Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1330 where is Xiaoyun?

Huo Yue looks at the adjutants and binds Zhuo Shaoshuai into zongzi.

Then they carried him to the basement in the backyard.

Huo Yue: "...

at this moment, he felt that he was really old and could not understand the love addiction of young people.

It's really a strange hobby to lock up and tie up his boyfriend. His abnormal degree is fast catching up with that of Si Xingfu. Huo Yue thinks about himself and thinks that he can't bear it.

"Mr. Huo, it's not what you think." Cheng Yu saw Huo Yue's eyes and explained it dryly.

The eyes behind Huo Yue's glasses are gentle, with a light smile, gentle and elegant, which blows to Cheng Yu like the spring wind: "I didn't think much. You are young, I can understand. "

Cheng Yu: "...

huoyue who" didn't think much "turned around and left, followed by Gu Qingzhou, who was laughing and cramping. Cheng Yu felt that his face for the next half of his life had been lost in advance.

Huo Yue goes to Gu Qingzhou to sit down and ask what's going on.

Gu Qingzhou said, "zhuomo is sick."

"What's the matter with him?"

"Psychosis." Gu Qingzhou road.

Huo Yue doesn't understand: "is this a new curse?"

"No, it's a statement." Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "he has dissociation disease, that is, there are two souls in a person's body."

Huo Yue smiled and said, "young man, it's strange to get sick."

Gu Qingzhou said: "Mr. Huo, are you very old? If I remember correctly, you are only four years older than Si Xingfu. "

Huo Yue looked at the boat and said, "do you know how old is Si Xingfu this year?"

Gu Qingzhou was twenty-five when he met Si Xingfu.

Years passed, and he was in his early thirties.

Huo Yue, who is four years older than Si Xingfu and is about to go to 40, has his own age cognition, which is also a common thing.

Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "he is still a young man, aren't you?"

This pleased Huo Yue.

Huo Yue smiles.

He didn't want to go deep into age, so he said to Gu Qingzhou, "you don't need to go to see that, marshal Zhuo?"

Gu Qingzhou looks at the time.

Zhuomozhi should be awake.

"Yes, will you go?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Huo Yue nodded.

They went to the basement and heard the man's roar from afar.

"This is a private punishment hall! Cheng Yu, what do you want? Do you want to kill me? " Zhuo Mozi asked loudly.

His voice line is very full, roaring up the movement is also big, across the distance can shock people's eardrum.

Cheng Yu said, "why do you remember?"

"Of course I remember." Zhuomozhi said, "what do you want? If I do something wrong, I will correct it. Zhuo family will compensate you. Don't do this to me. "

Cheng Yu grabbed his collar angrily.

When Huo Yue and Gu Qingzhou came in, they saw Cheng Yu clasping Zhuo Mozi, who was tied to the pillar, and kissing him hard.

The two people who came in were immediately embarrassed.

Huo Yue stepped on the highest step without further steps.

Gu also turned back and went out.

Cheng Yu kisses Zhuo Mozi, but when he lets go, the boy starts to shout: "what are you doing? You're so fickle, you're like a monster, you know? "

"I want Xiaoyun." Cheng Yu suddenly spoke loudly.

Zhuo Mo stopped.

He was shocked and looked at Cheng Yu.

"You know?" He couldn't believe, "you... How can you... You are not allowed to touch Xiao Yun. He hasn't done anything. It's me. You mustn't tell anyone, you mustn't hurt him! "

Cheng Yu's angry and unwilling heart suddenly softened.

Only then did she find that the two personalities of the man were mutually maintained.

Zhuo Mozi didn't know Xiaoyun. He just wanted to hide Xiaoyun and let no one peep at him or hurt him. He even paralyzed himself and pretended that he didn't know.

Zhuo Xiaoyun wants to protect him, not admit to hurting him.

When he was a child, he must have been tortured by non-human beings. Only in his own body can he split two people, protect each other and keep warm.

When Cheng Yu thought of this floor and Zhuo's family atmosphere, her heart was sour.

Never so thoroughly, never so pitifully.

"I'm sorry." She whispered.

She began to unravel dromo's rope.

Adjutants can't untie knots unless they are cut with a knife.

Cheng Yu doesn't have a knife at hand. She tries to peel it.

The rope was too strong. She accidentally skimmed her fingernails. When her long nails were skimmed off, she almost had to turn the whole nail cover over.

Cheng Yu doesn't care about the blood.

It's too late and her hand has been hurt.

She finally got the rope out of the way.

Zhuo Mo broke the rope and ran out.

Cheng Yu sat alone in the dark basement for a long time.

Until dusk, the adjutant told Gu Qingzhou, "Miss Cheng is still in the basement."

When Gu Qingzhou went to take her out, there was a pool of blood at her feet.

The blood flow on the hand dried, and the wound stopped bleeding by itself.

Gu took her to his yard, looked at her hand again, and then took advantage of her stupidity, pulled out all her nails.

Cheng Yu convulsed with pain and cried out.

"You want to kill me?" Cheng Yu's pain made him spasm.

Gu Qingzhou was so cruel that he was surprised.

"If you don't pull out your nails, they will fester and inflame. Do you want to die?" Gu Qingzhou road.

She skillfully took the potion, wiped it, cleaned it, and then wrapped it up.

"Don't get wet." Gu Qingzhou road.

When Cheng Yu's sharp pain turned into a steady stream of pain, she asked Gu Qingzhou, "where has zhuomozhi gone?"

"He drove out of town himself." Gu Qingzhou road.

Cheng Yu said, "I've got it."

"What have you figured out?"

"No more harshness." Cheng Yu said, "I used to think that although I was cheerful and warm, I was cowardly and selfish in nature. I couldn't be safe day and night without pulling him out.

I know now. He is very good to Xiaoyun. It's like a person who has a hard side and a weak side. "

Gu Qingzhou slowly packed the medicine box and said, "it's a good thing that you don't mess about."

Cheng Yu sighed.

For a long time, she suddenly asked Gu Qingzhou, "will he come back?"


"Never stop."

Gu Qingzhou: "...

as soon as this remark falls, the adjutant comes in and tells Gu Qingzhou and Cheng Yu that Zhuo Shao is back.

Cheng Yu thought that the man who had been restored to Zhuo Xiaoyun had come back.

Do not think, the other side of the opening, is still Zhuozi's voice line.

He said difficultly, "I always feel that after I go out, you will not live without me. I don't know why there's such an illusion. I think Xiaoyun he... "

he choked and cleared his throat before continuing," Xiaoyun he must love you very much. "

The pain in Cheng Yu's hands immediately affects his heart.

She was choked with pain.

"If I meet such a problem, Xiao Yun will appear to help me." "Now, where did he go?" continued dromedge

Once upon a time, when he was in danger, he shrank into his shell, and when he became conscious again, all his problems were solved.

Xiao Yun will help him and deal with everything for him.

Now, standing in front of Cheng Yu, he feels that if he leaves, Xiaoyun will blame him.

But he can't stand, he can't face himself, he needs Xiao Yun badly, as before. But where is Xiaoyun?

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