People's feelings, sometimes very sharp, when things happen just to touch the chord of existence, there will be a reaction immediately.

But sometimes, it's slow.

For example, Gu Qingzhou never thought about what kind of mood she should be after Cai Changting's death.

She didn't have that string in her heart.

So, the heavy echo in the valley, like what fell to pieces, it was hard for her to resonate with her mood for a long time, but she thought blankly and palely that he fell down.

Why did he fall?

Gamblers will never give up until the last moment, dreaming of any chance to turn over.

What about CAI Changting?

"How did he fall?" After taking care of the boat for a long time, I still think about it.

If this tree can't support it, Cai Changting will do it. Didn't he throw her down?

Gu Qingzhou opened his eyes hard.

She lies on her stomach, can only look down, can't look up, dare not move.

The morning fog in the valley, disturbed by something, was turbulent for a moment, and slowly returned to immersion.

Gu Qingzhou's heart is blank.

She hugged the trunk tightly. Her arms were so sore that they were about to dislocate. She heard a squeak. The root of the tree broke again. The whole tree fell down.

Gu Qingzhou and the tree trunk hit the cliff wall, and the stone hit her nose. Her blood immediately flowed into the river, and her nose blood and tears flowed together.

However, the trunk did not fall.

Without a person, although it is 80% broken, it is still struggling to maintain, hanging upside down on the cliff.

In this case, the train of thought is blocked, she just silently suffers from the sharp pain of the nose bump.

"If he doesn't fall, now this tree will fall, and I will fall too." She thought.

This is probably the most logical thinking of Gu Qingzhou since Cai Changting's fall.

"Is he... For me?" She asked herself.

At this time, she heard the movement.

There is a mechanical voice on the top of the head, and a scream of "light boat" from Si Xingfu

He did not know how he survived three days.

He didn't close his eyes. They were bloodshot. When he went down with a rope hanging from his waist, there was almost only one breath left.

As soon as sixingfu touched the trunk, the whole tree broke.

A second later, he would watch as Gu Qingzhou fell into the cliff.

He picked her up. Her face was covered with blood. She was in a state of distress and misery. The manager tightened her tightly.

"Light boat, light boat!" He was in her ear, shouting at her.

He thought his voice was loud, but he was already hoarse.

After a long time, Gu Qingzhou said, "Si Xingfu."

Si Xingfu wept with joy.

He blinked hard, kissed her lips, and tears fell on her cheeks.

Hot tears, not into the cold skin of the light boat, let her mind.

In her mind, she thought of the assassination in the theater, he sat beside her bed and wiped his tears; after remembering the shot of simmer, he saw the tears of her scar.

And this time.

He must have been scared. When he got to the extreme, he would cry in front of her.

He's a bastard. What makes him cry is probably taking care of the boat.

Gu Qingzhou's arms were really out of force, so she tried to smile at him.

Poor her face was blue and purple, and she laughed ferociously. The tears of Si Xingfu were even bigger, almost drowning him.

"Do I dream?" Her voice is inaudible.

Si Xingfu kissed her lips, then bit her once, and asked her in a thick nasal voice, "does it hurt?"


"That's not a dream." He said.

Gu Qingzhou said, "it's not a dream. How could Cai Changting fall down?"

Si Xingfu: "...

a military doctor examined her and found that there were no other wounds on her body, and the blood was all from her nose.

They gave Gu a shot in the boat.

Gu Qingzhou fell into deep sleep.

Sleeping, those strange things will be away from her.

When she woke up again from this sleep, she saw the familiar top of the account, and the curtain was exposed to the sun, with clear marks.

The room was warm, even a little hot, and the quilt on her was thin.

It's Midsummer now.

The mountains don't know the heat and cold, so Gu Qingzhou comes back to the world.

Si Xingfu is right beside her. He is half sitting with his arms around her.

When she moved, she woke up.

"Canoe?" Si Xingfu was alert and called her in a low voice.

Gu answered, "I'm here."

Her voice and breath are very heavy, because the broken bridge of nose bone is connected again, so that she can only breathe with her mouth, the voice is different from the past.

Si Xingfu raised his head slightly and looked at her carefully.

After her nose broke, her whole face was a little swollen. Seeing it from his eyes, Si Xingfu was very steadfast in his heart: she was hurt a little and sewed after the robbery.

Her injury made everything look so real.

Si Xingfu sighed, kissed her on the lips again, smelled the medicine of bandage: "let's sleep for a while, let's come back only one day."

Gu Qingzhou said, "ah Jing?"

"Back to Yuecheng." "Yesterday morning, Mr. Huo took them with him," said Si

Gu Qingzhou is slightly shocked.

She gave up her position to think about it. Now let her face Huo Fujing. What should she say?

Saying sorry doesn't seem to be of any use. It can't relieve her guilt or make up for the trauma of a Jing and five elder brothers.

Ask her about her experience of more than two years? Gu probably can't ask, and Huo doesn't want to answer.

What's more, Huo's mood at the moment is a pot of boiling water. Adding a little more can make her mood overflow and lead to her collapse.

"It's good to go home." Gu Qingzhou murmured, "no matter what grievance he suffered outside, there is a home to go back to."

She said, hugging Si Xingfu.

Si Xingfu gently stroked her hair.

"... there is a boy under Cai Changting. His name is Gaudi. He looks very evil. What about others?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Si Xingfu said, "I'm running."

"He didn't go to save Cai Changting." Gu Qingzhou said, "I thought he really liked Cai Changting."

Thinking of this, she felt sorry for Cai Changting.

In this world, who really loved him?

"Before I escaped, I was drugged and bound by a Jing. My arms were loose and my body was soft. Later, running almost exhausted all my strength.

When I fell down, I was overdrawn, tinnitus and hallucination. So is Cai Changting really falling down on his own, or is he beaten down by you? " Asked Gu Qingzhou.

People's memories sometimes deceive themselves.

Gu now feels cheated.

In her memory, Cai Changting told her that he really lost, and then he kissed her twice, all on her forehead, without any desire.

It's like a young boy kissing his sweetheart carefully.

Then he fell down on his own.

Cai Changting, whom Gu Qingzhou knew, was a schemer with black heart and lung, and a man eager for power.

If he doesn't fall by himself, the tree will fall with them. "The logical truth is that he pushed me down, not himself." Gu said, "why is my memory so illogical?"

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