Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1296 the power of lies

The Wangs also heard about Wang Chen's transformation.

Most people are relieved.

Wang Chen is a side branch. They are not immediate relatives, and they have no position to preach. However, Wang Chen is also a "Wang's daughter" and cannot be separated from the Wang family.

It would be a good thing for Yu Zhen to leave the female students and live with Wang Chen.

"Breaking the mirror and reuniting", it is a good story to be able to reunite, no matter how the previous mirror is broken, and no matter what kind of suffering women suffer when the mirror breaks.

The onlookers are satisfied with the happy ending, which is enough to comfort their dull life.

These days, Yu Zhen has lived a life like a fairy.

There are all kinds of courtesies in the family, and the female students outside take whatever they want. This makes him have the illusion of being an emperor. All the women are around him, begging for his kindness.

The only thing that bothered him was that he was ill and infected with the cold when living such a good life.

Fortunately, cold weather is not a major problem. If you take some medicine, you will be well.

He didn't take it seriously, but Wang Chen was worried.

Wang Chen said to him, "the doctor said that you are not in good health because of the cold. During this period, you should go home to eat more. I will stew some supplements to keep you healthy."

Yu Zhen thought that this was probably Wang Chen's way to coax him home. He enjoyed Wang Chen's flattery so much that he didn't tear it down. He really went home every day to drink Wang Chen's stew.

After drinking for two or three days, Yu Zhen found that he had a great need in some aspects.

He guessed that it was because of the tonic. Maybe Wang Chen was intentional. Maybe Wang Chen didn't know the tonic had this effect.

These Yu Zhen don't care, he also appreciates his dragon essence and tiger ferocity.

Wang Chen feels that he should give Wang Chen some sweetness just as he worships his ancestors, so he condescends in the evening and wants to fulfill his husband's responsibilities.

Who knows Wang Chen just came to the moon.

Although Yu Zhen was dissatisfied, he didn't think much about it, so he turned to the girl student who was in love with him.

This female student is very open-minded, with good appearance, rich family and generous to women, so she tried her best to hold on to Yu Zhen, who has already given herself to Yu Zhen.

In recent days, Yu Zhen began to ease the relationship with her family. The girl student was uneasy. Yu Zhen came to see her, but she couldn't get it.

Once again, Yu Zhen was happy with the girl students.

Wang Chen knew that after eating vinegar twice in front of Yu Zhen, he stopped making trouble and still gave Yu Zhen a tonic.

Yu Zhen felt that the tonic was good. He took Wang Chen on his back and showed the residue to the doctor. He heard that both men and women could eat the tonic, so he simply packed it in a food box and took it out to share with his little lover.

In this period of time, Yu Zhen asked for too much. The girl student's body was not able to stand, and people were haggard, so she needed to make up for it.

More than a month later, the girl student suddenly fell in love She is pregnant.

Yu Zhen and Wang Chen have been married for several years without children. Yu Zhen's parents urged them several times, but if they can't conceive, they can't. It's no use just worrying.

Yu Zhen doesn't like children very much, but he's been talked about a lot. He's also fidgety and even changes his mind unconsciously.

He should have children in groups.

It was at this time that the schoolgirl conceived his child.

He fell in love with his female students for the sake of "love", romantic and romantic. This is the source of inspiration for scholars, not for marriage and having children.

He never wanted to make a human life. Now that he has children, he thinks about the future of himself and his lover for the first time.

"She loves me so much that she may be willing to marry in and become an aunt." Yu Zhen thought with confidence.

Who knows that as soon as he said this to the girl student, the girl student was furious and refused to see him for several days.

"It's all about women subduing men." Yu Zhen thinks again.

He doesn't care much about the noise of the female students. Now the female students have their children in their belly. The children grow up day by day and show their arms. It's the female students who are worried, not him.

At that time, the girl student is the temper again stubborn, that is not to let him take it!

With this idea in mind, Yu Zhen didn't go to find the girl student, but stayed at home with Wang Chen every day.

He would take advantage of this time to coax Wang Chen into obedience and agree to marry his aunt.

However, after staying at home for a few days, Yu Zhen gradually found that Wang Chen seemed to have something wrong.

