Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 133: catching traitors and forming a couple

Gu is not very sure about his judgment.

"Try it." Gu Qingzhou road.

Huo looks at her confused.

After Gu Qingzhou's words, the maid came to invite Gu Qingzhou and Huo Baojing: "it's time to have dinner. My aunt asked the eldest lady and Gu to go to the dining hall."

Huo Fengjing always eats in her yard. The maid will bring the food.

Except for the holidays.

Now, it's just Gu Shao who is here, but his aunt is very proud and calls Huo Fengjing to the dining room.

"Canoe, you're right. It's not easy." Huo Fengjing's five points belief has become seven points.

Besides, why did Gu Shao come? Who called him? Isn't it more doubtful?

"She's sick again. I can't stand you!" Huo shuddered, "Whoever treats us well, she can't bear it. I wish she could hold me and my elder brother in her hand and let her drive us!"

Gu Qingzhou said, "if you don't get angry, the soldiers will cover up the water."

Huo's breath is a little flat.

When he arrived at the dining room, Gu Shao was sitting uneasily. His aunt asked the East and the West. Gu Shao was very nervous. He answered one sentence and the cold sweat on his face was even worse.

Seeing Gu Qingzhou come in, Gu Shao is relieved.

His eyes glided over Huo Fujing's face. There was no feeling. Huo Fujing was neither beautiful nor ugly, no matter how ordinary he was.

Gu Qingzhou sits next to Gu Shao.

The dishes have been set up, and the servant begins to serve.

First, cold dishes.

Just as the cold dishes were served, Gu Qingzhou suddenly got up and said to Gu Shao, "brother, come here."

Gu Shao doesn't understand. He still gets up with Gu Qingzhou.

Their brother and sister don't go far away. They stop to talk. Mei Ying can see them.

After that, Mei Ying heard Gu Qingzhou clearly say "aunt" or something, and the voice behind her was even lower.

"What do you say about me?" Mei Ying was curious. She almost wanted to stretch her neck to listen.

If she didn't hear that "aunt", Meiying would not have overheard it. But now she knows that Gu Qingzhou and Gu Shao are bad words about her. She would like to get up and join in.

People have this kind of curiosity.

The aunt listened for a moment, but she didn't hear anything.

When I returned to my mind, I found that Huo Fujing was already eating, and almost knocked down the bowl sheath of my aunt.

Mei Ying herself straightened the bowl and thought, "what comes out of the orphanage is poor self-cultivation, just like never having had a meal."

She didn't remind Huo to wait for the guests to eat.

That box, Gu Qingzhou and Gu Shao are still talking, but they look at Mei Ying from time to time.

Mei Ying is very angry. The two brothers and sisters are so angry that they speak ill of her openly!

At the same time, she was also calm: "just say, anyway, they are going to be unlucky! Unfortunately, like the goblin, her brother looks decent. Mei Ying is thinking that Gu Qingzhou and Gu Shao will be seated again.

The servant served hot food again.

From time to time, my aunt advised Gu Shao, "master Gu, eat vegetables."

Gu Shao thought, this aunt is very warm, and then more embarrassed, a bit at a loss.

He ate the same thing.

Just, he didn't find that his aunt would never move the dishes that his chopsticks touched.

The aunt tried to say something, but they didn't answer, just buried themselves in the food.

"Forget it." The aunt watched Gu Shao eat happily, and when her goal was achieved, she was too lazy to say anything more.

After dinner, the aunt arranged dessert, and then urged Gu Shao to stay: "since you are here to meet Miss Gu, I will wait for her to be busy, and then go back together."

After a pause, the aunt continued: "now the sun is so strong, isn't it a disaster to go back?"? How can we wait for the sun to set in the west? "

She also said: "Miss Gu is to help ah Jing make up lessons, and can not delay her study. Ah Jing, it's better for you to invite young master Gu to play in your yard. "

Huo took a look at her.

The aunt laughed exaggeratively: "Oh, it's not normal for the girl students to make friends now. Ah Jing, you are too lonely! Now that men and women are equal, we should also make some male friends. "

She said this, but Huo was not.

Huo looked at her again.

Hesitated next, Huo gathers static way: "go."

She took Gu Qingzhou and Gu Shao back to her yard.

As soon as he came back, Gu Qingzhou asked Huo to hold out his hand and said, "ah Jing, I'll give you the pulse first."

Huo Huan nodded quietly.

Gu Shao doesn't understand. He thinks Huo is ill and doesn't disturb him.

After feeling the pulse, Gu chuckled, "you're OK."

Huo collected her hand.

Turning his head lightly, Gu Qingzhou said to Gu Shao, "elder brother, I will give you my pulse."

"What?" Gu Shao is a bit confused at the moment.

At the same time, he reached out.

After Gu Qingzhou felt his pulse for him, he was sure that he was OK. Finally, he gave a breath and said with a smile, "you are not poisoned."

"Poisoning?" Gu Shao was horrified. "How could it be poisoned?"

Does that Aunt poison them?

Not really?

