Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1278 intentional misleading

Gu took two baths.

But for a moment, her feet began to cool again, and she could not cover them.

She was going to call the servants and get another lady Tang to come in. Si Xingfu said: "it's so late, let the servants have a rest. They are also tired all day. I'll cover your feet. "

He always has some pity for those who do things.

But he is not a kind man.

Gu Qingzhou often wants to analyze him to see what kind of heart and lung he has.

"Good." She put her foot on his chest.

Si Xingfu rubs and presses for her in the quilt. She rubs her foot red with a little force.

Qi and blood became active. Gu Qingzhou was warm. He said, "go to sleep. It's not cold."

He still rubbed her for a while.

They both spoke in silence.

"Last time I went back, I heard from Abba that I was going to marry qiongzhi to a child named Pei." Gu Qingzhou suddenly said.

"What's the way?" he said

Gu Qingzhou is also stunned. Then she laughs and says, "I'm not passing on information to you, but I'm talking to you about family life and gossip."

He did not return to his senses for a while.

Gu chuckled and said, "aren't you used to pulling the family routine? When the future is unified, there will be such days every day. What do you do, old man? "

Si Xingfu puts her down.

After kissing her lips hard, the Secretary released her for a while and said, "dare to amuse me? It seems that your spirit is good... "

" no need. " Gu Qingzhou hurriedly wants to hide, "hero, spare your life."

Si Xingfu: "...

bandits who only rob people but not money will starve to death sooner or later. At this moment, Si Xingfu is pushed to death by her.

This evening, Gu took three baths in the canoe and was about to peel off.

"On the first day of this year, life is like this. I'm afraid it won't be easy this year." Gu Qingzhou road.

Si Xingyao kisses her sideburns: "don't be cheap and be good, what's your strength?"

Gu Qingzhou: "...

I really don't want this kind of cheap thing!

So, on the second day of the new year, as on the first day, Gu Qingzhou got up late again.

By the time she and Si Xingfu got up, it was 9:30 in the morning. They were just about 11 o'clock.

"Are you going to see Cheng Yu?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Si Xingfu casually drinks porridge: "what do you want to see her for? When I see her like that, I want to scold; but she is really an accident, and I'm not good enough to scold, go and treat her with big eyes and small eyes? "

Although he said so, he went with Gu Qingzhou.

Cheng Yu is still in bed.

She is obedient at this time.

Gu Qingzhou let her lie in the house for about half a month. She didn't show any moths again. She kept herself in the soft pillow mat.

"... looks like I'm a little fat." Si Xingfu looks at Cheng Yu carefully. "Is it sleeping swollen?"

Cheng Yu almost helps the wall to spit blood.

"Gu Qingzhou, do you still have human nature? I'm a patient. You bring this thing to piss me off! " Cheng Yu is going to cry. "Take him with you."

Gu Qingzhou touched Si Xingfu and said, "speak to some people."

"Good cultivation," said the secretary

As expected, it means to worship one by one. In front of his daughter-in-law, he is filial like a good grandson.

He not only humiliated her, but also showed his love to blind her.

Cheng Yu felt that there was no way to live, and he was powerless: "if you don't come again, I will be fine. Take care of the light boat and send away your bottle of God. I can't bear such a God in my house. "

Gu Qingzhou said: "we will go out later. What do you want to eat? I will take it for you?"

Cheng Yu waved: "hurry up, even if you have done your best."

Out of the courtyard across the west, the cold wind battered the faces of Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu.

The Secretary said: "look, I said not to look at her, right?"

Gu Qingzhou rolled his eyes.

They are going to visit Wang Youchuan and several officials of the Health Bureau.

The car crossed the street and almost ran into another car in a hurry.

The driving skill of Si Xingfu is good, so he will not be so rash. It can be seen that the other side is eager to move forward.

"To be reborn?" Si Xingfu frowned deeply and rolled up his sleeves. He was going to get out of the car and hit people.

Gu Qingzhou didn't blame his hooligan virtue at all. He quickly held his arm: "the car on the opposite side is also in a hurry..."

after saying that, Gu Qingzhou raised his eyes. He only felt that the car was a little familiar. The people behind the windshield of the car were shadowy and familiar.

To see, the people in the back of the opposite car come down.

It is Ye Wu.

Si Xingfu rolled down the window: "kid, is your driver OK? If you can't, I'll ask your father to change it for you again. "

Ye Wu is a little timid in front of him.

She coughed awkwardly: "I'm sorry, sir."

Gu Qingzhou interrupted: "you get in the car."

After all, she changed to the back seat herself.

Ye Wu waves and asks her driver to go back first.

"Where to go?" Gu Qingzhou looks at the slightly strained leaf charm.

Her drivers are all the adjutants of the governor's office, and they are usually the most prudent. Who dares to gallop in miss three's car? Those who follow the ladies, who don't know to ask for no merit but no fault?

Ye Wu must have told the driver to hurry up.

Who are you after?

"I..." Ye Wu is really not good at lying. Her expression is so flustered for a moment. She is busy to tidy up. She only tidies up a mess, or obviously spreads the tension all over her face.

She pretended to be calm: "I have an appointment with brother Qi, and I'm going to see a movie. I'm getting up late. I'm going to be late. "

"You'll go to the opposite street if you're late?" he said

There are only three cinemas in Taiyuan, all in the bustling south of the city. Ye Wu's car, which is in the north of the city, is far away from the cinema.

The strings of leaf's charm and strong support were suddenly broken.

She was dumb for a moment.

Gu Qingzhou kicked the back of his seat and said quietly, "which cinema is it? I'll take you there."

Ye Wu: "...

the teacher's round scene is really like fooling children.

Leaf Charm sighed a tone, way: "I follow actually Miss Fang to come out, who knows to lose with."

"What are you following her for?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

"She's sneaky. I want to see what she does." Ye Wudao.

When ye Wu got up early, she went to her father's study to ask about this year's annual gift.

In the past, ye Shan arranged all this.

Now it falls on Ye Wu's head, and no one points her out. She can't understand some accounts, and she's afraid that she will offend others if she guesses rashly.

She went to consult her father before she knew that he had not yet got up.

These days, when governor ye went back to the mansion, he went to the backyard. His little brother Ye Xiu became his father's treasure. Getting up late seems to have become a common thing.

Leaf charm is ready to go back, do not want to see Fang leisurely.

Fang leiran's expression was obviously a little stunned.

She said she wanted to go out, but she looked unnatural and sneaky.

"I saw something wrong and followed. Sure enough, she asked the driver to wait at the jewelry store, but she came out of the back door and took the rickshaw to the north. " Ye Wudao.

Gu Qingzhou listened to what he wanted to say.

But ye Wu said: "I understand. Miss Fang Chengfu is not bad. She will not let me see the flaws easily. And on the territory of Taiyuan mansion, she just wanted to lead me to some place.

Since she's leading me, there must be something wrong, so I'm going to have a look. Then I'll play it by ear and not follow in, only to make her think I'm fooling and stupid. "

Gu Qingzhou is stunned.

Si Xingfu looks back at Gu Qingzhou and says, "yes, you are a student now." Gu Qingzhou also smiled and felt a little relieved.

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