Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1534 catch the king before the thief

Since his childhood, Ruan Yanfeng has been resolute and resourceful. He has no hesitation to go the right way.

And Xu Pei's feelings, is his decision, he also unrequited. He had already thought of the opposition of his family and the world, and no matter how hard he suffered, he would not turn back.

Until this moment, Xu Shaoan said a few words, his tears rolled down.

It turns out that in these years, he is not unpunished - all people stand on the opposite side of him, including the parents who love him the most. Did he do anything harmful?

He needs nothing more than that.

He did not harm anyone. He and Xu Pei filled each other's lives.

"We keep his things. If you want them, you can take them all. Of course, I would prefer you to come to my house. We will never see Xu Pei again, but if we can see you, it is the same as having him around us. " Xu Shaoan said.

His voice choked, too.

Ruan Yanfeng turned around, vaguely responding.

At this time, the officer said to them, "Mr. Xu, Mr. Ruan, we are going to interrogate Bai Yuanye and his colleagues. Do you want to listen?"

"I want to go," Xu Shaoan said

He would like to know the motive behind it. Is it really just for the old case 20 years ago? At that time, who of Bai Yuanye died in Xu's factory?

He is still injured in one leg and can't afford to rest now.

Ruan Yanfeng turned around and had cleared up his mood. His voice was a little hoarse: "I still don't believe that Xu Pei committed suicide. I want to ask."

Xu Shaoan shuddered: "you... You mean..."

they got Xu Pei's suicide note. As parents, they knew Xu Pei's inner suffering and his suicide tendency since he was a child, so they didn't go deep into it.

After hearing this, Xu Shaoan called his wife, eldest daughter and son-in-law to attend.

"All my family, will you?" He asked the officer.

"Of course," said the officer

The place of the trial is in the governor's office.

The gate of the governor's mansion was in a mess, and the ground illuminated by street lamps was bloodstained.

Xu's car stopped steadily with the officers, and he saw a man coming out. It was Niu huaigu, the police chief of the Department of the Chinese people's security.

He was wearing a uniform, now it was all soiled, and there was blood on his lapel, which showed how much conflict there was.

Xu Shaoan said hello to Niu huaigu and asked him, "this is..."

"armed gunmen have tried to attack the governor's mansion and have been defeated." Niuhuaigu is a simple summary.

In fact, the scene is very bloody, because the first floor of the governor's mansion has countless holes in the wall, all the windows are broken, and the warm lights are projected on the trees in the courtyard. The whole tree is bathed in lights, and the leaves are like emerald.

The courtyard walls are also gaping.

"Are you seriously injured?" Xu Shaoan asked.

Niuhuai said: "several brothers were injured, but not their lives."

As they spoke, another car came in.

Ruan's family also came, including Gu Shao.

Like the Xu family, they are almost out of the house, and all the people who are not injured have arrived.

Seeing Ruan Yanfeng standing beside Xu Shaoan, Ruan's family was shocked. At the same time, seeing that he was safe and sound, they were relieved secretly.

Then the Pei family came.

Compared with their two families, Pei's family only came to Pei Cheng's father Pei Mingfu, who seemed calm.

"Mr. Pei, why did you come here when the factory didn't have your shares?" Ruan Jia asked curiously.

Pei Mingfu sighed, "I don't know, so I'll listen to Bai Yuanye."

Ruan Jiahan sighed and asked Pei Mingfu, "is your family losing a lot?"

Pei Mingfu said, "well, how are you?"

Ruan Jiahan said that the casualties of his servants were relatively large.

Next to Xu Shaoan, whose leg was still injured, he said, "I'm ok. My son's abdomen is stabbed and is being treated."

Pei Mingfu is the head of Pei's family. He is able to observe his words and looks. Therefore, he mistakenly takes the past with him and doubts: "Mrs. Si informed us in advance to be on guard, but didn't he inform Xu's family and Ruan's family?"

He didn't think so.

Gu Qingzhou does everything in a delicate way. Few people can make mistakes.

The Si family and Pei family are muddleheaded. Ruan family and Xu family are the key figures. How could she not inform them?

Seeing how miserable their families are, it's obvious that they didn't take precautions as early as Pei's.

Pei's family has prepared weapons. Although there are only two long guns, the swords and sticks in their servants' hands are very powerful. The bandits only try to attack, and they are scared by the long guns.

The bandits retreated to the streets, fearing neither attack nor retreat. They were probably ordered to die.

With such a stalemate, the police and the army were waiting, and all the bandits were arrested.

Pei's family is unharmed.

The rest of Pei's family should eat and sleep. They have no interest in why Bai Yuanye started. Only the owner came.

Of course, it doesn't make sense to say such a thing now. Pei Mingfu's tongue has turned around and blurred. It's thought that Pei family also has losses, but the losses are not big.

When they entered the governor's office, they found that there were almost no Englishmen, all of them Chinese policemen.

"The officers are scared and have been sent back to rest." Niu huaigu explained, "it was the royal family of Malaysia who attacked the governor's mansion.

The royal family of Malaysia built an army of 500 people with guns. When they surrounded the governor's mansion, I talked to their prince and dragged him to the Navy. "

Then they visited the Royal Prince of Malaysia.

This prince is Isabel's brother. Their father is old and infatuated. The two brothers and sisters are ambitious.

They are supported by many people, and promise to reward their corresponding titles after the founding of Singapore in the future.

Her sister takes people into Singapore first. It's the Trojan horse. They need to catch the husband and wife of Si Xingfu unconsciously.

This is the plan of the prince and his sister.

They have been paying close attention to Singapore. Naturally, they know that they care about the production of light boats, and they also know that the navy fleet of Si Xingfu wants to "capture the king before the thief".

Si Xingfu is accompanying his wife to give birth. There must not be many people around.

They plan to capture the hospital and take Gu Qingzhou, Si Xingfu and their newborn as hostages.

This should be done before seven o'clock. Give the prince an order at seven o'clock.

The prince has two dependents: Bai Yuanye and his sister Isabel.

Half a month before this incident, Bai Yuanye disappeared without any reason, which worried the prince and Isabel, not only about his accident, but also about his escape.

Then the prince went to Bai Yuanye's home.

They have a deposit slip. They need to use Isabel's passport to get money. It's in Hong Kong. In order to get the trust from Bai Yuanye, they gave him the deposit list of the money.

Without Isabel, it's hard to get the money out, but it's not absolute.

The prince and Isabel searched Bai Yuanye's home and found that he didn't take anything but the deposit slip. They thought he was running away.

They planned for many years, but they couldn't give up all their efforts because Bai Yuanye disappeared, so they carried out the original plan.

"Catch the king first? So who is Wang, commander in chief and his wife? " Asked Xu Shaoan.

The others almost laughed.

This is probably the funniest joke they've heard recently.

What kind of ignorant people dare to fight against the two of them? No wonder it's so miserable now.

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