Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1509 the whole picture of shadow

For one thing, if it has been more than 20 years, it is basically equivalent to drowning out traces.

My manager has worked in Pei's family for more than 20 years. Who knows his details? If I knew, it would have been a long time ago.

In the first place, as long as the other party's family background is innocent and he is diligent, who will look up the 18 generations of a servant's ancestor?

Pei's family is at a loss.

However, the missing account book is very important. Pei family should make up this by other ways. Otherwise, the economic problems involved will make a huge uproar in their houses.

This is the current event.

As for the steward's running, let's run. Anyway, Pei Chen and Pei Cheng didn't fight each other to death.

Pei Chen's secret love is not exposed today.

When I was in Nanjing, Si qiongzhi refused the marriage of Pei's family. Pei ran to make trouble and was almost beaten by his adjutant. At that time, Pei's family knew that the seventh young master was interested in Si's miss.

"All right, all right." Mr. Pei said, "it's enough chaos. Don't make any more chaos. Do what you have to do."

Everyone went back to the room.

Pei Cheng can't sleep. He wants to go to the Secretary's house.

The next morning, Pei Cheng came by car.

"What's the matter?" he asked

She was startled by him. When something happened, she would break in without making a phone call.

"It's OK. It's just that Xiaoqi's letter is clear. It's a forgery." Pei Cheng said, "a steward of our family. By the way, what about your sister-in-law? "

"Come in, have breakfast together," said sijongzi

Pei Cheng nodded.

They waited for a moment, and the two talents, Si Xingfu and Gu Qingzhou, came late.

Then the superintendent came.

Pei Cheng stood up uneasily and said hello to the inspector general. Then he sat down.

He told Gu Qingzhou the clues his family found last night.

"Are you skeptical that this is not a single person, but a combination of many?" Gu Qingzhou asks Pei Cheng.

Pei Cheng: "...

this is his conclusion. Before he said it, he was punctured by Gu Qingzhou.

He said, "have you ever had such doubts when you asked?"

"I've had this suspicion for a long time." Gu Qingzhou said, "I didn't say it all the time. I didn't want to be very conceited. There was a man in the dark who was more powerful than me. I thought that it wasn't that he was better than me, but that it wasn't one person at all, but a lot of people."

Si Xingfu and Si dujun couldn't help laughing.

Gu Qingzhou said awkwardly, "this is too conceited. I know it, so I'm also ruling out other possibilities. I'll wait for the last step."

She had long thought that there could be no evil in the world.

It is rare for people like Cai Changting and her to have a calculated mind.

However, in Singapore, there is such a shadow, more powerful than her.

Gu Qingzhou felt this clearly in the first case, the case of Peijie killing his wife.

It's not someone doing it, it's a lot of people.

They cooperate with each other and have the same goal.

It's very difficult for Gu to tell Pei Jie, film Pei Cheng and Si qiongzhi, and provoke Hu qiao'er's lover to kill people. He wants to do these things at the same time without losing his footing.

She all feels difficult, indicating that the other side is more powerful than her.

She didn't believe that there were people in the world who could calculate better than her, so she thought at that time that it was likely that these things were separate.

But she didn't mention such pride.

She later thought, maybe it's not that the other side is stronger, but that she's weaker after she's pregnant?

Until today, Pei Cheng and she had the same guess, she just truthfully said her original feelings.

"... at the beginning, the textile factories of Xu and Ruan families caught fire and exploded, killing more than 200 people." Gu Qingzhou said, "this is what Mrs. Ruan told me. It may be more than this.

How many of those two hundred people are other people's husbands or wives, parents or children? Their relatives, as long as ten people unite, can form a ghostly shadow.

They may lie dormant and become our servants, friends, or colleagues. Wait until the time is right, then hurt the killer. It's not too late for a real gentleman to take revenge. "

Siqiongzhi shivered.

She can't help but retort: "how can you stay dormant for such a long time, and why do you start in Singapore? Did they know we were moving to Singapore more than 20 years ago? Besides, what's the matter with us and Pei family when there's something wrong with Xu family and Ruan family's factory? "

The governor was silent and speechless.

He thought for a long time last night.

Maybe he was really old, or he was really ignorant when he first stationed in Suzhou. Anyway, he thought hard all night and didn't remember anything.

"... my grandfather seems to have been an official in Suzhou." Pei Cheng said suddenly.

The crowd looked at him.

"Yes, he was in Suzhou at that time. I was only two or three years old. I went to Suzhou to play." Pei Chengdao.

"How can you remember when you are two or three years old?" said Si Xingfu? Stop talking nonsense. "

"It's not that I remember. My mother had a picture. She turned it out a few days ago and said to me that when my grandfather was an official in Suzhou, we took a picture in Suzhou, right at the door of my grandfather's residence." Pei Chengdao.

Si Xingfu: "...

Si qiongzhi asked:" did you have photos then? "

"Yes, and it has become a fashionable thing. There is always a line at the gate of the photo studio." Pei Cheng said, "that's what my mother said last time."

Si qiongzhi: "...

all the people are very concerned.

If it was more than 20 years ago, and I was making clear that the enemy was in the dark, it would be far more difficult than they thought.

Gu Qingzhou said: "I think the most terrible thing is not how many years ago, but how many people there are in each other."

This time, even Si Xingfu shivered.

They live in people's environment, whether they are at home or out, they will contact people.

For example, when you go to a coffee shop, if someone wants to harm you, how can they be on guard when they put medicine in the coffee they bring you?

How many people are there on the other side and how are they going to revenge?

If it's true, it's creepy. It's hard to stand still all my life.

"Don't scare us, sister-in-law." "If that's true, let's... Shall we move?"

"Where are you moving?" Gu Qingzhou said, "how do you know that the other side is not Singapore that follows us? If you go, can't they follow you? "

Siqiongzhi's face was a little white.

She immediately felt that there were ghostly hands everywhere. She wanted to penetrate her at any time.

"I'm just saying that." Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "how could it be so terrible? I don't think they will exceed ten at most.

There is a limit on the number of people in any organization's privacy. Once the number of people exceeds the established number, there will be no way to melt the contradictions within them, nor to keep them secret, which is easier to find. As long as there are no more than ten people, and most of them have only made their fortune in the last 20 years, does that make it a lot easier? "

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