Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 145 rise from the dead

Li Tao has a breath. It's like a drop of cold water falling into the boiling oil pot, which bursts of oil flowers and can't be quiet any more.

Everyone, including the servant at the door, is talking.

In the hall of the spirit, there is a lot of noise. Everyone has their own thoughts and is waiting for the result.

These ten minutes seem to be much longer than the previous thirty minutes.

The mother-in-law of the Li family, with strong hope and fear of breaking this hope, was afraid to stand on the upper hand.

And the patrolmen are more curious and marvel at the new means of swindling: have the swindlers reached such a level now?

His mood is complicated.

His eyes were cast on Gu's boat and in his coffin.

The child in the coffin didn't seem to change, but his face seemed to be a little ruddy.

In the dark of the night, the shadow of birch candle is tiny, and the hall can't turn on the electric light, for fear of disturbing the soul. The red candle around melts like tears. In the orange light, whether Li Tao's color has changed, Sima can't judge.

Instead, I took care of the boat and waited quietly.

It seems that Sima is the first time to take a serious look at the boat, the girl he has been engaged to since childhood.

After a long time, I can't see any other feeling except that she is young.

If we say beauty, simu's mother and sister are amazing, and other women are not worth mentioning compared with simu's wife and simu's qiongzhi.

With this contrast, Sima didn't think how good-looking the boat was, but it's a subjective emotion to see whether a person's eyes are pleasing, and now the boat has not reached this level.

Ordinary little girl, ordinary appearance, more ordinary family background......

Sima's mind soon came back from Gu Qingzhou.

At this time, it's ten minutes.

Servants and patrolmen all moved forward.

Gu Qingzhou also stands up.

Mrs. Li and her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, as well as the Miss Li's family, all surrounded the coffin. The servants and the patrolmen crowded in the outer room. Instead, they pushed Gu Qingzhou and Si Mu out.

Suddenly, a cry broke the silence of the hall.

Li Tao, who had been dead for a long time in the coffin, burst into tears and struggled to sit up: "don't close me, don't close me!"

He wailed and cried loudly.

All of them were paralyzed, including those who were used to sin and even the dead.

"Tao Tao!" Mrs. Li was the first to look back. When she saw the child in the coffin, she was crying. It was really a living person, not a corpse. At last, she wept with joy.

The old lady cried, too.

The smart servant immediately pulled Li Tao out of the coffin.

Li Tao didn't have the strength to make it. He just cried, as if he had suffered a lot of grievances.

The servant carried him out and put him on the ground.

During the patrol, a man came forward and gently tried Li Tao's neck. It had a pulse.

"It's a fucking evil gate!" The leader of the patrol shivered. "What kind of magic is that?"

"I have lived for thirty-seven years. The first time I saw a dead man become a living man!"

"Not only have you changed into a living person, but also you live very well. You have the strength to listen to that cry."

Several patrolmen, at the same time, put their eyes on Gu Qingzhou to see if she would become a fairy.

Gu Qingzhou stood there quietly and let the people look at him.

"Doctor!" Finally, a patrolman said a fair word, "all say that traditional Chinese medicine is Xuanyi, which really opened the eyes!"

"She is so young!"

"Is it really young, or is it longevity in traditional Chinese medicine?"

Several people were stunned again.

"Before, it was a trick. I'll tell you, there's no such a trick!"

"It's more amazing than deception to have such a powerful medical skill."

The patrolmen were stunned and admired Gu Qingzhou.

They all saw it with their own eyes, and they caught up with a real anecdote.

This is probably the most amazing thing in their life.

Later, Mrs. Li came forward, hugged Gu Qingzhou and said a lot of grateful words, holding Gu Qingzhou to the core.

"You are a great benefactor of our Li family!" Cried Mrs. Li.

Li Tao was alive. There was no patrolling before. Li's servants came forward and gave money to the patrolmen and sent them off respectfully.

"The doctor, which drugstore is she from?" Some people in the patrol were unwilling to ask about Gu's life.

For the first time, they have seen so much medical skill that it is impossible not to boast.

Since you want to boast, you need to know the origin of each other.

"It's from he's pharmacy." Li's servant said.

Several patrolmen remember to leave from Li's house.

Li 's family spread all over the country, and all the servants crowded to the hall to see the bustle.

Li Tao has been taken back to his own yard by his servant, and Gu Qingzhou and Si Mu follow him.

Li Tao woke up and was very weak after crying. He always said not to lock him in the cage. Although alive, but a bit of nonsense.

Gu Qingzhou asked Li's servant to cook a bowl of ginseng soup.

"Make ginseng soup thicker." Gu Qingzhou orders.

Mrs. Li looked at the old lady and said, "Mom, there are some good ginseng in my room. I'll get them."

"Come on, Taotao. I'll see." Said the old lady.

Mrs. Li was so windy that she quickly went back to her inner courtyard and handed out the ginseng to the servant.

