Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1539 here comes Huo Yue

Gu Qingzhou gave birth to her third son, Si Ning'an, at 6:07 a.m. on October 15 in the new calendar.

This child, born at the first dawn after the war, is expected by both the husband and wife of Si Xingqi and others.

The superintendent's name was changed temporarily.

The new name is very meaningful. It's the ideal of Ningan's parents. Even siqiongzhi is no longer picky.

"He can laugh, and his eyes are like your sister-in-law." With the child in his arms, siqiongzhi came to show the lying Gu Qingzhou.

It's seven days later. Gu Qingzhou's wound is well healed. The real mother and son are safe.

Children are very good, born on seven Jin, lively and healthy.

Although the time when I was pregnant with him was full of misfortunes and misfortunes, somehow it was all over, and the bitterness came with pleasure.

"Aunt, give me a hug!" Yuzao is nearby, pulling the Cape of qiongzhi.

Siqiongzhi had to sit down so yuzao could see her little brother: "you can touch his face gently, but you can't hold him. You are also a child. A child can't hold a child. If you fall, you will be miserable. "

Yuzao reached out.

On the way, she remembered that her aunt told her to wash her hands before dinner last time, because the bacteria on her hands were dirty, and she would get sick if she ate them.

She took back her hand and said, "let me see my little brother. I will not touch him, or he will be ill."

Everyone laughed.

Pei Cheng came over and gently held on to siqiongzhi's shoulder. Looking at her holding her baby, he felt soft: "shall we get married on the first day of the new calendar next year?"

In addition to taking care of the light boat and the steward, there were also the steward in the ward.

Pei Cheng suddenly said this, and everyone was surprised to see him.

When she thought of the night a week ago, she was very clear and determined: "OK. My father and brother are here. Ask them. "

Pei Cheng's ears immediately turned red.

He turned to the superintendent and seemed to be looking for a proper opening speech. He could not imagine that the first sentence would be blocked. He was stunned for a long time.

Gu couldn't help laughing.

The governor was in a good mood, so he did not embarrass his son-in-law: "I will talk to your father. Now it's one and a half months before the first day of the new year. Qiongzhi has no mother. Her sister-in-law is in hospital and has children. She can't help her.

Apart from money and shares, we have no time to prepare for other dowries. Go back to your mother and tell her to take care of the rest. "

That's consent.

Pei Cheng is very happy: "thank you uncle!"

"Return to uncle?" "Our Yuecheng is called Abba, and your Nanjing is called daddy. Then you can follow the custom of Yuecheng."

Pei Cheng is stuck again.

The first "Abba" is actually very difficult. Pei Cheng struggles for two seconds, his face turns red and his voice is low: "thanks, Dad."

The governor laughed.

He looked down at his nephew and covered up his smile. She was like a flowering tree in her heart. The sparrow jumped around in the branches. It was light and joyful. It was so beautiful.

Later, Pei Cheng looked at her. She felt as if, and raised her eyes to Pei Cheng. They were so clear in each other's eyes. They were full of light, like the sun shining on the water.

"Only Abba?" Si Xingfu said again, "don't you have to call me brother and sister-in-law?"

Pei Cheng giggles.

Siqiongzhi spat at her eldest brother: "don't bully others, call later, isn't it the same?"

"What a protector!" Si Xingfu road.

Si qiongzhi retorted: "it's the tradition of Si family to protect the short. Don't you protect the short?"

All of a sudden, I took charge of the integrity of the company.

Gu Qingzhou laughed so much that he almost cracked the wound.

"What do you call me?" Asked yuzao curiously. As if everyone wanted to call, they left her alone.

"Don't call you anything. You're going to call uncle Pei, not uncle Pei. " Gu Qingzhou stops laughing.

Yu Zao said, "I haven't had my uncle before. This is the first one."

Then she raised her face and called Uncle Pei Cheng.

Pei Cheng is a person who blushes when he is excited. It's a very interesting character.

Gu Qingzhou surrounded the new uncle and was embarrassed. Later, he was satisfied and trapped.

The baby also fell asleep in the arms of June branch.

And they withdrew.

As expected, the governor went to Pei's house to discuss how to arrange the wedding. The governor went to the governor's office to deal with some affairs.

The current governor Firth almost died in the mob, terrified; his daughter became Isabel's hostage, and even more terrified. Their father and daughter didn't want to stay in Singapore for a moment. Moreover, the unrest in Singapore was spread to Britain.

The British cabinet recalled governor Firth, who was also a British colonel.

After Si Xingfu took over, his first task was to reorganize the Department of the protection of the Chinese people and appoint Niu huaigu as the "Deputy Department of the protection".

There are a lot of things to do in the future. Si Xingfu can't stay in the hospital for 24 hours to accompany Gu Qingzhou and the smelly kid he just born, but these things can't be delayed.

When he got back to the hospital, Gu Qingzhou woke up and was having dinner.

The dinner was made by and delivered by Mrs. Zhu herself.

As it was getting late, Gu Qingzhou asked sister-in-law Zhu to go back first.

"How is it?" Gu Qingzhou asked the secretary who came in.

Knowing that she was asking about the situation, Si Xingfu said, "this time, the loss is not great. Especially the police have defended Singapore and provided their prestige. The Department of Chinese security has not been affected."

Gu Qingzhou nodded happily.

"As governor on behalf of me, I first promulgated some decrees which are beneficial to the Department of the Chinese people's protection but not excessive. When the British send the governor, we will still take advantage of it. " Si Xingfu said again.

It is impossible for the British to make him the governor. He can only be temporary. After all, he is not an Englishman.

Gu Qingzhou said: "governor Firth is very good. He doesn't care about anything. It's good for the Department of the Chinese people's protection and the Chinese people. If the new governor is tough and wants to seize power, it will be another headache. "

Si Xingfu smiled: "don't worry, I will be ready in advance. Buy first, then persuade slowly. I will send someone to assassinate him. "

Gu Qingzhou: "who are you going to assassinate?" Suddenly, a voice rang at the door of the ward.

This voice is too familiar, let Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu turn their faces together.

Huo Yue wore a long blue cloth shirt with gold rimmed glasses. His hair was well groomed and he stood in the doorway. The light and shadow fell on his face, covering the traces of the years, as young and handsome as they were when they first met.

Gu Qingzhou's surprise: "Mr. Huo?"

Si Xingfu was also surprised. He stood up and said, "rare guest, why are you here?"

"I can't come?" Huo Yue came in, carrying a present and a bunch of flowers.

He handed the flowers to Si Xingfu and ordered him to put them in the vase. Then he asked Gu Qingzhou, "I heard you gave him another son?"

"He wants his daughter," Gu chuckled

"Then let him live by himself." Huo Yue said, "he dares to pick and choose, and then let your three sons beat him together."

Gu couldn't help laughing. He almost cracked his wound again. Si Xingfu said with a black line on his face: "you are an old bachelor, and I hope you will be better!"

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