Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1547 great luck

Now it's Friday. There are neons everywhere in the street. The light at the door of the dance hall is particularly bright. The men and women who are dressed in fine clothes go together.

he changed his fine dress, wore a British lady's hat, and wore a thick purple red lipstick.

"I'm Mr. Zhang's guest." She said to the waiter at the door.

Ho Ho's clothes were expensive. At the first glance, he was worth a bit of money and used the latest perfume. When the waiter heard her say I was Mr. Zhang's guest, he did not hesitate to take him to the other side.

When she entered the dance hall, she used the excuse to make up for her makeup. She went to the bathroom first and left the waiter behind.

He Wei looks everywhere for clues.

She called herself "Mr. Zhang's guest" because she suspected Zhang Zhu. If Zhang Zhu had to play tricks in this singing and dancing hall, her father and brother might be regular visitors here, so she is very familiar with this place.

He Wei went to the third floor.

There are too many women like her in the dance hall. She covers her face with a lady's cap again, but no one notices her.

Then, a few words slanted on the stage fell into the eyes of He Wei.

"It's eight o'clock tomorrow night..." she murmured, "our ball is seven thirty tomorrow night, all in this place..."

her spirit is tense.

An idea quickly took shape in her heart. She went downstairs without saying a word, quietly pulled a dancer's shoulder and pretended to enter the backstage.

Backstage is very busy, everyone is in a hurry.

Some people have noticed her, only when she is a new dancer, will not think much.

He Wei stayed backstage for a long time, looking for what she wanted.

On the same Friday night, Hoy's plane landed in Singapore again.

He rubbed his temples and said to the people around him, "find a place to call and ask the Secretary to send someone to pick me up."

The following way is.

Besides his entourage, he also has his manager, Xi Jiu, and two ladies.

The ladies were a little uneasy and asked Huo Yue, "is the governor in a good mood recently?"

"It's very good. The little grandma has given him grandchildren." Huo Yue Road.

The ladies breathed a sigh of relief.

An hour later, Si Xingfu drove the car in person, because Huo Yue visited twice in a short period of time, which was a little unusual.

When he saw clearly the two ladies on the plane, Si Xingfu frowned: "what's the matter?"

Huo Yue sent two aunts from the governor.

these two concubines are the eyes of the supervisor of the army in the past to suppress him and fear him to rise too fast.

The governor used some means, and the two aunts stayed at the Secretary's house.

Last time, Si Xingfu went back and gave them a lot of money to live their own lives.

Unexpectedly, Huo Yue sent them back.

"Let's talk about it later. The two ladies begged me to come to the governor's side. If you don't agree, I'll send it back. " Huo Yue Road.

The eyebrows of Si Xingfu are deeper.

However, he thought that there was no one around the inspector. If there were two aunts with him, it would be better to quarrel.

"Go home first. This is my father's aunt, and I can't make up my mind. " He said.

On the way, Huo Yue took the car of Si Xingfu.

He told Si Xingfu that the two aunts of Si dujun lived together all the time and bought a small villa after they left his home.

Later, the neighbors knew that they were rich and urged them to make some investment.

The neighbor is a man in his thirties, handsome and attentive.

The two aunts were left out for decades. Suddenly, someone was courteous, and they couldn't find the north. All the money was cheated, including some of their expensive jewelry.

They had no choice but to sell the house and rent a shabby house.

But they are not good at management and have not done any work. Soon the money for selling houses will be wasted.

At this time, they thought, if they really beg, why don't they go back to the Secretary's house? At the beginning, I wanted to be free. Now it seems that the freedom of poverty is worthless. It's better to go back and be a caged bird.

Although they are old, after all, they have been with the governor. The husband and wife of the governor should have pity on them.

They found Huo Yue.

Huo Yue sent them here.

"You are very kind." The secretary turned a white eye.

"I happened to have to go to Hong Kong. Didn't you see that Xijiu came with me? It's business to go to Hong Kong this time. " Huo Yue Road.

He was just about to come south, so we stopped by together.

"... besides, you often call me an old bachelor. It's hard to be an old bachelor. It's impossible for your father and grandchildren to find a companion. Do you want him to watch you live for decades? " Huo Yue Road.

I'm sorry to hear that.

"When the governor wanted to get rid of the burden, the aunts were looking forward to going out to live. Now, several years later, we all know that our imagined life is not so good.

So don't you go back to the beginning and be a family? " Huo Yue said, "I'm thinking for the governor. That's what I agreed to."

There was nothing more to be said.

The two aunts met with the superintendent and knelt down to kowtow. They said that they had been cheated and had a miserable life. They didn't want to go any more.

They said they would like to be servants in the Secretary's house, and asked the supervisor to give them a meal.

The chief inspector almost carried on his back angrily: "how many years has it been since I gave you so much money?"

The two aunts cried.

Seeing that the governor's anger was real, he didn't ask them to go back to Yuecheng, so he and Huo Yue left the yard.

Huo Yue said: "I can't stay more. I'm going to Hong Kong. A friend's dance hall is going to have a beauty pageant tomorrow night. I have to see the market there. "

When there are large-scale activities, you can see the prosperity of a singing and dancing hall, and then you can estimate the value.

Besides, there are three singers in this beauty contest. They are the former members of Huo Yue sect. In the future, they may be the pillars of Huo Yue's new ballroom.

"I really plan to go to Hong Kong to do business?" The Secretary asked.

"Xijiu will take care of it first. I'll talk about it later." Huo Yue said, "in the future... What if you want to start a family?"

It seems that there is something wrong with this.

But he didn't think about it.

Huo Yue didn't leave many people after he sent them. He turned around and left. He said there was something else on the other side tonight.

When he arrived in Hong Kong, someone drove to pick him up.

Huo Yue thinks of what Wei he met on this road last time. It's probably great luck.

The car directly sent him and Xijiu to the dance hall.

Huo Yue got off the car at the gate and saw a woman come out of it. Although he changed his dress, Huo Yue recognized He Wei at a glance.

His expression was slightly restrained.

Why is He Wei here?

"Tiny?" He made a sudden noise.

As expected, the woman raised her eyes, raised the net half decorated on the lady's hat, and showed his surprised face.

"Lord Huo?" She couldn't believe it. "Am I dreaming?"

Huo Yue saw the time of the eye, it was more than 11 o'clock in the evening.

"So late, are you alone? What are you doing here? " Huo Yue asked. He Wei was dumbed down by him.

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