When she returned to Li Tao's yard, Gu was already explaining to the old lady why Li Tao could return to life.

"Not dead, old lady, but rebellious." Gu Qingzhou repeatedly stressed that "the vital energy in the human body is extremely weak, the Yang cannot warm the whole body, the middle Qi sinks, the clear Yang does not rise, and the empty Yang loses nourishment, which will lead to coma, and the breath is completely absent, and the six channels of the upper hand cannot be explored. As long as the six veins are still there, you can come back. "

The old lady didn't understand these medical words, but she listened very carefully, nodded from time to time, and praised Gu's medical skills.

"Miss Gu is young, and her medical skills are so good. She is a living immortal!" Said the old lady.

Gu Qingzhou said, "my uncle's medical skill is good. Since you have asked for a doctor, you should follow the doctor's advice."

She said about the Li family's medicine cutting.

There was some embarrassment on the old lady's face, and she immediately said, "yes, the doctor's advice is for you."

Miss Li's family, who didn't believe in taking care of the boat, said many grateful words around it at the moment.

Gu Qingzhou also comforted the Li family: "young master is a blessed man. If he is half an hour late, I'm afraid he won't come back."

When Li Tao woke up, his spirit was not so good. Although he cried so much, he looked like he was going to sleep.

Gu Qingzhou said: "after drinking ginseng soup, let him sleep. Don't worry. Once you have something to do, go to he's drugstore to get the medicine. "

Mrs. Li did not dare to be half vague this time.

Gu Qingzhou got up and left.

After getting on the bus, Yan Luoshui regretted not falling: "I should go and have a look. The servant said it was very mysterious. He said that if you had a few stitches, the young master of the Li family would survive!"

"Just a few stitches." Gu Qingzhou road.

Yan Luoshui even regretted: "such a good opportunity, I missed it."

Gu Qingzhou took her hand and said with a smile, "I'm afraid of the dead, too. What's this? This is not a wonderful process. We dare not breathe. "

Yan Luoshui laughs.

Then she wants to see the silver needle of Gu Qingzhou.

Yan Luoshui sent Gu Qingzhou to Gu mansion first, and then returned to Yan mansion.

She told Mrs. Yan all about it, as she had seen with her own eyes: "it's been a long time since she died. People are stiff. How many stitches have been used in the boat? The child sat up and cried. Muma, do you think it's magic?"

Mrs. Yan also listened: "and so on?"

If it wasn't for Gu Qingzhou, Mrs. Yan doubted that Yan Luoshui would exaggerate.

"Yes!" Yan Luoshui told the truth, "unfortunately, I was waiting in the guest room, but I didn't dare to go. I was afraid of the dead."

Mrs. Yan touched Yan Luoshui's head.

The next morning, Gu got up early, but saw a little commotion downstairs.

She didn't take it seriously either. When she was going to wash, Miaoer, the maid, hurriedly went upstairs: "Miss canoe, come downstairs quickly. Here comes the young commander."

Gu Qingzhou's mouthwash cup almost slipped and broke.

Didn't they say they went to the station?

Besides, Shi Xingming can pull her out alone or climb her bed. Why do you have to pay a fair visit and add suspicion?

"To see me, or to see the master?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Miao'er said, "I want to see you."

Gu Qingzhou changed his clean clothes, his hair was not combed, he was in a low bun and went downstairs with his slippers on.

Downstairs in the sofa, sat a man, his hair short, temples thick black green, thick eyebrows high nose, wearing military uniform is also clean and tidy.

It's Simo.

Gu Qingzhou suddenly, oh, her fiance is also young handsome.

Relieved, Gu Qingzhou had a smile on his face and went to Si mu.

Sima is still with the aide Wang.

Seeing Gu Qingzhou, Sima stood up with a good attitude.

Wang said, "Miss Gu, young commander would like to invite you to have morning tea."

It was quite unexpected. Gu Qingzhou said, "what can I do for you?"

Adjutant Wang shook his head.

What's the matter with Sima? I didn't tell the adjutant Wang. He doesn't know.

"I'll have class later." Gu Qingzhou road.

Wang said, "subordinates will ask for your leave."

Gu Qingzhou misses he's family and wants to see Li Tao's recovery. It's good to take a day off today.

"Well, I'll go talk to my dad." Gu Qingzhou road.

This is the first time for Sima to come to the door, and so early, Gu Guizhang was a little unprepared and went downstairs in his pajamas.

Qin Zheng even put on the appearance of "mother-in-law", went downstairs and exchanged greetings with Si mu.

Wang's adjutant stopped all of them and said that young commander was not comfortable in his voice and could not speak.

After changing clothes in the light boat, Gu simply combed her hair in order. She went to a restaurant for morning tea with Sima.

As soon as he brought it up, Wang took out a notebook and a pen and handed it to Sima.

Sima wrote a few words on the paper and handed them to Gu Qingzhou.

He wants to communicate with Gu Qingzhou with pen and paper.

Goo picked it up.

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