Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1332 the original sweetness

Ye Shan's heart, there is a small fire, can only illuminate the small square inch world.

If there is a gust of wind, the fire will jump a few times.

She always remembers when she first met Huayun Fang.

It was the end of July when the summer heat had not yet faded. She opened her eyes and found herself lying in the arms of an enchanting woman.

This woman is very beautiful, but not that kind of formal beauty. At first sight, she is full of wind and dust.

When a man sees her like this, he probably wants her, but he doesn't want to marry her.

Ye Shan's head is broken. The slight movements around her make her want to vomit. There is always the sound of tsunami in her ear.

She clenched the woman's hand in extreme pain.

"Nothing, nothing." The "woman" leaned over her ear and spoke. The breath was so hot that she felt at ease.

Ye Shan is confused and thinks: this fox like woman has a thick voice.

Later, they went up the mountain. It was always the elder sister carrying Ye Shan.

Ye Shan's brain is shaken badly. People are confused. She occasionally wakes up and hears voices in her ears.

When she was awake, she saw that the elder sister was pointing at her, as if the elder sister was mute. Then her meaning was obvious. She wanted Ye Shan.

"Beauty, what do you want a dying man to do?" Asked the man.

The beauty just opened her mouth and didn't say, "be a girl."

The man laughed.

Ye Shan thought at that time that the elder sister knew her voice was not pleasant, so she was ashamed and embarrassed to speak.

Then, the elder sister was so strong that it was as easy to hold her as a pillow.

They were settled first.

Elder sister is too beautiful. She is the leader of the village. She has a separate house and is surrounded by people.

"It belongs to his father." When my sister came in, she spat.

Ye Shan heard his voice clearly.

When the master came in, ye Shan was placed in the corner of the house by her sister.

She only felt that she needed a long needle, but found that the elder sister was learning to speak at home. When you are in charge, you should learn from your sister.

At the beginning, I didn't learn it very well. Later, I learned a few words, breath and tone of voice.

The head of the family was shocked: "beauty, what do you do to learn men's words?"

My sister smiled: "I want you to call me Grandpa."

Then sister fox pulled out a knife from her waist and stabbed her head in the throat.

When the leader of the family was destroyed, the murderous sister was frightened.

"Grandma's, blood is everywhere." He said, "what to do?"

His spirit, a lot of evil. When he killed people, he was crisp and sharp, but the sharp power seemed to be only for a moment, and he was overdrawn at once.

"Don't make a noise." Ye Shan's ear, slightly heavier voice will be infinitely amplified, even harsh.

The fox's uncontrollable screech made Ye Shan's ears tingle and painful.

At last the fox is quiet.

"Listen to me." Ye Shan's voice is light and inaudible. It seems that it's just a whisper.

So the fox approached her.

Ye Shan saw his Adam's apple.

This enchanting person is not his elder sister, but his elder brother.

"Listen to me, fox." Ye Shan painfully grabbed his collar. "There are three people in this room, and now there are three. If you deal with him, your servant girl will die of illness. "

Ye Shan was sick and seriously injured until she was picked up.

The leader of the bandits is also a young man. He seems to be the head of some army. Later, he rebelled and took the bandit by himself.

With that, ye Shan fell into a coma.

She was in a daze. She felt something was fed to her. It was sweet and easy to eat.

The next day, she woke up and fed her Huayun Fang, the fox.

And she ate honey.

Sugar intake, inexplicably let Ye Shan awake a few points. So when she opened her eyes, she looked at herself and the fox lying on the bed, each other holding her to sleep.

On the floor of their room, the dead body in charge of their house was still in a state of fairness.

Ye Shan almost went mad.

She asked the fox to pass the curtain and ask the bandits to come to the woman's house with water powder, rouge and a little flour.

"Come here, I'll dress you up." Ye Shandao.

She pasted the dough on Hua Yunfang's face and made him full of scars. There was also a cut across his cheek, which almost made him look broken.

Rouge and gouache are under Ye Shan's hands. They turn corruption into magic. It's like blood.

When other bandits saw Hua Yunfang, they were all surprised and said they would kill the woman.

Hua Yunfang said in the voice of being the head of the family, "I like strong personalities."

The bandits laughed.

However, this kind of situation can't be concealed for a long time. After exposing it, ye Shan and Hua Yunfang will gather together to kill all the leaders of the group and take the rest for their own use.

They did it on the fifth day.

Ye Shan gives advice, and Huayun defends.

Kill six masters, and the whole bandit's nest becomes Huayun defense's.

Hua Yunfang changed again and took out his father's great seal. It turned out that he had some identity, although Ye Shan had never heard of it.

They were in the northwest at that time. People there knew Huashuai, and heard about the beauty of Saixi Shi, Huashuai. Seeing that huayunfang had made a big impression, they were all convinced.

The first is to be awed by the ferocity of Huayun defense, the second is to be attracted by his beauty, and the third is to feel that he has the capital to persuade the public after he is the general.

That little bandit has all become Huayun defense's.

Huayun is very happy. He came back that night with two big jars.

At that time, ye Shan's wound did not heal.

She looked at Hua Yunfang and thought that what he had brought back was wine.

Then, Hua Yunfang opened the jar and took a spoon to Ye Shan. He was so excited that he salivated: "I've got something good for you. Eat it quickly. It can cure all kinds of diseases!"

Ye Shan smells sweet.

Looking into the jar again, she saw the whole jar of honey, which was like the taste of sophora flower. She couldn't cry or laugh.

Hua Yunfang said: "honey is the most nourishing in the world, better than any medicine.". I grew up with a headache and fever, and I relied on it for treatment.

The pilose antler of any ginseng is inferior to honey. If you eat more and finish the jar, your injury will be better tomorrow. "

Ye Shan: "...

if you want to finish this jar, you have to be bored.

"Take the water and melt it." She said.

Hua Yunfang shakes his head: "the nutrition will be diluted."

He also offered to come and feed her.

Ye Shan wants to refuse, but her head hasn't healed yet. Sometimes she has no tinnitus and can't refuse.

So far standing in the night, recalling that moment, on her taste buds, there is a faint fragrance of Sophora honey.

The first meeting, as bloody, weird, headache and tinnitus, but sweet and greasy.

The fox like man, dimples from ye Shan's eyes flash by. That's the most beautiful smile in the world. It's more charming than Cai Changting's. Gradually, the darkness in front of her eyes came slowly. When ye Shan was back to her mind, there were only lights in the governor's office around her.

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