Gu Shao's mood fluctuated slightly.

Si Xingfu didn't see him, because yuzao had already jumped into his arms.

"That's lovely." Si Xingfu happily catches her. "The little girl grows tall again."

"Abba, when did you go home? Why don't I know? Next time you come back, call me first. Mom and I will meet you at the door. " Yu Zao hugged Si Xingfu's neck and told him little by little.

She is not old, but her words are crisp and her words are clear. At the first sight of her, she can't love her. She feels that she is 100 times more lovely than her two stinky kids.

"Well, next time Abba will call you first." He laughed.

The superintendent was also surprised.

However, he was used to the world and nodded his head calmly, as if he had expected it.

When they sat down to eat, yuzao also returned to her aunt. She sat down in a proper manner. She looked like a small adult, and sixingxu sighed again.

It's a woman who has everything.

After ye Shan was shocked, she finally opened her mouth and chatted with Si Xingkai: "I heard that you were hurt. How are you now?"

"I'm not hurt. It's just a rumor. Thank you very much, your father thought. You can tell him at ease. " Si Xingfu road.

He is not familiar with Ye Shan, so he is very polite.

Ye Shan's heart also landed. Her father gave her the task, and she was able to give a satisfactory answer.

"Elder brother, do you come back this time?" asked siqiongzhi

"I'm leaving tonight," said the secretary. Don't tell the whereabouts of this time. You pretend you don't know and let others guess. I want to go back to the front. "

"Is there any danger?" he was a little worried


Then he said nothing more.

Before finishing a meal, the governor stood up and asked him to talk with him to the next room.

The father and son talked for more than half an hour, and Gu asked people to leave food for them.

After talking about it, Si Xingfu doesn't care about eating. He wants to go back to his room and see his two smelly children. In fact, his main purpose is to have another intimate relationship with Gu Qingzhou.

Sure enough, after returning to the room, he first hugged Gu Qingzhou: "do you want to go with me?"

"What if I leave the child?" Gu chuckled.

"The secretary does not care:" to the nurse. Both of them are kids. They won't starve to death. Do you have to accompany them? Are you theirs? "

Without waiting for Gu to answer, he continued to say, "you are mine, I am alone!"

For the first time, Gu Qingzhou saw the childishness of his teacher seat, which was not as good as his children's, and he had a good experience.

"Are you not going to be a loving father?" Gu Qingzhou asked him.

"I am the father of majesty, what kind of father?"

Gu almost laughed and said, "you didn't say that before."

Si Xingfu kisses her and interrupts her intention to expose her, hoping to melt her in his arms.

It's half past eight in a flash.

Si Xingfu was tired of tilting for a moment and didn't want to leave. Gu Qingzhou holds his waist. He was in a relaxed mood at first, but unconsciously it becomes heavy.

Her hands did not want to separate him.

If she keeps him, he will feel worse.

He had been away from his wife and children for months, and his heart was more painful than hers.

He always wanted to have a family of his own: a wife he loved so much that he could not worship, a smart, beautiful and sensible daughter, a son who had two bastards but was real and could be used as a bully and put on the imperial spectrum, and the best way to do that was to have a small, charming and willful daughter.

Now, it's almost there.

He really wanted to take care of the boat and give him a little daughter, so that he would be more balanced.

He was tired of dying at home.

But he has to go. The situation is uncertain. If you want long-term comfort, you need to deal with all the problems as much as possible.

"Canoe, when I come back, will you give me a little daughter?" Si Xingfu whispered in her ear.

"Like jade algae?" Gu asked

"No, like a tomboy, I can teach her that every day." Si Xingfu road.

Gu Qingzhou: "...

this father, do you have any misunderstanding about your own child?

Gu Qingzhou's sadness about leaving was completely lost by him, so he was warned: "Sir, we are human beings, not toys, can you be serious?"

Si Xingfu was puzzled: "father has to be majestic. Is there anything wrong? It's a father's duty to eat and sleep and beat his children. "

Gu Qingzhou: "...

then, the division division seat was swept out by his wife and rushed back home.

After he left, Gu Qingzhou looked at his bed and his heart was empty.

The two sons haven't changed their minds, but yuzao wakes up the next day and comes to see Abba early. When he finds no one, he is very aggrieved and asks Gu Qingzhou, "Muma, why didn't Abba tell me when he left?"

"He's afraid you're upset." Gu Qingzhou touched her head. "Mummy will comb your hair, OK? Today I'm going to go out riding with my aunt. Mum will comb a beautiful pigtail for you. "

"No, I want my head down." Yuzao said, "like Muma."

Gu agreed, and then put a hair band on her.

Children coax well, jade algae coax better. Mrs. Yan has taught yuzao to be an optimistic and open-minded girl. She has too much happiness and happiness in her little heart, so nothing can make her sad for too long.

Abba left without saying goodbye. She seemed to understand. She soon put it behind her and was ready to go riding.

Siqiongzhi changed a pair of riding trousers and short sleeve shirt, and tied up his hair with high height. He was very brave.

"Sister in law, would you like to join us?" "Let's go out and have a rest," said Jack. We haven't played together in a long time. "

"It's OK," Gu said

Singapore is a small horse riding field with only three runways, but it is already the most luxurious.

There are stalls behind the railings.

Gu Shao invited us. He took the back seat, enough to hold ten people.

They went to choose horses. Yuzaofei asked qiongzhi to help her choose horses and her uncle to hold them.

In the process of horse selection, yuzao dislikes too high and too strong. There are many new words in her childlike mouth.

Those words are very funny when the children say them. Qiongzhi is just too happy.

"That white one, will you?" Asked siqiongzhi.

Yu Zao said: "no aunt, white dirty, yellow hair. I want the red one just now. "

"Don't you think the jujube is too high?"

"He is the general in the dwarfs." Jade algae road.

The child really knows too many allusions, and qiongzhi can't help laughing.

At the same time, she also noticed that someone was looking at her. Maybe she laughed too recklessly.

She was embarrassed to see Pei Cheng. Siqiongzhi's smile gradually solidified, because Pei Cheng looked at her with a solemn expression.

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