Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1358 Huo Rongjing's soberness

Huo Shujing is meditating.

Suddenly, a wild dog came out of the grass not far away.

Huo gathers the quiet spirit a shock, pulls oneself from the disorderly thoughts.

However, there was a buzz in her mind. She thought of a girl's voice: "this is my little yellow dog. It will not die or leave you."

She used to have a little yellow dog, but she was killed, so she was very sad.

Her friend, who boasted that the handicraft class was very good, specially sewed one for her overnight, and boasted to her triumphantly.

The sound of Huo's mind filled with stillness roared past.

She thought of another man's words.

"They say I have a soft meal, which means my girlfriend is very good. Why should I be angry when they praise you? "

It seems that there is a tsunami, rushing to Huo Fuzheng, who is boiling in his mind.

She was overwhelmed and passed out.

I don't know after a few minutes, she slowly woke up, the short blade in her hand fell to the ground, she fell to sit on the ground.

Her thoughts did not break.

Unconsciously, she shed tears all over her face.

"Light boat." Suddenly she stood up and wiped away her tears.

Gu Qingzhou is muddleheaded. He wakes up after sleeping. He wakes up after sleeping. He consumes a lot of energy.

When the iron gate opened gently, Gu Qingzhou sat up and blocked his eyes with his arms. He was afraid that the light would suddenly turn on and hurt his eyes.

I can't believe she didn't see the light.

Her eyes adapted to the darkness, so she saw Huo Longjing come in.

Gu's instinct for light boat shrank.

Then she thought that when she was ignorant, Huo would not kill her, let alone now?

Huo collected static to walk forward, covered Gu Qingzhou's mouth and nose, low cry: "Qingzhou."

Gu Qingzhou did not move. He was stiff.

Huo's voice is hoarse: "don't make a noise, follow me."

Gu Qingzhou took off his boots and held them in his hand.

She did not have Huo's light footsteps, so she only walked barefoot.

They both passed the corridor. Huo was familiar with the route and avoided the night watchers.

Suddenly, there was a flash around the corner.

The boy smiled, standing in front of them: "well, sister ah Jing, you really have a different heart. I know you're not loyal from the moment you don't do it. "

"Go away." Huo won's quiet low voice.

She seems to want to subdue the boy.

But Gu Qingzhou opened his mouth, and his voice was very light: "Gaudi, let us go without knowing the ghosts, better than the others. Think for yourself, what do you want. "

Gaudi was stunned.

His expression was uncertain.

Then he flashed around the corner, disappeared again and stopped.

Huo was a little surprised.

Gu Qingzhou was surprised to see her and said, "you didn't find out. Did he always love Changting? He regarded me as a rival of love, and wished I could disappear on the spot. "

Huo's surprise turned to astonishment.

Stunned just for a moment, she took care of the light boat gallop like, shuttle in the bunker.

Finally, they went to the back door.

Huo Shujing comes forward and breaks open the heavy door. Gu Qingzhou rushes to help him. He breaks the door open for a while.

"You go first." Huo Shoujing.

Gu Qingzhou shakes his head: "ah Jing, I'm sorry for you so many times. This time, I'll take care of the aftermath. You go first."

Huo won't hesitate for fear of delay.

She flashed out and Gu came out of the boat, but she was weak. The iron gate clanged and closed a little louder.

"Follow me." Huo Fujing found a way and ran ahead with Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou squats down first, puts on his boots, and then runs with Huo.

After running for a while, Gu's lungs seemed to be on fire, and she began to feel out of strength.

She heard footsteps behind her and Cai Changting's voice: "light boat!"

They were found. Cai Changting chased them out.

Huo Fujing was far away. Seeing the movement, she took a temporary turn on the road she was going to take and said, "this way."

She turned from the southeast to the West.

Gu Qingzhou has a lot to ask her, and she has a lot to say, but she can't care about anything in front of her.

When the sound of gunfire in his ear became more and more intense, and a bullet brushed the scalp of Gu Qingzhou, Gu Qingzhou released Huo's hand.

She pressed Huo and said to her eagerly, "run out and let Si Xingfu come to help me. You drag me, neither of us can leave.

You remember, Cai Changting still needs to use me, he will definitely leave my life, not necessarily for you. You move to the rescue. "

Huo Fengjing was moved by her.

She bit her lips and pinched her hand: "I have a lot of accounts to calculate with you, you can't die."

Gu Qingzhou nods.

Without waiting for Huo to say anything, she quickly ran forward and separated from Huo.

Gu Qingzhou hides all the way.

The pursuers behind her seem to be much less. Maybe they went to find Huo Shujing.

Gu counted the time silently, and then he ran with all his life.

It seems that she really ran out of the encirclement, because there was no footsteps or bullets behind her.

It's about to dawn. Gu Qingzhou sees the morning light coming in. She looked at the sky. There was no plane yet, so she planned to take a rest.

Then she saw the figure.

"Stop, the front is..." Cai Changting seems to be drinking angrily and rushes to Gu Qingzhou.

However, Gu ignored the boat. At present, his head was a bush and he plunged down.

Cai Changting jumped at her and held her firmly.

However, in front of us is not a bush, but a vine.

The vines were thrown by two people, and they directly fell off the net. Gu Qingzhou and Cai Changting fell down together.

Her ears are strong wind, heart in this moment, are scared to stop.

Cai Changting is in a hurry. He holds the light boat tightly in one hand, grabs a vine in the other hand, and holds the two fallen people in a good position.

Gu Qingzhou hugs Cai Changting and is blocked in the air.

At this moment, the scorching sun rises slowly. Gu Qingzhou can see clearly that there is a vast white fog and a bottomless canyon below. On the top, there are steep cliffs, almost no ramps, straight up and down.

A clump of green grew in the cliff and was firmly grasped by Cai Changting.

He is also looking, and then to Gu Qingzhou way: "hug me!"

With the help of this vine, he climbed up slowly and hard.

Gu held his breath and did not move.

When they got close to the Bush, Gu Qingzhou and Cai Changting saw that it was a vine that surrounded a slanting tree.

Cai Changting climbed a little bit, and finally climbed up, so he put Gu Qingzhou down.

The trees are not thick, and they don't look strong enough. Cai Changting and Gu Qingzhou lie side by side, their feet are hanging in the air, and the wind in the valley rustles by.

"It's hard to get up there. Wait for someone to help." Caichangting road.

Gu Qingzhou also saw it.

It's several meters away from the top, but there are no plants around. The whole wall is vertical, and there is no place to borrow.

Cai Changting said: "my people will soon catch up with me. Don't worry."

Gu Qingzhou never dared to move or speak.

Cai Changting then asked her, "how?"

"I... I don't have much strength..." don't worry about the difficulties.

She was afraid that talking would drain her strength, and then she fell down.

At the same time, she also noticed that the root of the tree had been making a sound of breaking, as if the root had been broken by them. Gu Qingzhou is sweating.

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