Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1271: shrew beating

Cheng Yu stayed in the hospital for two days.

Zhuo Mozi didn't know about it. Sister-in-law Xin was scared. She visited Cheng Yu and informed Gu Qingzhou, but forgot to tell Zhuo Mozi.

It's mainly because of Zhuo Mozi's words that make sister Xin uncertain whether to tell him.

It happened that Zhuo Mozi was in a bad mood and went back to Peiping. Even if sister-in-law Xin told him, he would not be there.

After Cheng Yu came back, it was not as easy as she said.

Sister-in-law Xin still remembered that she was holding the doctor and crying bitterly. She always loved beauty and cried herself in a state of embarrassment: "save my child. I am willing to do good deeds, eat fast and pray. Please."

But the child was gone, and she became insensitive again.

Sister-in-law Xin tried to comfort her, and she said without hesitation: "originally, it was not on the right way, without better, it would save you suffering in the future."

"The way is not right" shocked sister-in-law Xin successfully. She was afraid to continue, but said, "Miss Cheng, you are still so young. There will be time in the future. Don't be too sad."

Cheng Yu said she was OK.

But at night, sister-in-law Xin was on duty on her cot and heard her sobbing in the quilt.

"She cried so much, but she didn't speak at all. I dare not speak." Sister Xin said to Gu Qingzhou.

Gu knew the cause and the result, but she didn't know what happened.

Cheng Yu's mood is unstable.

She repressed all the sadness in her heart, seemingly nothing happened.

Gu Qingzhou was undoubtedly stabbing her when he went for questioning.

"I know sister Xin." Gu Qingzhou said, "hasn't Zhuo Shao come yet?"

"Not yet." Xin sister-in-law.

Gu Qingzhou nods.

She called for the adjutant.

"Go to Zhuo Shao and tell him about Miss Cheng's small birth." Gu Qingzhou road.

Sister-in-law Hsin asked: "madam, is this OK? In case that Zhuo Shao blames Miss Cheng, then... "

" he always needs to know. His relationship with Miss Cheng involves two families, which can't be concealed from him. Sister Xin, please go to the kitchen and give it to me on Miss Cheng's side. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Sister-in-law Hsin was relieved of the burden at once.

These days, she is really suffering. Thinking that his wife often had to deal with these things, and that she was so young and could arrange everything properly, sister-in-law Hsin could not help admiring her.

I don't know the hard work of others without my own experience.

"Yes, ma'am." Sister Xin retreated.

Gu Qingzhou wandered around the house, but the idea in his mind has not been formed. After living for more than 20 years, I realized that I could control everything until I met Cheng Yu.

Cheng Yu always breaks the best cards.

However, she has a good character, that is, she doesn't care about good and bad cards, and Miss Cheng doesn't care about winning or losing at all.

Cheng Yu, a young and beautiful man of great birth, is glorious to win and worthy to lose.

Gu Qingzhou never knows what it's like to be "proud of your pet" all his life.

Cheng Yu is willful and extravagant, but Gu Qingzhou is cautious step by step and dare not relax. Cheng Yu's life is the other side of Gu Qingzhou.

Therefore, when we complain about Cheng Yu, we admire her more.

Such envy is like looking at the track of life she can't help but digest her resentment towards Cheng Yu, stay with her, and greedily watch another life that she can't touch.

Hearing about Cheng Yu's accident, Gu Qingzhou came back from a long distance, as well.

After a while, she walked into Cheng Yu's yard again.

Cheng Yu closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.

Gu Qingzhou sat on the small pier beside her bed for a long time, then she sighed and slowly opened her eyes: "sister Xin shouldn't have alarmed you. According to my idea, when you come back from the new year, my little moon will be finished, and everyone will continue to live happily, isn't it all good? "

Gu Qingzhou frowns a little.

Her long willow eyebrows almost enter the temples. When she frowns a little, she is not angry or impatient, but distressed.

"What's going on?" Gu Qingzhou ignored her bullshit.

Before Gu Qingzhou left, her fetal appearance was still very good and she would not miscarry.

