Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1528 maintenance

He came out of the ward and went to the ice room.

The ice room is behind their oncology department. If you take a shortcut, you need to bypass their own department. By this time, it was completely dark. Singapore's new year's October still had a hot summer. The corner was singing and the breeze was salty with the sea water.

As soon as siqiongzhi got around to the cancer department, he saw Pei Cheng passing by the second floor.

He seems to have just finished an operation, and his steps are a little slow. His white coat is sticky to him, and his glasses are in his hands. When he is too tired, he will take off his glasses. Anyway, he is familiar with the whole department and can return to his office with the help of fuzzy light. Secretary

qiongzhi is a little distressed.

A nurse happened to pass by.

"Can you buy me an ice cream and send it to the obstetrics and gynecology department, for Mrs. Si?" Nurse

Shi knows that Sijia owns 40% of the shares of the hospital, and that siqiongzhi is about to be Pei's young grandmother. Next year, this hospital will be her and Pei Cheng's. This is the biggest boss in the future.

The boss is very talkative. Please ask her to buy an ice cream. As long as it's not a brain hole, she won't refuse.

The nurse was flattered: "what kind of taste do you want? Would you like to bring one for you? " Let's not talk about qiongzhi, but buy a cherry flavor one.

She also gave money to the nurse.

The nurse went away happily, and qiongzhi turned to the oncology department.

As soon as she got to the third floor, she saw Pei Cheng blocked up in the stairwell on the third floor. Pei

Cheng was about to put on his glasses and look carefully, but the man grabbed his glasses and said with a smile, "doctor Pei, you have nice glasses. Can you give them to me?" Pei

heard her voice. It was Isabel, the princess of the royal family of Malaysia.

Just as he was about to say something, he heard a shrill voice under the stairs: "Isabel!" A gust of wind rolled up. Isabel hasn't responded yet. The glasses in her hand have been taken away by someone. That's why she saw that it was June branch. SABEL was scared instinctively. She also knew that Sejong Chih was Pei Cheng's fiancee.

"Your Highness, you can do something about robbing people's glasses. Are you a bandits robber? Can't we have a little decency? " Sijongyi road. Say

and she pushes Pei Cheng behind her.

Pei Cheng stood still, put on his glasses, looked at this scene and couldn't help but smile silently. His tired body cleared away. His eyes were burning and he looked at Si qiongzhi. Despite Isabel's angry face, he was in a state of secret exultation.

"What is robbery?" Isabel was really angry. "Dr. Pei is a man, not a thing. How can people rob him?"

"I said you robbed his glasses. Can't you hear me? Are you deaf enough to rob others? " SABEL almost became a puffer fish and was about to explode. "

it's not necessary to rob people. You can't rob people again. You think you are beautiful. You can't compare with me. Dr. Pei has the best vision. He knows who is the best. " Sijongyi road.

Pei Cheng put his arms around her waist and mended the knife: "qiongzhi is the best."

Isabel's face changed from red to white and from white to green.

She clasped her fist and smiled at siqiongzhi. "Miss siqiongzhi, don't be too proud before the dawn!" She thought her smile was beautiful, but she was very angry, and her smile was extremely ferocious.

Siqiongzhi turned a white eye.

She took Pei Cheng's arm and went upstairs to Pei Cheng's office. Pei

I think today's siqiongzhi is so handsome. She's just a tiger girl. She's so cute.

Not long ago, he thought, he was distressed by her unkindness, but now he is very happy. Once back to the office, he could not help but press her on the door and kiss her. When qiongzhi was about to suffocate, she pushed him away. "

I'm happy." Pei Cheng said, "thank you for protecting me."

"Of course, you are my man." "There are some things you don't have the grace to say, so I'll do it." Pei smiled again. Secretary

qiongzhi's breathing was slowly smooth, and he thought something was wrong: "why did she come again? Is this her own illness or someone else?" When Miss furs was discharged from the hospital, Isabel went with her. She had not seen her for many days. She had a shot back suddenly, which was a little unexpected. "

Miss furs said that she was a little uncomfortable and wanted to have a review. It's only in the afternoon. I'm going to stay for a few days. " Pei Chengdao. Si

qiongzhi is stunned. Miss farce is her patient. She has made arrangements for her to be discharged from the hospital, that is to say, her tumor will not recur temporarily. What's the situation of sudden hospitalization?

Si qiongzhi pushes Pei Cheng away: "I have to see her. What's going on?"

Pei Cheng holds her: "is she important, or am I important?"

Siqiongzhi laughed.

She stood on tiptoe and took off his glasses: "Dr. Pei, are you childish?"

Pei Cheng lost his glasses. He was as docile as a kitten. He reached out to touch siqiongzhi and said, "don't make any noise. Give me back my glasses." Jack put his glasses on the table so that he wouldn't mess with himself: "come and find them."

When Pei Cheng looked for his glasses, he let the door open and siqiongzhi ran out. When Pei Cheng took his glasses with him, siqiongzhi was already downstairs. He couldn't help laughing.

He was really tired. He wanted to take a bath and have a rest, so he didn't go after Jack.

There is a small bathroom in his office, which usually takes a shower. His changing clothes are also in the cupboard.

Pei Cheng goes to take a bath. When the sound of water was put up, he did not hear the slight sound on the door of his office.

When he went to see Miss Firth in the inpatient area, he felt a little strange on the way.

There is a small room outside the inpatient department, which is specially prepared for the family members. There is no bed, only a chair. In the evening, you can shop on the floor. There are few cold days in Singapore all the year round.

Usually there are about three or five people here, more than ten.

But I found that the whole family area was full of people, and they all bowed their heads or blocked their faces to rest. "

is it miss Firth who brought it?" She was wondering. She didn't feel right. She planned to go back and call the adjutant first. No, she met Isabel as soon as she wanted to turn around.

Isabel may have cried. Her eyes are a little red and swollen. Under the light, her eyes are like the blue sea. They are very deep and beautiful. Beautiful

in Lili, a poisonous vine was born, and it was wrapped with a branch of sycamore. "Dr. Si, are you here to see Miss Firth?" She sneered. "What's the matter? Don't you go on? The inpatient department hasn't arrived yet." Si

the back of qiongzhi is inexplicably cold. She took two silent steps back and then hit a man. Si

qiongzhi turns around and sees a tall man standing quietly behind her.

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