Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1554 last month

George obviously didn't think of it.

He Wei has always been a very stable girl in his heart, and he is also cautious about his feelings.

He never doubted he Weigou, but the man in front of him almost broke his faith.

No doubt, Huo Yue is very handsome. From his manners to his clothes, he seems to be a professor with a lot of knowledge. Such a person, in the eyes of George, who just graduated from school, is the most charming person in the world.

If any professor in the school is elegant, tall and handsome, he will surely win the hearts of many girls.

He Wei's leg was inconvenient. She almost stumbled and rushed over, hugging George. "I'm sorry George, I didn't mean to. Don't go. He is my cousin, my relative. Come to see me in Hong Kong. "

Huo Yue understood this sentence.

In his eyes, there was a sharp flash like a needle.

He Wei is very humble about her feelings. I don't know if she secretly fell in love with him when she was young. He handled it too simply and roughly, which made her lose confidence in love.

She could lie to keep her boyfriend who left her on the road in the middle of the night.

Huo Yue thought, "maybe she loves him very much..."

he went out in silence for a few steps.

He Wei clings to George. George changes his temper last night. He Wei doesn't catch Huo Yue and leaves him alone.

Huo Yue went downstairs and smoked two cigars in a row in the car.

Xijiu looked at him.

Huo Yue seldom smokes in a closed car, because the smell can not be dispersed, and it will fall on his clothes. When he enters the crowd, he has a strong smell and is very impolite.

He doesn't want to, but now he doesn't care.

"Master, are you going to see the venue later?" Tin nine asked.

Huo Yue didn't sleep well last night.

"No, go back to Yuecheng." He said, "just look here. I will go back to persuade ah Jing."

Last time he went back, he told ah Jing about the Hong Kong therapist. Ah Jing was furious. She was very resistant to this and almost fought with Huo Yue.

Huo Yue also visited the hypnotist this time. He thinks Hong Kong is the most prosperous place in Asia. He is willing to stay here and doesn't want to go to the mountain city where birds don't shit.

"Master, I'm in such a hurry that I need to work step by step." Tin nine.

"It's almost four years. What will it look like if it slows down?" Huo Yue sighs.

Xijiu said: "I mean, you can't make it work at all. It won't work for many years, but it's your own business. At the beginning, you could have ruined miss he's marriage. At that time, you didn't shrink as much as you do now. "

Without huoyue, He Wei would have married to the mainland after graduating from middle school.

At that time, she will be a little grandmother in the house, manage the housework, and teach her children, which may not be unhappy.

But huoyue wanted her, so he let the family back.

Does He Wei have the shadow of his own now? She was rejected by her fiance and Huo Yue. How did she see her charm when she was young?

Huo Yue closed his eyes slightly.

"If you want miss he, don't delay any longer." Tin nine.

Huo Yue threw the cigar out of the window: "why do you talk so much?"

What else does Xijiu want to say? But look at Huo Yue's face. He obviously doesn't want to hear anything.

At that time, He Wei wanted her to be a mistress, or his concubine, so he could pick up and leave at will.

Is that still the case today?

George knew that He Wei had bad legs. He must have been in the rain last night, so he took her to bed.

He looked at He Wei's bed. Only the space she had slept in was disordered. The sheets in other places were not half wrinkled. George was relieved.

"... I've found the hotel where I'm staying. I'll report to the hospital tomorrow. It's said that the hospital has staff dormitory. I will move in when I have completed the formalities. " George road.

He Wei said, "which hospital?"

George told her that it was a hospital jointly run by the church and the Chinese family.

"I know. Is it jointly run by elder martial sister Rowling's family?" He Wei asked suddenly.

He Wei knows that when she was at school, she was the person of the day. She is lively, cheerful and fashionable.

Many boys have been secretly in love with her, but she likes another Chinese boy, the fiance of Si qiongzhi.

Zhang Zhu is Luo Ailin's cousin. He Wei knows about it. He feels that the world is very small.

When George was at school, he talked about Rowling behind his back with his classmates many times. He liked Rowling very much, although she was six years older than him.

Luo Ailin went to study and taught at school. George went to listen to He Wei's appointment and asked for her autograph.

"Yes, the Luo family." George suddenly became a little unnatural.

He Wei looked at him suspiciously: "what's the matter with you?"

"It's OK, I'm ok." His eyes were very evasive, and he stood up and said, "I come to tell you that I want to ask you to buy clothes with me. I'm afraid you can't. You lie down. I'm busy. I'll be busy tomorrow. I'll see you when I'm settled. "

After that, he left.

He Wei was stunned for a long time.

What's this called?

He doesn't have any acquaintances in Hong Kong. He should have come to join her, but he moved away from her house temporarily. Now he says he's very busy. He will date again in a few days.

It's not Britain anymore.

He Wei didn't understand George's sudden escape very well, and he was flustered.

She felt his difference.

George went directly back to the hotel where he Wei stayed.

When he opened the door, he saw the woman who was naked and only wrapped a absorbent towel in her hair. He was stunned and his eyes were full of panic: "you..."

"what am I?" The woman smiled, touched his face and asked him, "where have you been?"

"I... I went to my girlfriend's house." He shivered. "Why are you still there?"

"What is it?" The woman said with a smile, "don't you like me all the time? What's the matter, trying to get rid of me? "

A woman is Rowling.

Last night George came out in his pajamas and stopped at the door of a seemingly luxurious hotel.

The rickshaw driver couldn't understand English, but he put him down at the door and asked for a lot of money.

George couldn't understand Chinese, gave money at random, and stood at the door stunned.

Just a group of men and women embrace each other and come back. They get wet, but they all laugh happily.

They were all drunk.

One of the women was Rowling.

George saw her and shouted Miss Rowling.

Rowling looked back and saw that it was him. She said with a smile, "isn't this svick who secretly loves me? Have you come to Hong Kong? "

Her dress was thin, and her fingers slipped through the neckline of George's gown.

Her companions all laughed, and then left first, saying good luck to Miss Luo.

Rowling was half drunk, opened a room for George, and went in with her. As soon as she came in, she kissed George.

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