"Unexpected." Cheng Yu is downplaying.

At this moment, zhuomozhi rushed in.

As soon as he got back to Taiyuan, he heard about Cheng Yu and rushed here in a hurry.

He didn't seem to see Gu Qingzhou, so he went to Cheng Yu's bedside.

He looked down at Cheng Yu, his lips moved slightly, and at last he asked nothing.

He didn't seem to know which sentence to pick up.

Cheng Yu Yang Mou, and he looked at each other, and then touched his stomach, said: "you did not hear wrong, this little wild seed is gone."

Zhuo Mo stops the blue tendons in his forehead and jumps straight.

He clenched his hand tightly and asked, "why not?"

"Small production." Cheng Yu said, "I went out for a visit, but I didn't feel well, so it was gone."

Simple tone, almost let Zhuo Mo stop madness.

He pinched his hand and tried to suppress his impulse to strangle her: "you mean it?"

"No, it was an accident." Cheng Yudao.

ZhuoZhi's breath, in the open room, becomes thick and stagnant.

What he breathed in was no longer the air for saving lives, but the thick and bloody smell. His mouth was full of sweet smell.

In the past, Cheng Yu was quite magnanimous, but now he has become timid. Even he dare not tell the truth and shirks his responsibility.

He suddenly turned his head and looked at Gu Qingzhou.

He wants to ask.

However, Gu didn't have time to ask why. At the moment, she didn't know what was going on.

Therefore, Gu Qingzhou also said, "Zhuo Shao, it's really an accident."

Dromedge stepped back a few steps.

He slowly leaned against the table, leaving no way to go. He stood in silence and stared at Cheng Yu.

Cheng Yu looks at him for a few seconds and looks away.

"Mrs. si..."

"I know. You talk about it yourself." Gu Qingzhou road. But afraid of Zhuo Mo's madness, Gu went to the living room outside and sat down, even without closing the door.

She didn't close the door, and Zhuo Mozi didn't come to close it.

When Gu Qingzhou sat down in the sofa, he heard Zhuo Mozi ask Cheng Yu, "are you going to see Gao Qiao Xun these days?"

Cheng Yu said, "see you."

The air in the room is silent again.

After a long time, ZhuoZhi sneered: "well, you really have no heart or lung. It's just our bad luck to meet a woman like you...


Gu Qingzhou was shocked to hear that.

"You've always wanted to get rid of me and let me go." Zhuo Mo said one word at a time, "I'm rolling away. We, from then on, have nothing to do with each other. "

Gu Qingzhou stands up.

Cheng Yu's face, indifferent floating a few colors. She was stunned for a moment and said, "thank you so much. You've stuck with me for so long, and finally you're going to roll. I can't get it! "

Zhuo Mozi turned around and went out.

Gu called him, "Zhuo Shao!"

Zhuo did not pay attention to it. He continued to stride out and even trot with some points.

Gu Qingzhou hurried to pull it. Seeing that he wanted to get rid of her, he almost pushed him to stagger. After he was able to stand still, Gu Qingzhou tightened him. Taking advantage of this gap, she slapped him.

"Are you calmer?" Gu Qingzhou said fiercely, "she just had a miscarriage, so you say that, are you still a man?"

Zhuo Mozi's half cheek was numb.

He returned to his mind for a long time, still sneering sarcastically: "she would love to! She deliberately removed the child for the sake of this result. This woman doesn't even want her own flesh and blood. I'm a fart! "

After that, he left at a gallop.

Gu Qingzhou can no longer catch up with him.

"Zhuo Mo Zhi, fuck you, didn't she say the accident?" she scolded behind her

Zhuomozhi has disappeared into the sight of the light boat.

Gu Qingzhou ran out of sweat, now was blown by the cold wind, almost became ice dregs, four under the cold water wrapped her, she was stiff.

She eased back to the house.

Cheng Yu picks up music in the inner room: "Gu Qingzhou, when you jump up to hit people and scold your mother, you are really like a shrew." Gu Qingzhou: "..."

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