Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1387 report of Pei Cheng

Siqiongzhi is going to the clinic today.

In the outpatient department of the tumor department, there were not many people. After seeing it in the morning, Si qiongzhi was responsible for helping her teacher sort out several files in the afternoon.

Just out of the clinic, I saw Pei Cheng.

The deviation of yesterday's thinking made qiongzhi unnatural. She lowered her head and planned to go around the side path.

As a result, Pei Cheng also went there.

Then he stood and said, "Dr. Pei."

"Is the clinic over?" Pei Cheng looked at his watch and found that it was almost lunch time. He asked casually.


"Are you going to the ice room?" He asked again.

There is a canteen behind the outpatient department of the hospital. There is an ice room next to the canteen. You can eat ice cream. In the hot summer, the business of the ice room is very good.

"Yes. It's too hot. I have no appetite. " She said casually.

Pei Cheng nodded and said nothing. He didn't give much comment on the behavior of not eating at noon but eating ice cream first. He just wanted her to kill her. In the future, his stomach hurt less than him.

When we got to the ice room, he saw Gu Qingzhou first.

"Sister in law." When she saw Gu Qingzhou with a man in a police uniform, she thought of Pei Cheng's words yesterday, and her heart was clear.

It was Pei Cheng who asked them to meet in a public place.

Gu Qingzhou said, "it's off duty?"

"Well." Sijongyi road.

"Have you eaten?"

"No. I'm going to buy an ice cream before I eat. " She said.

Gu Qingzhou said, "buy first, but don't eat before dinner."

Siqiongzhi nodded.

When she bought ice cream, she saw Pei Cheng sitting opposite Gu Qingzhou and the police.

Gu Qingzhou tactfully told him that he was not a suspect. If he knew anything, he could tell them.

"When I went to my house before the police station, I heard about their second brother and sister. The second younger brother and sister were stabbed four times, and each one was very deep. It took a lot of strength and personal hatred, right? " Pei Cheng confirmed again.

Niu huaigu nodded, "that's right."

"Then I'll tell you the truth. Pei Jie was supposed to be in Malacca on the night of his second younger sister's death, but I saw him in Singapore. " Pei Chengdao.

Pei Jie is the husband of the dead.

Generally, women are killed. If there is no obvious enemy, there is a great possibility of sexual killing.

The police will investigate the dead man's husband first.

Pei Jie claims to have gone to Malacca, as well as ship tickets and people's cards. He went to buy goods with his family's mates.

But his cousin saw him in Singapore.

Gu Qingzhou, Niu huaigu, even siqiongzhi, who was eavesdropping, were stunned.

Everyone was smashed by this information, only Niu huaigu was ecstatic, it seems that the problem has been solved.

"Excuse me, do you have any evidence, where did you meet him and when?" Niu huaigu asked in a hurry.

Afraid of being rude, he said, "is there any other evidence?"

Pei Cheng shook his head: "No. At that time, it was about three o'clock in the morning. When I came home from the night shift, the light of the car came to him and he wanted to shout, but he ran away in a hurry. "

The excitement in Niu huaigu's heart immediately fell in half.

Later, they confirmed some details with Pei Cheng, and Niu huaigu went back to the police station of the escort department, while Gu Qingzhou went to lunch with Si qiongzhi.

There's nothing to do in the afternoon, just sort out some case files. Qiongzhi can go to work later.

So she asked Gu Qingzhou, "sister in law, do you believe what Dr. Pei said?"

"It's hard to say," Gu said

Jack bit the spoon.

Gu Qingzhou asked her what happened.

"He saw it himself, but there was no one to prove it. How could he feel that he could not be trusted?" But if it's a lie, why does Dr. Pei lie

"Do you know the PEIs?" Gu Qingzhou asked her.

"Si qiongzhi a Leng, hurriedly took back the mood, way:" not very understand, how

"I don't know." Gu Qingzhou said, "since we don't know each other, we'll leave it to the police to investigate."

After dinner, the two separated, and Jack returned to the hospital.

When she sat down, there was always a colleague talking beside her. It was hot outside, and she kept sweating, which made her mood particularly impetuous.

She was also distracted to think about Pei's murder.

"If I hadn't met her the night before Hu qiao'er died, she would never have entered any escort department. She had a premonition of the plot before she stepped in. " His heart was heavy.

Is that sister-in-law in danger?

Everything, including the death of Hu qiao'er, seems to have something to do with her eldest brother.

And these lines, holding her heart.

"What does Pei Cheng mean?" "When he came home from work, it was almost not long after Hu qiao'er was killed," he thought. He openly doubted what his cousin was up to. "

Pei Cheng, who was cold and rigorous before, added a cloud like shadow to his heart, and his outline became gloomy.

At the moment, her mood was totally different from that of last night. She thought: "fortunately, at that time, she refused Pei's house roughly."

She thought of Pei Cheng in the hot afternoon, and then she shivered again.

When Gu Qingzhou returned to the guard department, it was already 3 p.m.

As soon as she sat down, within two minutes, she heard footsteps in the corridor, followed by the hoarse growl of the young man: "if I were in Nanjing, I could beat him to death, you know?"

People in other offices are showing their heads.

Gu Qingzhou also stands up.

The voice came from the chief's office. Everyone else was watching and surrounded it.

Seeing Gu Qingzhou, although they haven't seen her formally, they all know that this lady is the new deputy escort department, and they all give her a place.

Gu Qingzhou sees Pei Jie, the second young master of Pei's family, roaring in Bai changguan's office.

He said that the person who wanted to be killed was to ask about his cow's Bureau and his cow's nostalgia.

"Are you fucking crazy? My wife is gone. Do you doubt me? Who complains, say, who is it? Who saw me? " Pei admonished loudly.

Gu Qingzhou frowns slightly.

She stepped back and looked at the shadow of the tree downstairs. Her driver was leaning on a chair to read the newspaper.

Sensing his eyes, he looked up.

Gu Qingzhou waves at him.

The driver will come at once.

"Go and subdue master Pei." Gu Qingzhou road.

The driver said yes.

The driver was brought from Pingcheng. He was one of the special soldiers of Si Xingfu. He skillfully and forcefully suppressed Pei Jie and made him unable to move.

Pei Jie was angry and scolded.

When Gu Qingzhou saw that he could not move, he said: "Mr. Pei, now you are a suspect, this is the judgment of the police branch. What you need to do is submit the evidence that you were in Malacca that night, rather than asking who reported you. "

Pei Jie's face tightened.

What else did she want to say, Gu Qingzhou said, "roar, sir, office, shut down for 24 hours."

Pei Jie was so angry that he had to jump again, but he was held down by the adjutant and directly escorted to the police station. Gu Qingzhou rubs the temple that sends ache next.

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