Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 149: how many children to have

Si Xingfu takes Gu to see the house in a light boat.

A few days ago, Si Xingfu took a fancy to a garden house. It was far away from the downtown area. It was quiet and spacious. There were tennis courts, swimming pools and a huge back garden.

At a glance, he found the style elegant and suitable for his boat.

He paid a lot of money to buy it, and asked people to repair it. Now the courtyard is high, surrounded by institutions, and heavily guarded, just like the second military government.

This is the nest for him to take care of the boat.

He felt that Gu wanted a nest of his own rather than living in her father's and stepmother's home.

The family of Si Xingfu is the same as that of Gu Qingzhou, so he can understand the mood of Gu Qingzhou.

He wants to arrange Gu Qingzhou here and stay away from the noise of the city in the future, just him and her.

He took Gu to see it.

After getting off the car, Gu Qingzhou saw the pavilions and pavilions covered by green trees. They were very magnificent and majestic. He asked, "whose house is this?"

"Ours." Si Xingfu said with a smile.

Gu Qingzhou thought of that night, he took out a very expensive diamond ring and told her that he didn't propose, just to play for her, and Gu Qingzhou remembered it vividly.

Now when I see the house, Gu Qingzhou will not be the real hostess. She just feels like a huge golden cage. She is the canary in it.

Other, she has no extravagance.

Her face fell slightly and she didn't want to see the house much.

The big iron door with twigs was very heavy. Si Xingfu opened the door by himself.

At the door is a neat path paved with rain flowers and stones. Both sides are planted with roses. Red and white meet each other. It is gorgeous and enchanting, which makes the courtyard beautiful.

The three-story building is the guest room, and the downstairs room is the banquet hall.

Around the small building, behind it is a long corridor for copying hands.

The veranda is made of wooden pillars, which are carved by old-fashioned craftsmen. It's exquisite and luxurious. On the top of the veranda, the vines are coiled, and the deep green and broad vines are swaying in the wind, like the billows.

The end of the veranda is the main building.

The main building also has three floors and lots of houses.

Si Xingfu takes Gu's hand and pushes open the door. The furniture is full of rosewood. The tables and chairs are polished smooth and plain.

"Do you like it?" Seeing Gu Qingzhou's eyes shining, he laughed and teased her.

Naturally, I like it.

The old furniture is steady and exquisite in materials. For example, the more you use it, the more shiny it will be. You don't need to change the furniture all your life.

Gu Qingzhou likes this kind of life which can be seen at a glance.

She could imagine that when she was old, the furniture was still as bright as new.

"It's very good. Although the old furniture looks very old-fashioned, it's beautiful. The ancient charm can't be replaced by the new western furniture. We are all Chinese. The Chinese aesthetic is inherited for thousands of years." Gu Qingzhou road.

At this time, she felt very similar to herself.

"When you graduate, you'll move in." "I'll send some servants to take care of you. You can swim, play ball, play piano and even have a banquet every day," said the minister

Gu Qingzhou's lips and corners are slightly selected, but she doesn't answer with a smile. Her bright eyes are slightly inclined: "I am worth such a high price!"

"Nonsense!" Si Xingfu pinched her face gently. "This is my gift for you."

He is in a good mood.

Gu Qingzhou can't say what it's like. Every day when it comes to marriage, his attitude is silent. But every time he lets go, he refuses to let go.

It's like Gu Qingzhou loves apples. Si Xingleng fills her with a load of pears.

She should be happy, but she has a heavy heart.

"Go and see the mechanism." Si Xingfu road.

Gu Qingzhou had no interest in it, but he led her to the backyard. The mud around the wall looked old. He opened the mechanism.

Si Xingfu pulls Gu's boat to the side, then hits a stone. In the tree hole not far away, he immediately shoots 20 or 30 small sharp arrows.

Whoever comes in the wall carelessly will be shot into a leech pot.

At the same time that the sharp arrow shot out, the sharp and piercing sound of the sentry tower was enough to wake up the guards of the whole courtyard.

Gu Qingzhou has no words for a long time.

She subconsciously said, "is this home? In case children run around, do you think about the consequences? "

The haze of Si Xingfu was completely swept away. His heart was bright, and he seemed to be swaying.

He turned to her and asked, "how many children do we have?"

Gu Qingzhou is shocked. She just thought of the sons of Mu Sanniang. Those boys went to the house and did everything. This house is hell for the children.

She turned to go.

Si Xingfu grabbed her, kissed her lips, and whispered, "let's have four children, canoe! Three sons, one daughter! "

Gu Qingzhou's heart is covered with wood skin. There is no feeling.

She won't give him a baby anyway. She'll never have that day.

She was still a concubine when she had a baby.

Si Xingfu seems to have some great new ideas. When he went back, he said a lot to Gu Qingzhou: "if you are a son, you should be naughty. The boy is too clever to be successful. In the future, all the family businesses will be dowried to the daughter, and the sons are not allowed to go on their own... "

GU Qingzhou can't help but answer the words:" you don't mean that you are a man with no future. When you die, the orphans and widows left behind, don't feel sorry now? "

I'm afraid I can't help you.

