Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1280 important people

The guest is shiboshan.

"Happy new year, canoe." He said.

Si Xingfu is just at home.

He has seen shiboshan several times. He is the nephew of Ye dujun.

When Er Bao was still in Taiyuan, Shi Boshan also recommended some magicians to Gu Qingzhou, which was also known by the secretary.

The relationship between shiboshan and Mrs. hepingye has been said by Gu Qingzhou.

When this person is familiar with the name of Gu Qingzhou, Si Xingfu frowns and says, "how can I call his wife politely?"

Shiboshan was not surprised. He changed his name as expected: "it's my impudence, Mrs. Si. Good new year to you, sir. "

The Secretary nodded, his tone alienated and cold: "happy new year."

He doesn't have any opinions about this person, and he doesn't take the other person seriously at all, which is even more despised than Cai Changting.

Gu Qingzhou said, "is it for your uncle to celebrate the new year? It's early. "

"Yes, it's early in the new year. Fortunately, the train is fast." Shi Boshan said with a smile, "this time it's a special train. If it's normal, I'm afraid it won't arrive in two days."

"Then you've worked hard all the way." Gu Qingzhou road.

Shibo mountain road: "not hard. I travel all year round and live more on the train than I do at home. I'm used to it. "

Gu Qingzhou talks with him aimlessly, only delaying him, curious and enthusiastic: "isn't that interesting?"

"Does Mrs. Si like the fresh scenery and characters?" Shiboshan asked.

Gu Qingzhou shakes his head.

"Then you may find it hard. I'm extremely new and tired of the old. Traveling is really fun. I won't stay in one place for a long time. " Shibo mountain road.

After a pause, shiboshan asked Gu Qingzhou, "did your younger martial brother get well last time?"

"Not yet."

"Mr. Ning, whom I know, is in the Northeast recently. If you want to see him, I can introduce you. " Shibo mountain road.

Gu Qingzhou said, "who is he in the end? You mentioned it last time. "

"Warlock." Shiboshan laughs.

If Gu Qingzhou had seen a magician, Mr. Guo Qi would not have predicted. He knows all the past, knows the means, but muddles along.

"When you are free, please invite him to Taiyuan." Gu Qingzhou road.

"Mr. Ning is too proud to come to Taiyuan. If you want to see him, I can show you. " Shibo mountain road.

Gu Qingzhou said, "that's good. We'll talk about it another day."

Two people gossiped, the topic of Gu Qingzhou intentionally or unintentionally swept the information she wanted to know, and Shi Boshan almost avoided those questions.

She knew it in her heart.

An hour later, ye Wu came.

"Cousin, are you so early this year?" Ye Wu was a little surprised. "You're here, but your aunt isn't?"

"She sprained her waist a few days ago. Maybe she can't take the train." Shibo mountain road, "would you like to go to Tianjin with me?"

Ye Wu has a good relationship with her aunt.

"How did you sprain?" She was concerned.

Shibo mountain road: "little things. She recently fell in love with playing tennis. I taught her to do warm-up activities. She didn't listen. She went straight up to play, and suddenly it was twisted. "


"The doctor says it's OK. It's just damage. Plaster and rest are needed." Shibo mountain road.

Leaf Charm slightly lips.

She really wants to see her aunt, but Miss Fang hasn't left yet. She's leaving now. She's undoubtedly giving her home to Miss Fang.

"After the 15th day of the first month, my plane will take you to Tianjin." Gu Qingzhou said, "there are few stones, and you have to live for a few more days."

Shiboshan nodded and said yes.

After seeing ye Wu and greeting Gu Qingzhou, he went back to ye dujun's mansion.

The identity of this nephew has been speculated by Ye dujun for a long time, but it is not broken.

Now he suddenly runs over, and the top is leisurely. Governor Ye's heart is like a mirror.

Even if the heart is thorough, ye dujun doesn't say anything to Ye Wu.

Ye Wu did not go home. She still lived in the West Cross Hospital of Cheng Yu and studied for him. Apart from the governor's office, there is nothing to be missed. It's also because she doesn't want to face each other leisurely.

She always has stage fright, afraid that she can't handle it well.

It's a very low self-confidence mentality.

However, inspector Ye's phone call came quickly: "when is the habit of staying up at night? A lot of things at home, you're counting on me? "

Leaf charm just remembered that she is now the only hostess in the back house. She doesn't need to ask about small things, but she needs to ask for instructions about big things. She will be confused if she leaves for too long.

When the servant brought the little things in the back house to the inspector ye, he could imagine his impatience.

So, governor ye put on a hat of "unreliable" to all the women in his family.

"I'll be right back." Ye Wudao.

Hurried home, Leaf Charm spent two hours to deal with trivial things first.

Waiting for everything to go according to schedule, ye Wu went to see shiboshan, who lives in the guest room.

"Cousin, do you want me to invite you to the cinema?" Ye asked.

Shiboshan said with a smile, "that's shangkangyu. You are a little girl. What are you and I doing for fun? "

Leaf charm is speechless.

"He has been busy recently. His uncle died, his father had a stroke, and all the burdens at home and abroad were his. " Ye Wudao.

Kangyu and kangnuan seem to have become adults. After the second master of the Kang family fell, the second wife was completely out of shape.

Kangyu and kangnuan, brother and sister, are busy, but they are more colorful.

At least Kang Nuan looks cheerful, much more beautiful than before, with no childishness or grievance on her face.

Kang Yu is too busy. She is usually OK. During the Spring Festival, she has a lot of social activities. The Kang family's business is so big that there are countless people they associate with.

The last time ye Wu visited New Year, she just sat with him for more than ten minutes.

He is trying to stand firm and become a real power figure of the family. He wants to stand up to the sky and hold up a protective umbrella for ye Wu. Ye Wu doesn't want to drag her back at this time.

"He's not free these days, cousin. You stay a few more days." Ye Wudao.

After that, she will go.

Instead, Shi Boshan shouted to her, "not to go to the cinema?"

"Don't you want to go with little children?"

Shi Boshan said with a smile: "the nature of Qi is so great! I'm wrong. Can I compensate you? "

Brother and sister make peace.

Ye Wu takes Shi Boshan to go out. When she passes a street by car, she sees a man enter a jewelry store. It was Fang leisurely last time.

And this figure is Fang leisurely.

"Is there anything unusual about this jewelry shop?" Leaf Charm thought.

At the same time, she thought, "Miss Fang is very flexible."

She thought.

The next day, ye Wu sent someone to check the jewelry shop.

During the Spring Festival, many shops were closed, but the jewelry business didn't close on the 30th.

She sent someone to check, and soon governor ye knew.

Ye Wu thought: "it's probably Miss Fang who wants to use my hand to tell my father some news. In that case, I'll go along with her first and see what else she has. "

Soon, the adjutant found out. "Three young lady, this jewelry line..." the adjutant wanted to say again and again, "it's opened by someone who is very important to you."

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