Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 138: attracting bees and butterflies

During the night, Gu Shao's mood changed.

He accepted the fact.

"Zhouzhou, I don't want to find out why mother Mu stopped me from going to school. I want to find out who I am. " Gu Shaodao.

His eyes were big and bright, but now they were gray and lost their expression.

He was only seventeen years old, carefree to this day, suddenly encountered changes, he did not sleep all night.

That night, his world collapsed, and now he's rebuilding.

This process is very difficult, but he got up. Gu Qingzhou thought that Gu Shao was a soft man, and he was not weak.

Gu Shao doesn't want to have two possibilities, because he knows that the first one is only self deception, and he doesn't want to give himself any more hope.

Because when the hope is broken, his pain is a layer heavier. Layer by layer of pain, will crush him, he would rather do the worst plan!

The worst result is that he doesn't care for his children. From the worst, Gu Shao can really become a man.

"It's hard to find." Gu Qingzhou poured cold water first, gave Gu Shao a preventive injection, and said, "elder brother, you need to be prepared in your heart. The past events of more than ten years ago are not so easy to come to a conclusion."

"I know." Gu Shao said, "I can wait."

Gu Qingzhou nods.

"There is no airtight wall in the world. If there is something, it will be found out. Don't worry, brother." Gu Qingzhou splashed cold water, and set up a belief for Gu Shao.

"Well." Gu Shao nodded, eyes firm.

Gu Shao grew up overnight.

Having said this, Gu Shao told Gu about his future.

"Zhouzhou, I won't go to France to study. I'll tell Abba in a few days." "I don't want to rely on my family anymore, whether I'm a child or not," Gu said

"Muddleheaded!" Gu Qingzhou suddenly changed color. "How old are you? There will be a long way to go in the future. It's hard to walk without a degree! How do you make a living and sell coolies at the docks? "

Gu Shao was a little sad when she said, "I can go to St. John's University."

Gu Qingzhou remembers that Si Xingfu said that the world will be in chaos sooner or later. The warlords in the north will fight frequently, and the South will be quiet for a short time.

If the artillery is close to Yuecheng, what's the use of university?

Besides, the world is vulgar. The moon in foreign countries is always round. If you haven't gone out, it will be worse, especially for men.

"Argo, I'm not saying that French universities must be better than St. John's, but Abba has prepared the money. You deserve it." Gu Qingzhou road.

Gu Shao shook his head: "in case I am not the child of the family..."

"then you are also my brother!" Gu Qingzhou said, "I want you to be my support in the future. I don't have any other parents, brother."

Gu Shao suddenly moved and reached for the hand of Gu Qingzhou.

Father is not reliable, stepmother and sister are not good to Gu Qingzhou, Gu Shao knows.

Gu Qingzhou is isolated and helpless. She has always been strong. Isn't she better than a girl's family?

Maybe they are the two of them.

"Elder brother, without you, my father would not support my wife or give other sisters money, so you don't owe my wife. But my grandfather's money is not enough for his family. He has no family background." Gu Qingzhou whispered to Gu Shao, "all the money you spend is mine. I agree with you that if you spend money to study, you will be at ease. When you come back, take care of me! "

"Good!" Gu Shao is careful. His eyes are calm.

He nodded hard, as if he had a thousand pounds in his hand, carefully holding the hand of Gu Qingzhou.

In this way, there is one more ally of Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou persuades Gu Shao to stay still for the time being and review his lessons and go out to communicate as usual.

The book is for reading.

"Don't show your horse's feet, my wife must be on your guard these days." Gu Qingzhou road.

At the same time, she promised to help Gu Shao find out what happened ten years ago.

Gu Shao refused her this time.

His eyes are cold and hard to see, the childishness of the children has faded, showing the pride of men. He said: "Zhouzhou, I want to check myself! This is my life experience. I can't rely on you. I want to protect you in the future. I can't be a wimp. "

The heart of Gu Qingzhou is warm.

The warm current spread all over her chest.

"Brother, I believe you!" Gu chuckled, "you can find out."

Gu Shao nodded.

That day, Gu Shao went out.

He is slow, as if he is going to find the secret of his life experience in the most gentle way.

Gu Shao recalled that from the beginning of his record, his mother's pain was limited.

After all, he is a boy, not sensitive and suspicious, and his father relies on him. His mother's casual indifference doesn't make her mind at all.

The most impressive one was when he and Gu Xiang went to learn riding at the age of eleven. As a result, his horse ran into Gu Xiang, and Gu Xiang fell down and broke his leg. His mother called him "humble".

When parents are angry, they will use all kinds of offensive words to insult their children. Gu Shao didn't think much about it at that time.