His heart was shocked. It seemed that his life plan after he was sensible had been deviated unconsciously.

Once upon a time, one day's life was a bit wasted in retrospect.

Even though he knew that there was no hope -- the boat didn't love him!

"Canoe, you are good at throwing cold water!" Si Xingfu road.

"You are the best at playing hooligans!" Gu said.

"Then we are not good people!" He concluded.

Take care of the boat and turn your back on him.

"In that case, let's work together." Si Xingfu said with a smile.

When he returned home in the afternoon, Gu Qingzhou remembered that he had missed two days of classes.

Late in the evening, Yan Luoshui came to Gu's house and gave Gu Qingzhou lessons assigned by Mies. Then he asked her, "these two days, I'm still going to see that child again?"

Gu Qingzhou didn't answer, just smiled.

She could not tell Yan Luoshui the truth, and did not want to cheat Yan Luoshui, only silence.

Yan Luoshui thought it was.

"The supervisor didn't say anything, just said the last academic year. If you can't pass the course, you won't graduate. You know that Santa Maria is an elite education." Yan Luoshui repeated the words of the supervisor.

"Well, I see." Gu Qingzhou road.

She finished the two days' homework in detail overnight.

It wasn't until 3 a.m. that Gu went to bed reluctantly. When he got up early the next day, he asked the maid to make coffee and take it to school for drinking. His spirit was also good.

Miss, who taught the course, was supposed to say that Gu Qingzhou was absent, but saw that she did her homework carefully and beautifully, and there was nothing wrong with it, so she swallowed her words, saying only: "leave less in the future."

Gu Qingzhou is a very good child in school. The Mies all like her. If they can let go of her, they will let go of her.

At the end of the week, Sima came to visit his family in the morning.

He still took care of the boat to have morning tea.

Gu Qingzhou made it clear to him this time.

"Young commander, I can't treat you." Gu Qingzhou road.

Si muweileng.

I promised it before.

Without waiting for him to write, Gu continued: "I know that my words are untrustworthy. In fact, it's a matter of great importance. If it is cured, my wife and the governor may not thank me. If something happens, my life will not be saved. Was not that how Hua Tuo died? It's better for doctors to stay away from the powerful. With all due respect, I will not accept your illness. "

To cure the disease, we need to contact again and again, which will thoroughly infuriate the Department.

Si Xingfu said that he would assassinate Sima and Gu Qingzhou believed it.

It's really annoying Si Xingfu. He has saved even assassination. I'm afraid he will come to kill Si mu with a gun.

In this world, Si Xingfu is not afraid of anyone and anything. The governor, even the secular gossip, has been heard by the governor.

It is the greatest kindness of Gu Qingzhou to have little contact with Sima. She thought that Sima would also think that life is the most important thing.

Now, Sima doesn't understand.

"How much is the consultation fee?" Sima wrote a note to Gu Qingzhou.

"If I don't have a doctor, there is no way to say that I have a doctor." Gu Qingzhou said, "I'm sorry, young commander."

The doubts of Sima's eyes gradually turned cold.

That cold sharp eyes light, with a very obvious disgust: clearly agreed, but now the words are untrustworthy.

Gu Qingzhou also gave Sima a hope and let Sima down.

Sima stood up indifferently and left without asking to take care of the boat.

He already hated Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou was not relieved.

She sat in silence for a long time, thinking of her master and the ancient medical precepts. She could not tell what it was like. It was always a little cold.

She came out of the dining room. At the southwest corner of the street, there was a bus of Si Xingfu. She saw it at a glance.

After getting on the bus, Gu Qingzhou asked Si Xingfu, "I have rejected him. Are you satisfied?"

Of course, he was satisfied.

At the weekend, Gu Qingzhou spent a day with him. In the evening, he sent Gu Qingzhou home.

At about ten o'clock in the evening, when Gu was going to sleep, he climbed over the wall and entered Gu's room.

Gu Qingzhou was so scared that he locked the door immediately.

"You're doing this again!" Gu Qingzhou bites his teeth.

Si Xingfu is happy: "want to sleep with the boat."

Gu Qingzhou is afraid of making noises and being heard. He simply lies down and lets him hold her in his arms.

Si Xingfu thought of something and suddenly asked her, "light boat, you always have to live in Gu mansion, what are you doing?"

Take a breath from the boat.

"... you can tell me what you want and I can give you anything." Si Xingfu road.

After hearing this, Gu Qingzhou was a little annoyed and said, "you can't give me too much!"

"For example?"

Gu Qingzhou's words, impulse to get the tip of the tongue, and forced to resist.

She pauses to pick and choose, trying to choose the most stinging words to stop him, but she doesn't know which one to pick.

It seems that every word can be very stinging!

At this time, the corridor suddenly heard the voice of Qin Zheng: "hurry up, hit the door for me, I just saw the thief!"

Gu immediately sat up and his face changed with fright.

When a man walks by the river, how can he keep his shoes wet?

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