Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1536 illusions

The room for Bai Yuanye's interrogation is very large, with a seat on one side and a interrogation table on the other, just like a miniature court.

At a glance, Bai Yuanye saw Pei Mingfu in the crowd, the doctor, whose facial features were still the model of his youth, hardly changed, only adding some traces of time.

When Bai Yuanye arrived at the time of the explosion, the Xu family and Pei family arrived as well as the officials.

At that time, the local official was quite old, and brought his grandson back from overseas. He said that he was a doctor and someone needed treatment.

Young Pei Mingfu looks around and is grabbed by Bai Yuanye.

Because when Bai Yuanye pressed his charred wife's body, he felt the vibration of her abdomen, as if her baby kicked him.

He was surprised and pleased, and hurriedly pulled Pei Mingfu: "take a look and see if my child is still alive?"

Pei Mingfu was also surprised.

He hesitated to look at the charred woman on the ground, thinking that the child in her stomach was unlikely to live, and tried to touch it.

Then, he told Bai Yuanye, "you're sorry, the child didn't..."

Bai Yuanye pulled his hand hard.

He pressed Pei Mingfu's hand to the abdomen, and the burnt flesh stained Pei Mingfu's hand.

"It's moving, isn't it? Come on, cut my baby out. " He was excited, like a dying fish, eager for a little water.

Pei Mingfu's expression is always strange.

He looked at Bai Yuanye with a little apology and sympathy: "calm down, sir."

Bai Yuanye thought, this man is so perfunctory, he didn't feel it carefully, and he didn't cut open his stomach, how could he know?

Then, Bai Yuanye slaps Pei Mingfu hard: "wake up, take a closer look, and quickly dissect me, and you will get my son out."

Pei Mingfu's face is swollen on half.

Someone nearby wanted to help, but he stopped him. His teeth are loose, and he spits out a mouthful of blood. He still insists on keeping Bai Yuanye calm.

Bai Yuanye could see that he didn't want to act, so he went to look for sharp things.

He is a father, he must save his son. His son has been in his wife's belly for seven months, so he can pull it out and live.

He caught a tile.

Next to him was someone holding his hand as if he were a man in military uniform. The man didn't know what was going on. He didn't have a good ear. He shouted at Bai Yuanye, "he's dead. Don't make trouble. Get out of here!"

His voice is very loud and his ears are bleeding.

Bai Yuanye wants to get rid of him, but he hits Bai Yuanye heavily in the back neck.

Before Bai Yuanye was completely unconscious, he fainted when he saw the man who hit him. He seemed to be more vulnerable than Bai Yuanye.

That person is the father of Si Xingfu, Si Yan.

Si Yan couldn't hear at that time. No one knows why he was there.

He is very smart. He knows the general meaning of Bai Yuanye and Pei Mingfu just by looking at them. He saw that Bai Yuanye had beaten the young doctor, and then he did it.

And he himself, is also tottering, one hit his own strength exhausted.

When Bai Yuanye woke up again, he was in the church hospital. His mother, his wife and his daughter were all buried.

He finally slit his wife's stomach.

The child has become a mess of rotten meat, but Bai Yuanye knows that he was not dead at that time, he was still in his mother's stomach.

He was told by the church's Western doctors that it was impossible. After the pregnant woman suffocated, the child would surely die. His wife did not suffocate at that time, but for a long time, she had been burned.

Others say the same.

"Maybe there's a miracle?" This problem has troubled Bai Yuanye's whole life. He still remembers the tremor. He still believes that if he was a little faster, he would not have nothing. He had a son.

It was Pei Mingfu who refused to help. It was Si Yan who stunned him and let him miss the last chance to save his son.

However, when Pei Mingfu saw Bai Yuanye, he was at a loss. He may not remember that slap.

Later, he opened his own hospital. He met all kinds of patients. He was used to making troubles with their families, right?

Bai Yuanye has lived in the church hospital for a long time. He knows a Western doctor. He has a son and a daughter. It's said that Bai Yuanye's daughter and son are all gone, so he can feel sorry for him.

The doctor said: if my child died, I certainly do not want to live, you are very strong, I am willing to help you through the difficulties.

The Xu and Ruan families soon began to pay compensation.

Every person killed by the explosion, his family members have a very generous compensation; the injured also have medical expenses.

In this case, the government was very satisfied, saying that the Xu and Ruan families had played the role of stability and contradiction, and gave them a lot of oral praise.

Bai Yuanye also got the money, although his family was not from the factory.

So a sum of money, if ordinary people are a little frugal, life is enough.

But Bai Yuanye was rich. He didn 't care about the money.

He went abroad with the Western doctor and wanted to live in a new way.

He went abroad and got to know Bai Yuanye.

At that time, Bai Yuanye was eight years younger than him, but many people said they looked very similar.

He contacted Bai Yuanye. The young and frivolous man boasted that his father was a British official, that his grandfather was a wealthy Singaporean, and that his mother secretly gave birth to him.

Bai Yuanye didn't care much about it.

One year later, he heard about Xu family and Ruan family from overseas students from Nanjing.

Bai Yuanye thought that Xu family and Ruan family had gone through this, and they were bound to go bankrupt. He didn't want to study abroad, but he spoke highly of them.

The father of the overseas student opened a bank and said that the bank gave Xu family and Ruan family a lot of loans.

The Xu family and Ruan family have been praised by the government, supported by the bank, and favored by the people. Business is still going on, not affected at all.

That night, Bai Yuanye almost went mad.


Why is he so miserable? The Xu and Ruan families are still intact?

He wants revenge.

So he aimed at the idiot like "Bai Yuanye", knowing that his mother had passed away, and that his father only saw him once a year, while his grandfather's family only saw him when he was six years old.

Few of his relatives remember him seriously.

He killed the man and became Bai Yuanye.

In order to hide his eyes, he took a cruise ship to Singapore that day.

The real Bai Yuanye is only 17 or 18 years old, and he is undoubtedly an adult.

But Bai Yuanye's relatives have not seen him, and his father is even stranger to him. It is possible for a boy to be young and mature, but it seems that his life is poor and pathetic.

At that time, his father was the governor of England in Singapore, and he found a job in the governor's office. Later, his grandfather died, and he managed to get all the money of his uncle.

Later, he also got part of his father's fortune.

He will go back to Suzhou and Nanjing once every two years.

He heard that Xu's family and Ruan's family were more developed. He heard that the doctor who refused to help his son opened a hospital at that time. He heard that Siyan, who had stunned him at that time, occupied Yuecheng by himself. Everyone seems to be getting hotter and hotter, and his family will never come back.

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