Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1334 kidnapping

The smile of Si Xingfu is pleasant.

He said to Gu Qingzhou, "Mr. five is such a great man who has avoided the world. Please don't move any money. If you hadn't cured them, he wouldn't have helped

Gu Qingzhou nods.

He found many people along the Shibo mountain. But if you don't want to scare the snake, you need to be sharp.

However, the other side is not a flat headed common people. No matter how powerful a spy is, he cannot be quiet.

But Mr. five can.

He helped Si Xingfu solve a big problem, and he was in a good mood when he thought about it.

"Light boat, in the future, you should be remembered." "What do you want to do? Mrs. Si, or the director general of the Ministry of health? "

"Can't you have both?" Gu Qingzhou rolled his eyes.

Si Xingfu put his arm around her: "bold, you dare to despise me!"

After that, he scratched the boat.

Gu Qingzhou was delighted by his childish spirit. He turned around and wanted to run, but he couldn't escape. The whole man fell into his arms and laughed out of breath.

"No nonsense, no nonsense!" Gu Qingzhou said in a loud voice, "spare me."

Si Xingfu holds her up.

He said in her ear, "Oh, this is begging for mercy? When you say goodbye later, it's a little bit of backbone, Mrs. Si. "

Gu Qingzhou shivered.

As sixingfu said, Gu Qingzhou was really tossed by him to beg for mercy.

However, the night is so long...

in the early summer night, the wind is cool, and there is a faint fragrance of Sophora in the air.

A man arrived at Taiyuan mansion on a moonlit night.

He was dusty, but he didn't carry any luggage, just a wallet and a check book.

He walked out of the station, not calling for someone to answer, but jumped into a rickshaw.

"Let's go. I'll give you double the money. Run faster." He said.

Then he gave the address and began to doze with his eyes closed.

His mind was full, and his brow was blue.

When he got to the place, looking at the high courtyard wall and the quiet gate, he wrote "pingye mansion". Suddenly, he made a turn. Instead of going in, he turned over two streets and arrived at ye dujun mansion.

The adjutant on duty saw him and was a little surprised: "cousin? You......

it's shiboshan.

"And my uncle?" His lips were dry and his skin was a layer of skin. It seemed that he was tired and had traveled a long way.

The deputy said: "it's eleven o'clock, young master. If the governor goes back to the city, he will go to bed early. Look... "

" go to ask for instructions. I'm going to see my uncle now. It's a big thing! " He said in a hurry.

The adjutant did not dare.

"Don't embarrass me, young master." The deputy said, "the governor will have business tomorrow. He has to get up early. How many heads do I have to fight him now? "

Shibo mountain is in a hurry to jump.

He asked for the second place: "how about the second miss?"

When the adjutant saw that he had something to do, he was afraid to call the governor, but the second young lady could.

So, shiboshan was invited to the living room to sit down.

He picked up the tea, shaking his hands.

Ye Shan hurried up and looked at Shi Boshan in astonishment: "cousin."

"Ashan, something's wrong with me." Shi Boshan waited for the adjutant to leave, and immediately said to Ye Shan, "my uncle has to help me, otherwise I..."

Ye Shan's face also changed.

She asked the aides and servants to withdraw and asked what was the matter with shiboshan.

Shiboshan simply told her.

Ye Shan is shocked and looks at her cousin. This man is always idle. Ye Shan thought he was a simple dandy, but he was still a trouble maker.

"Wait a minute, I'll tell my father." Ye Shan feels this matter is very important. She can't be the master. She goes to the backyard by herself.

Ye dujun has slept for a while, and now he is woken up. He is not too angry.


"what's the hurry?" "Leaf inspector light way, wait for ye Shan to open an mouth to explain, he interrupted her," a little trifle just. "

"Father, isn't it a small thing? If those people do something to their aunt, will they not be responsible for the destruction of the stone family? My aunt is in Tianjin. " Ye Shan said in a hurry.

Governor Ye glanced at his daughter and said, "I don't know about such a big thing? Your aunt's family has left Tianjin for a long time. "

Ye Shan is stunned.

"That cousin he..."

"he's been out there and hasn't been back. Now that something happened, how could he not worry about his family when he knew that he was worried about his family, and when he was intrigued and fanciful? " Ye dujun snorts.

Ye Shan's anxious heart slowly cooled down.

She was awakened in the middle of the night. She was already in a tense spirit. After listening to Shi Boshan's words, she thought of her aunt, who was better than her biological mother, but her concern was in disorder.

"Cousin, he is." Ye Shan said, "father, go to bed early. I'll settle in cousin."

Governor Ye nodded.

He didn't come out.

Shi Boshan was about to explode. He saw Ye Shan come out.

Ye Shan said to him coldly, "my father won't see you."

The heart of Shibo mountain sinks straight.

"Do you know to worry now?" Ye Shan got angry. "When you dream of restoration and use Ye's nephew's identity, how can you not worry?"

There was an earthquake in Shibo mountain.

Ye Shan continued: "do you think Japanese Mrs. Hirano values you because you are so amazing? Not because of my father? "

Shiboshan seems to have been slapped in the face.

He looked at him as his brother's cousin since he was a child and hit him mercilessly in the face.

He wished he could find a hole in the ground to hide his embarrassment.

"I..." he tried to explain, but his lips were so dry that they hurt a little.

He was helpless to sit on the chair.

Ye Shan saw this, but she couldn't bear it: "you care about your aunt, don't we? Father said that he had already sent someone to settle down his aunt. "

Shiboshan was shocked again. It seemed that when he was in a coma, he was splashed with cold water. He was shivering and sobered up.

"What, what?"

"My father said that my aunt and I had already left Tianjin." Ye Shandao.

Shibo mountain's tight heart string finally relaxed.

A little slack, his days of running tired can not cover up, unable to sit in the chair.

Shi Boshan appeared at Mrs. pingye's door, and then went to governor Ye's mansion. Cai Changting saw this.

He was a little surprised.

At the same time, he had a keen sense of something wrong and immediately sent someone to check it.

It's related to Shibo mountain.

The next afternoon, Cai found out. He went back to Mrs. Hirano's yard with a blue face.

Mrs. Hirano has never seen his face like this. He has always been very skilful. He is surprised: "what's the matter?"

"Madame, all our allies have broken the contract. Because one or two of the most important people in their family were kidnapped. " Caichangting road.

Mrs. Hirano rose abruptly.

Her body, a little shaky, was overwhelmed by great fear, as if she had been forced to flee. "You..." she's not breathing well, "you say it again."

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