He just remembered, because his mother's face was very ferocious at that time, as if he owed his mother and elder sister a lot, her expression made Gu Shao tremble bravely.

Now I have come back to God, and there are clues everywhere: mother's love for the elder sister is the most, twin sister is the second, and Gu Shao is the least.

The world values men over women, not only men, but also women.

Qin Zheng Zheng is a very common woman, but she is indifferent to her son. There are many problems here.

Gu Shao is her only son!

At this stage, Gu Shao has no luck.

He has been studying for many years, and his classmates and teachers like him very much. He has some secret ways to do things as long as he has money.

Gu Guizhang's love for his son is speechless, far better than his girlfriends. Gu Shao has money on his body, which is saved by his pocket money over the years.

He doesn't go out with prostitutes, gamble on horses, or smoke opium. His clothes, shoes and socks are all customized at home. His money usually includes watching movies, eating coffee, buying stationery and books, so he has accumulated a lot.

Gu Shao didn't save money to do great things, either. His father gave him more, but he spent less, and saved a little.

He has his dignity. If he doesn't want to take care of the boat, he will not take part in it.

Gu Qingzhou still goes to Huo's house to make up for Huo's lessons and prepare for the school.

A few days later, Gu Qingzhou was doing her homework at home. Sister Zhu, the maid of Si Xingfu, called Gu Qingzhou to let him go out.

If Gu doesn't go, she will turn around and turn to her room.

It's Midsummer now. If the doors and windows are closed, it will be more suspicious.

Gu couldn't, so he had to go.

He drove a brand-new stepang car, wearing back belt pants, snow silk short sleeved shirt, a dark brown hat and smoking by the door.

With such a dress, he lost the military's authority, but was a bit of a rich dandy.

He was born beautiful, tall and straight, leaning on the door, and his posture was particularly elegant. The light smoke of the cigar curled out, which made his eyes a little misty, and he became more handsome.

Passing by a group of female students, about six or seven people, stopped to look at him, then blushed and whispered.

Si Xingfu did not look askance, especially at the intersection, waiting for Gu Qingzhou to appear.

He never flirts, nor does he provoke female students for no reason. His women are sent to him by others, except for taking care of the boat.

"He's so handsome." A female student muttered, "are you a college student?"

These female students have an ordinary family background. They don't know the value of this car. They only think that he is the childe of ordinary people.

He who can drive a car is also rich.

"Ask him for a famous post."

"I dare not, you go!"

"I'll do it!" The bold and conceited girl student, who had been wearing blue school uniform all day, went to Si Xingfu.

However, seeing the light in his eyes as sharp as an arrow, he shot it.

Have female students ever seen such momentum? At that time, I was so scared that my heart was in a state of confusion. I didn't know what to say.

"What's the matter?" He asked others.

This female student seems bold, but the cold eyes of Si Xingfu in front of her are scared, and she can't say a complete word.

When Gu Qingzhou saw it, he thought he was scolding the girl.

When she got into the car, the little girl retired to the side, about the age of taking care of the light boat.

"Who is that?" Gu Qingzhou is curious.

"I don't know. I ran over and said nothing." He then reached out his hand to look at the small face of the boat. "I've lost weight again these days."

It was the girl who was left behind. When the car finally left her sight, she gasped for air.

Her classmates gathered around and asked her, "how are you going to get to the famous post?"

"No, they have girlfriends!" The schoolgirl was so angry that her eyes were red and her tears came up.

She is also beautiful, but when the man looked at her, he took a sharp look, even disliked her.

Then, when his girlfriend came to him, his eyes were soft enough to drip out of the water, and he looked more and more handsome.

Gu Qingzhou in the car clapped the driver's hand, turned his head and looked at the group of female students through the rear-view mirror. Then he understood.

She said: "Si Xingfu, just now those female students want to hook up with you!"

Si Xingfu said: "it's too tender, not a delicious one!"

He didn't have a good word to say.

"People want to make friends with you, not sleep with you." Gu Qingzhou despises him.

Si Xingfu did not understand: "men and women, do not sleep waste time to do what friends?"

"You're disgusting!"

"It's your innocence!" Si Xingfu road.

Gu Qingzhou can't speak to him. He is silent.

Every time he looks for Gu Qingzhou, there is no good thing. Gu Qingzhou is not in a good mood.

She looked out of the window indifferently.

After a while, seeing him driving out of the city, Gu Qingzhou asked, "go to practice again?"

"No, I'll take you fishing." Si Xingfu road.

Gu Qingzhou asked, "do you mean the same thing about fishing as I want?"

Si Xingfu: "..."

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