't answer her.

Looking at himself, Gu Qingzhou began to have the thinking of politicians, not so hot-blooded anymore.

However, he doesn't need to worry about what Qingzhou says. Cheng Yu knows all about it.

She is the beloved daughter of inspector Cheng. She has been the wife of Hong Kong inspector. What can't she see through?

"Cheng Yu, I will be by your side." Gu Qingzhou said, "I will help you to fight for the most favorable situation."

Cheng Yu suddenly stands up.

She said: "I thought about it before - before you came back, I thought about it. Whether it's leaving the children or killing them, it's hard to please.

It's hard for me to get involved with you. Now you know, I still can't involve you. Once you get involved, things get out of control a little bit, and it becomes the fuse of war among the three warlords. "

The purpose of war is for territory and power, and there are various excuses for war.

Cheng Yu can't drag in the influence of Si Xingfu.

However, if the light boat is involved, the Secretary will not be spared.

"Leave me alone." Cheng Yu said, "I'm back. I need to think about it."

Gu Qingzhou pulls her: "don't make any bad ideas, I'll help you find a way."

"No!" Cheng Yu suddenly shrieked, "I'm running out of Cheng's family, and Zhuo's family may not be able to enter. If you're lucky, I don't even have a place to mess. Take care of the boat, stop for me, don't you mind me! "

Then she ran out.

Her steps were swift, and she ran back to her yard in one breath.

She closed the door.

Gu Qingzhou didn't run as fast as she did, and hurriedly followed her.

She only wore a thin long gown and skirt. It was not cold in the house where there were dragons, but it was freezing when she went out.

The maid chased her.

"Put on your clothes, madam!" The maid said.

Gu Qingzhou stops and encloses the wind cloak.

When she arrived outside Chengyu's courtyard, Chengyu had asked the maid to lock the gate across the courtyard.

Gu Qingzhou reaches for his hand and finds that his fingers are cold and stiff. He bends a little to knock on the door, causing pain.

At the corner of the wall, a branch of Chimonanthus praecox spreads obliquely, full of fragrant trees. Hong Meiyan, dotted with the deep winter of Xiao Su and gray.

"Madam, Miss Cheng can't open the door. Let you go back." In the courtyard, four ya, the maid, told Gu Qingzhou far away.

Gu Qingzhou said, "Siya, open the door."

Siya is at a loss: "madam, Miss Cheng is OK. I look at her. Go back first. I dare not drive."

It's the rule of the government to listen to the servants.

The rules were made by the wife herself.

Siya knows what she wants to hear from her wife, but what she said and what her wife wants her to do now are contradictory. Siya almost collapses.

"Open the door." Gu Qingzhou said in a voice, "Siya, you are obedient."

Four Ya fiercely bit his lips, felt that his wife would not blame him, so she really planned to open the door.

Just then, someone behind him asked, "what's the matter?"

Gu Qingzhou looked back and saw zhuomozhi.

Zhuomozhi is totally different from when we first met.

His face was cold and his eyes were cold, as if he had changed.

He used to be sunny and gentle.

Gu Qingzhou looks at him for a moment, remembers Cheng Yu's "dissociation disease", and believes 70-80% in his heart.

It is impossible for a person of indifferent nature to be so bright and bright. Gu Qingzhou has seen Zhuo Mozi, and he is optimistic when he is in adversity.

"It's OK. She has a bad temper." "I let the servant open the door," Gu said Zhuo Mo stops: "why don't servants drive?"

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