Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1543 the good deeds of huoyue

He Wei is an intelligent person. She has made great progress in her studies over the years. However, the gap between school and society is so large.

Her intelligence still carries the childishness of a student.

Looking at Huo Yue, she clearly felt that he was not more silent in character, but worried.

I can't see and touch the things in my heart. Even I can't see them clearly, let alone outsiders.

He Wei stopped talking and ate in silence.

After a meal, she thanked Huo Yue: "I'll call a rickshaw. I'll be where I live in half an hour. Thank you for lunch. "

Huo Yue is standing on the steps at the door of the restaurant. The sun is warm on his face. He looks more elegant in cloth shoes and blue shirts. He looks like a precious and incomparable antique porcelain bottle, which is not in line with the times and is so precious.

Among the people He Wei has met, no one can have such temperament as him. He is gentle but never weak. He is elegant but powerful.

She looked at Huo Yue, remembering the memory of crying when she had asked but could not.

That memory move, turn over the river and fall into the sea, will prick her up to now.

She can't get such a good person.

"... where do you live?" Huo Yue said, "are you safe here alone? Will the family rest assured? "

He Wei now lives in the concession, an apartment building built by the British. The building is half new, narrow and crowded. She has four apartments on the first floor, like honeycomb coal.

Besides her, there was a Jewish family, an old Englishman and a family from Xiangdi.

Hong Kong is hot and humid all the year round, and there is always a lingering musty smell in the corridor. Fortunately, people live well, so it is safe to be crowded and bustling.

He smiled and said: "it's very safe. The building I live in is very small. The same space, I live alone, next door family seven or eight people live, compared to feel their life is very happy. "

Huo Yue said, "the rent here is expensive and the place is small."

"Not really." He Wei said, "in the future, if you have money, you can buy a half hillside mansion."

Huo Yue said, "can I have a look? If your parents ask me, I will also tell them that you live happily? "

He Wei felt that his parents would not ask Huo Yue. After all, they couldn't match him.

"No, it's too small. I'm afraid Mr. Huo doesn't feel well." He smiled.

Huo Yue is not reluctant.

He was silent again.

He Wei was a little worried. She added, "I'm used to living here. Maybe you haven't seen a building like that."

Huo Yue nodded his head: "you go back slower."

He Weidao is good. Then he formally talks with Huo Yue and reaches for a rickshaw.

She got into the car and turned to wave at Huo Yue. Huo Yue stood there with a light expression and a slightly twisted brow, not smiling.

He Wei put his expression and words in his heart all the way, constantly enlarged them, and then analyzed them frame by frame, without finding any clues, and finally attributed them to himself.

What should be bothering him.

It turns out that everyone will change. If we don't see each other for several years, we will no longer be what we used to be.

She couldn't comfort Huo Yue either. She didn't even dare to lean too close. She was afraid that she would look like a piece of dog skin plaster. People were afraid that she would not be able to peel it off.

She was worried about Huo Yue, but she just buried the worry in her heart and worried about herself.

When the rickshaw arrived downstairs, He Wei paid, bought today's newspaper in the hands of the newspaper boy, opened his mailbox when he went upstairs, took out a few letters and went upstairs.

Back to her floor, she smelled the familiar smell, mixed with the smell of mildew, rancid and lampblack, full of the flavor of life at the bottom.

He Wei has been poor since she was a child. She has an instinctive affinity for this kind of poor life.

Opposite is the Xiangdi family. They have an old mother and five children.

The adults are quarreling again, and the children are crying together.

"Miss he is back? You're not at home for some time. " At the same time, the wife of the Jewish family opened the door and said hello to He Wei.

This lady likes He Wei very much, because He Wei speaks English well and is generous and beautiful. Last time, He Wei came back with a box of cakes to make dinner. He Wei was liked by the little boy of the Jewish family. He Wei had to cry for it. He Wei split half of it to him, and established her friendship with the family.

"Yes, go to Singapore to do some business." He smiled and said, "are you going out to buy food?"

"No, I want to knock on their door. I have been quarreling all noon." Said the lady.

He Wei laughs and doesn't stop him.

However, the opposite family can't speak English, and the Jewish woman can't speak Chinese.

He Wei stands in the middle and translates the Jewish woman's words euphemistically, which is not only to comfort but also to help the Chinese couple. The couple is very embarrassed and will pay attention in the future.

The conflict was soon reconciled, and the Jewish woman said, "they still understand the truth. It's because life is too hard, they quarrel every day."

"It's not easy." He Wei said.

She turned to open the door, but felt someone stretching her head at the stairway, and then flashed by and left again.

Huo Yue is waiting in the car. His fingers in his right hand knock on his knees in turn, waiting in line one by one.

His entourage came back half an hour later and said to Huo Yue, "miss he has a good relationship with her neighbors. Although there are many people living there, most of them are ordinary people."

Huo Yue stops tapping his fingers.

"Is the rent expensive?" He asked suddenly.

The entourage said: "the rent is average, not expensive, but not cheap."

He Wei is good at choosing. She rents an apartment with a low environment and a relatively high rent. Most of the people who live here work nearby or go to school with their children. They are hard-working people and have no leisure.

When people are free, they are easy to make troubles. Only when everyone is busy is the most stable.

"Let's go." Huo Yue listens to it and follows Tao.

The little girl who cried and said she wanted to be his woman really grew up.

It can be seen that she is very independent and hard-working.

She and Huo Yue are not from the same world.

Huo Yue once thought that she would look like the next generation of girls, totally different from their generation. Now, He Wei is almost what he imagined.

It's very difficult for Chinese to enter the Bank of England. He Wei seized the opportunity and immediately returned to China. There was no procrastination or love between children and girls.

She is so interested in her career that she is clear about her future.

Huo Yue thought, fortunately, at that time, she didn't have any shackles. Otherwise, she is just an ordinary aunt today. Besides eating and dancing, she plays mahjong.

He always felt that he had done a good thing.

In his life, there are few good things that can be counted, so Huo Yue cherishes them very much.

Huo Yue lets his entourage drive to the airport where the plane stops, without turning back.

He thought, let's find a way to let that hypnotist go to Yuecheng. He should come to Hong Kong less.

Hong Kong is too small. When people walk on the street, they will have associations that they shouldn't have. God also deliberately played a trick on me. I had to make this encounter happen. In addition to adding sadness, what's the point?

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