Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1405 division of training

In late July, the sky suddenly changed at dusk, as if it was going to rain.

Gu Qingzhou is sultry, so he can't sleep.

She went to see the child.

The child is also hot, especially the second bird boat, crying and can't sleep.

Nanny is brought from Pingcheng. She has a daughter who is five months older than que Fang. When she sees the child crying, she is very sad. She has to ask Gu Qingzhou to feel for the child: "look where it is uncomfortable."

Gu Qingzhou looks at it. There's nothing uncomfortable with the child. It's just that he's upset.

"It's going to rain tonight." Gu Qingzhou said, "that's why it's so boring. When the rain falls, it will cool in the middle of the night. Don't worry. I'll take the baby. "

Gu Qingzhou picks him up.

The temperature of human body is much higher than that on the rocking bed, but the child does not cry and lies on her shoulder weakly.

Gu Qingzhou took him around the room, thinking of Si Xingfu.

Last time he came back, it was a month ago.

It will take at least ten days to come from his side. One time, one month will pass.

Gu Qingzhou thinks of him very much, but also knows that he can't come back. He is in a low mood.

"Is your hand sore, madam?" The nurse asked, "I'll take it."

"It's OK. I'll take him with me." Gu Qingzhou said, "it's so late. Go to bed first. I'll take care of them tonight. "

Gu Qingzhou's two children, with two nannies, which is also the meaning of the superintendent, so that children eat well when they are young, and will be strong in the future.

In addition to the suckling mothers, Gu Qingzhou will feed them herself.

Especially at night, she has to take care of her children for several hours, unless there are special circumstances.

The nannies were downstairs. They could ring the bell when they had something to do, so they left one after another.

Suddenly, there was a flash.

The light burst out of the window, and Gu Qingzhou quickly covered the ears of the bird boat.

But rolling thunder bursts, the bird boat still heard, began to cry.

Gu Qingzhou coaxes him and worries about his eldest son's driving.

With a look of her head, she found Kaikai awake. But he didn't know whether he was calm or simple. He was not afraid of rolling thunder at all. He looked at the ceiling with wide eyes.

Gu Qingzhou laughs.

After the rainstorm came down, the thunder finally went away, and the raindrops splashed on the glass windows. There was noise everywhere.

The cry of the lark boat also slowly decreased.

Gu Qingzhou holds the boat and looks at Kaichang in the cradle. He asks, "who will be more like your father in the future?"

"It's all born of me. It's all like me." Suddenly there was humanity.

Gu took a fright and hugged the child subconsciously.

When she looked back, she saw that Si Xingfu was drenched all over, jumped in from the railing on the second floor, and was leaning on the door to look at their mother and son.

Gu Qingzhou put the boat beside Kaifu and trotted around sixingfu.

Si Xingfu took a deep breath, also hugged her waist: "miss me?"

Gu Qingzhou nods.

Sixianqiu picked up her face and kissed her hard.

When he stopped, Kaikai was looking at them curiously. He picked up the boat and said, "go back and lie in. It's not suitable for children."

Gu Qingzhou finally smiled.

She hit his arm and asked him to put himself down: "don't make a fool of yourself. Go and change your clothes. Come out and coax the children for a while. "

"I have to coax them?" He asked, "is this my son or my ancestor?"

He couldn't help but ring the bell.

When the bell rings, the maids will know to go upstairs. Then, as soon as he lost the bell, he took away Gu Qingzhou and carried him back to his inner bed.

Gu closed the door in a hurry.

Behind the door, she said to the maids who were going upstairs, "take the baby down, and bring it up in an hour."

Si Xingfu bit her earlobe gently: "an hour? Who are you cursing? "

Gu Qingzhou pushed him: "do you have any serious ones? How many people are looking at you and how many eyes are looking at you. You're careless. "

Si Xingfu took the chance to bring her down.

He was not insolent. When he kissed her close to suffocation, he asked her, "is that ok?"


"It's all about giving birth to those two stinky boys, which makes my wife suffer so much." Si Xingfu kissed her forehead again, "if you have two girls, it's worth working hard..."

GU Qingzhou put his arm around his neck: "don't say that in front of Abba, be careful that he sweeps you out of the door. He said that after the division, you love death. "

Si Xingfu: "...

his kiss falls down, and later words are involved in the wind and rain.

An hour later, Gu Qingzhou, who was sweating all over, was picked up by the manager to take a bath.

The sound of the water in the bathroom should be quiet with the rain outside.

"How is it?" Gu Qingzhou asked Si Xingfu, "you didn't come back for more than a month last time. Why did you come back again?"

"It's almost there." "The rest is left to the professionals to do. They will tell me what they need.

I have received the telegram. I have to go back quickly. If the peace talks continue, the battlefield will collapse. No more delays. " Si Xingfu road.

Gu Qingzhou said, "Dad asked last time when the peace talks would be settled."

"Almost." "The whole country will support reunification and abide by the government's decrees. The armies of warlords everywhere will be incorporated into regular armies," said Si Xingfu. My former dream has come true, though I won't win the victory myself. "

"You told me before, when we win, we will find a small place to live. I'll play the piano for you. You cook for me. " Gu Qingzhou road.

"Well, I won't change my mind." Si Xingfu road.

It took them half an hour to whisper before they had a good bath.

Gu Qingzhou rings the bell again to let the nursing mothers pick up the children and then let them go down first.

He will come out of the bathroom later.

He looked at his two sons and thought a little disrespectfully: two little bastards.

Had it not been for them, the canoe would not have had the operation.

After the event, he knew that the more he thought about it, the more he was afraid. What should he do in case of an accident?

Is his daughter-in-law, who has been hard to find, going to be buried on the operating table?

Thinking of the possible accidents in the operation and the possible accidents after the operation, Si Xingfu wanted to kill people with red eyes.

He always felt that he owed Gu Qingzhou.

It's to give him a baby.

"What are you looking at, stinky boy?" He poked at Chu's little face. "Are you noisy? Did you bully my wife? "

Kai Kai was unmoved.

The lark boat beside, Yiyi Yaya, keeps trying to wave her hands and feet.

Si Xingfu also poked at him: "what do you call, kid? So mobile, dad will take you to war, will you go? "

Then she was poked and laughed by him.

Si Xingqi: "still laughing, really want to go? If you make trouble every day, and your mother can't sleep well, I'll throw you to the wolf. "

Gu couldn't bear it. "Are you like a father?"

Where does a father call his son "Stinky child" or "little devil"?

As a matter of course, he said: "that's what my father is like. When I was a child, the governor did this to me. If you don't believe me, ask him. " Gu Qingzhou: "..."

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