Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1512 of course

When Gu Qingzhou was in the hospital, he felt OK, but when he came back home, he was very popular at night.

She went to the hospital again.

"It's OK," said the doctor. "I bumped into it, and I was overworked."

"I'm not tired," Gu said

"Brain tired, but also tired, Mrs. Si. You can relax, think about the day and dream the night. Don't think about too many problems, and don't read too many books. " The doctor said with a gentle smile.

Gu Qingzhou: "...

" you need to rest for another half to a month. You'd better not get out of bed. " The doctor said.

It seems that Gu Qingzhou has been suffering a lot.

She agreed.

In this case, she should have been hospitalized. If she paid a little more money, she could let the doctor visit her home and have a rest at home.

Whether it's environment or diet, it's better than hospital.

After completing the formalities, he took Gu Qingzhou back to the car.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Gu asked, "what's the matter?"

"It's very irresponsible of me to be a husband." Si Xingfu road.

Gu Qingzhou looked at him in amazement: "how can you talk nonsense?"

"You are only seventeen years old, so you have to go up by yourself and clean up a large group of monsters for yourself. I always feel that you are omnipotent, there is love for you, but not much care. "

Gu Qingzhou became red twice in this pregnancy. It may be that the baby is not stable by nature, and she worries too much.

The wife is pregnant and can't support the baby at ease. This is the dereliction of duty of the secretary.

He was very guilty.

"Nonsense." Gu Qingzhou said, "you've done your best to me. I'm worried about everything. I want to manage everything. I don't have the consciousness of a pregnant woman. I also think I'm a energetic little girl."

What should Si Xingfu say? Gu Qingzhou interrupts him and continues: "isn't it OK? Just stay in bed, you don't feel guilty, I don't blame myself, OK? "

When it happened, no regrets would help.

"Good," said the secretary

The next day, he got up early.

Gu Qingzhou also woke up. Shi Xingfu didn't call a servant. He helped her sit on the bed, brushed her teeth, brought hot water to her, washed her face a little, and put on snow cream.

"I'll ask the servant to serve you breakfast. I'm going out." Si Xingfu road.

Gu Qingzhou asked, "do you want to patrol the warship?"

"No, after you fell asleep last night, I called my uncle and asked him to find out what the man who tried to hit you from behind did last night." Si Xingfu road.

Gu slightly tightens his eyes.

When she came out last night, she felt that someone was rushing at her behind her. If she does not avoid it in time, she may fall face to face and press her child.

Fortunately, she was suspicious. At that moment, she was very sharp and hurried around.

So he ran into another child, who was guilty of taking care of the boat.

"You go." Gu Qingzhou said, "if my uncle can't find out, let my third brother help him."

The Secretary nodded.

Before he went out, he also called Yan Ziqing for help.

Fortunately, my uncle found the couple who quarreled yesterday at noon.

The young boys and girls are very ignorant and a little afraid.

"... when we were buying tickets, a woman was wearing that kind of clothes with buttons on her back. She asked him to help us fasten them. He did it." The girl said angrily, "I'm not happy. He forgot to buy me water when I went to the cinema."

So the whole movie, girls are looking for fault.

The boy is also a spoiled character, not very accommodating to his girlfriend, and immediately said: "raise your hand, you are too careful. You said you didn't want water. "

"I'm careful with my eyes?" The girl glared, slapped the boy on the arm, and there was a clear sound, "you say that again?"

The slap hurt so much that the boy covered his arm and said, "you are unreasonable!"

The two men quarreled again.

Si xingxu watched quietly, then asked his uncle's people to find the boy's parents.

Both boys and girls are from Fujian Province. My grandfather's generation settled in Singapore to do small business. It's not from the south of the Yangtze River, nor has it developed in the past 20 years.

Yan Ziqing also helped to search.

Finally, it was found that these two people were OK, that is, young men and women quarreled.

It's the people who caused their quarrels. They look suspicious.

But the girl said that the man didn't buy a ticket at last, just stood for a while and said that he was too hot to buy water, so he left first.

"She's here to seduce him." The girl said angrily, "it's just that this heartless man will be cheated."

The boy was also angry: "if I had failed, I would have followed her. Didn't you leave at last? "

"But you want to go. You have been watching her for half a day." The girl said, "it's a pity, you fool!"

He asked the boy to describe the woman carefully.

boys only remember that the other side is very fragrant. It is the kind of light perfume. He didn't notice what color the woman was wearing or what hat she was wearing.

He is a fool indeed.

The girl remembered, but in her description, she deliberately defaced the girl.

"Well, if you meet her again next time, call me," said Si

The girl and the boy looked at each other.

Although the two young people are naive and simple, they are not fools. They know that something has happened at first sight. Even they can't get away with it. It's better not to mention more than less.

The two nodded and left.

As soon as they left, Yan Ziqing said to Si Xingfu, "there's nothing to check. I think it's an accident. Don't you think the boat also hit people? It was an accident. It was also an accident when someone hit her. "

Si Xingfu nodded his head, eyes deep, as if hiding a lot of emotions.

Yan Ziqing didn't listen to this.

"You two are very interesting. It's natural for a boat to collide with others. When someone collides with a boat, he has been planning for a long time. " Yan Ziqing joked.

He is suggesting that Si Xingfu is too fond of the boat. A little thing is so exaggerated.

The Secretary didn't care.

What was he thinking about, so he said: "who takes it for granted? It's called carelessness. "

Yan Ziqing: "...

after Si Xingfu went home, he said to Gu Qingzhou:" I checked the two people, who are the most desperate young lady. They love to die and fight and rush out.

By and large, it was an accident. You've been working hard. The doctor said you're overworked. You've had a good rest. It hasn't been a few months. "

Gu Qingzhou frowned.

Si Xingfu immediately reached out and held her eyebrow: "here comes again. This side just said to rest, what are you worrying about again? "

"Nothing." Gu chuckled and stretched his eyebrows. "You'll apologize to the kid I hit back and see if he has anything."

Si Xingfu said yes.

He also found the child.

The child, as his mother said, was very naughty and strong. There's nothing wrong with the child.

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