"Well, I guess so." Gu chuckled, "we are not poisoned. Next, we should play a good show and show it to my aunt!"

She explained the matter to Gu Shao in the original.

After listening, Gu Shao was in a cold sweat.

Huo won't look very well. He must be angry. He didn't want to say a word. He leaned against the pillow and dozed off.

Gu Shao whispers with Gu Qingzhou. Gu Qingzhou tells Gu Shao what she knows and what she guesses.

"Oh, no wonder I came to pick you up." Gu Shao suddenly realized.

He has always been very strange, why the Huo mansion asked him to take care of the light boat.

Gu Qingzhou is fine, but the other side says she is not comfortable on the phone.

Now, Gu Shao understands.

After about half an hour, Huo took a quiet nap and got better. Gu Qingzhou said, "we are acting."

Sure enough, a maid excuses to go to Huo's yard, ask Huo's maid to borrow a shoe, and then take the opportunity to look inside.

Soon the maid went out.

She went directly to Aunt Meiying's yard.

"Auntie, I heard what was going on in their room." The maid told Mei Ying, "it seems that Miss Gu said," what's the matter with you, brother? Put on your clothes. "Then master Gu said that he was a little hot."

Mei Ying smiled and said, "well, that's good. Go ahead and do it."

When the maid went out, Mei Ying immediately called Huo Yue.

Huo Yue has an office outside. Her aunt knows her personal phone number.

"... master, come home quickly!" Mei Ying is on the phone. Her voice is in a hurry. "Ah Jing has an accident!"

Huo Yue's confused voice came in from the other end of the phone: "what's wrong with ah Jing?"

"Miss Gu's brother came to eat at home today, and he pursued ah Jing at the table. Just now they went to a Jing's yard. It seems that they heard that young master Gu asked for a Jing to communicate with him. Miss Gu helped them talk. " My aunt said anxiously, "master, ah Jing doesn't like me. I don't know what they are doing. I dare not disturb them. Why don't you come back and have a look?"

Huo Yue suddenly hangs up.

Mei Ying listened to the beep in the microphone, and her mood was about to soar.

She felt a little hot.

The maid brought her a cup of iced mung bean soup. Mei Ying was still hot and dry.

She unbuttoned the two buttons on the top of cheongsam and leaned on the sofa to read magazines.

An advertisement for a watch shows a British man in the pictorial. The painting style is rather abstract. The features of a man are also strange and not very handsome. But his strong arms and broad chest stir Mei Ying like a fire.

Mei Ying felt hotter.

She's even dry.

"What's the matter, this weather!" Mei Ying Road.

She's not hot enough and her body has changed a little.

Mei Ying is twenty-seven years old. She is a mature woman. Before with Huo Yue, she was also with men, knowing the taste of love.

Now the weather is hot, her body is hot, and her heart is also dry. Somehow she wants to be a man. The more she thinks about it, the more painful it is.

She didn't know for a long time, and thought, "master should go home, right? Should be in ah Jing's room now? "

At the same time, she thought, "I should go and see the excitement."

She had just sat up and something was wrong with her.

At this time, a male servant in charge of purchasing in the kitchen entered Meiying's yard and stood at the door to talk, not daring to go inside.

"Auntie, the eldest lady said that she would like to have abalone tonight. It's triple." The maid said, "the eldest lady asked the villain to ask you, can you help her?"

He was standing at the door all the time, talking a little louder.

Mei Ying felt like an ant crawling in her heart.

"Come in and say." She said fretfully.

The male servant is a little hesitant. In this hot day, his aunt is young. He should avoid being a male servant.

But the eldest Miss Huo Fengjing has to ask him to handle affairs. He dare not not refuse.

"Auntie, let's talk about the villain here, eldest lady..."

"come in!" Mei Ying's voice grew louder.

The servant had no choice but to enter the room. He dared not raise his eyes, lowered his eyebrows and eyes, and said, "Auntie, I want to eat abalone..."


Meiying suddenly thought of the meat words on the playground. Abalone is a very fragrant metaphor.

The servant was not good-looking, but he was tall and strong, with all his strength.

Meiying stood in front of him. Seeing that he dared not lift his head, she suddenly put her arm around him.

The servant was scared to death. Putong knelt down. I don't know what's wrong with the aunt.

"Auntie, you are..."

Mei Ying pours on him, pushes the servant back, and then rides on him, grabs his hand and touches her.

The male servant refused. If you touch it, your life will not be guaranteed. Who dares to wear a green hat for the leader of the Green Gang?

The male servant was not on guard. He was afraid. Now his legs and feet were a little soft and he was scared to death. He was overwhelmed by Mei Ying.

Mei Ying reached for his trousers.

"Meiying, what are you doing?" A voice, calm and introverted, thought of slowly on Mei Ying's head.

Mei Ying, who was dazzled by desire, suddenly raised her eyes and saw Huo Yue standing in front of her.

And she's not dressed properly, riding on the maid.

The man servant suffered from the disaster of foolishness. He saw Huo Yue catch traitors and become a couple again. For a while, he was too frightened and fainted.

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