When Wang Chen talks to him, his eyes always move. Unconsciously, he lowers his head to cover up the emptiness on her face.

Wang Chen began not to stew tonic for him, but boil some black traditional Chinese medicine, and then secretly hid himself to drink it.

Asked if she was ill, she began to twinkle again.

Wang Chen became worried, and often woke up in the middle of the night.

One night, Yu Zhen drank too much wine in the evening. He wanted to wake up and open his eyes, but he saw Wang Chen face him, his eyes wide open, and tears hung on his face. He did not know how long he cried.

Ask her what's going on, and she says it's a nightmare.

This is not right!

Wang Chen must have something to hide from him!

"Or she knows that I have a child outside and worries that I don't want her. Although she is surnamed Wang and supported by Wang Youchuan, she is not a delicate young lady, just a side branch. " Yu Zhen pondered for several days and came to such a conclusion.

Therefore, he took the opportunity to say to Wang Chen, "let's work harder this time. I'll give you a child!"

His beautiful wife and concubine were in line with Yu Zhen's aesthetic standards. He didn't plan to divorce Wang Chen and tear his face off the Wang family.

Yu Zhen thought that Wang Chen would be very happy if he said that.

However, Wang Chen was in a panic.

"What's the matter with you?" Yu Zhen looks at Wang Chen suspiciously, frowns and asks, "do you have a wild man outside?"

"You... You talk nonsense." Wang Chen explained in a flurried way, "I'm just not feeling well, although the doctor The doctor said there was no big deal, just take medicine and recuperate. I'm still worried. "

"What's the matter with you?" Yu Zhen thinks something is wrong.

Wang Chen took a sip of her mouth, and her eyes began to drift. She said, "it's not a big deal. Some cold air enters the body. You need to take some nourishing herbs."

She is lying.

Yu Zhen is determined that Wang Chen must have something wrong with her body.

If it's just a general disease, Wang Chen won't hide it from him.

Yu Zhen is interested in Wang Chen's physical problems.

He noticed that Wang Chen was looking for the same doctor in the same hospital every time, so he secretly found the doctor, promised the doctor a lot of money, and inquired what disease Wang Chen had.

This inquisition, just know, what Wang Chen gets unexpectedly is very serious palace cold disease, extremely difficult to conceive.

No wonder when they have been married for so many years and have deep feelings, Wang Chen's stomach is still quiet.

"Wang Chen can't give birth to any children. Fortunately, he has a love affair outside. Otherwise, he will have no children in his life." Yu Zhen thinks.

He no longer went back to Yu's house, but went to the girl student who was pregnant with her own child.

The girl student's face was haggard. When she saw him, her face was even worse.

Yu Zhen thought that she had her own baby in her stomach. She immediately felt heartache on her face and strode forward to coax her.

However, the female student missed Yu Zhen by one step.

She sneered and said, "since you're bothering me, I'm not willing to be someone else's aunt, let's just take a picture and have a break!"

"How can I take a shot and break it up?" Yu Zhen is in a hurry. "Let's break up in a clap. What about the children in your stomach?"

"You can have an abortion." The girl student said firmly to Yu Zhen, "I was going to take the child off today. Since you are here, please go with me. It's not a waste of our time. What is a child born without a father? "

"Unbridled!" When Yu Zhen heard that the little lover was going to kill the child, he was shocked. "Who says the child has no father? I am the father of the child. This child, be sure to stay! "

"You think so!" The female student is angry from the heart, she points to Yu Zhen's nose and scolds, "I just fall in love with you because I like you.

You let me be your lover, and now I want to be your aunt! You open your eyes to see clearly, I am a good person.

I deserve to be aggrieved with you, but I can't let my children be aggrieved with me, I can't let my children be said to be raised by my aunt! "

Yu Zhen opens her mouth again and again, but she can't say what the female students want to hear.

Seeing this, the girl student said, "do you think I'm willing to kill the child? It's a piece of meat from me! I asked an old Chinese doctor to feel the pulse and said that I was pregnant with a son Only when this son and I have no fate Yu Zhen's eyes brightened when he heard his son.

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