When He Wei fought, she was quick and calm, but when she returned to the lonely house alone, she began to feel cold.

At the beginning of her going abroad, she decided to put down Huo Yue, and she did it too. Later, she seldom thought of him.

Then George began to chase her.

She didn't think about Huo Yue while she was in love with George. When she promised George, it was he who really touched her and made her feel that she could spend her life with this person.

George thought so, too.

But the nature is very strange. Once she returned to Yuecheng, she met Huo ye, and Huo Yue's performance always made her suspicious.

She felt that he had her in mind.

These delusions together, like the devil's rattan, madly grow full of her heart, and can not be pressed down. In her memory, she never forgot all the clearness of the past.

When I look back at George, I don't think he could easily get Irene if he died.

The feelings between them were so broken up.

He Wei made a scene, hit Rowling and George with the sole of his shoes, which is not a kind of break?

If she didn't say or do anything at that time, she turned around and left. Maybe one day George would think of their feelings and want to come back to her?

Now, it's probably impossible.

George is a conceited and self abased man. He Wei hurt him so much that he would not turn back.

He Wei is suddenly homesick.

When she came to Hong Kong alone, she didn't feel lonely, because there was hope in her heart at that time: as long as George came, everything would be OK.

But now, she is a person, a person who has nothing to rely on.

She offended Zhang Zhu and Rowling, and George knew her details.

"Am I finished?" He thinks little.

He Wei could not help sobbing when he lost his love and was confused about his future.

Crying can vent her fear and relieve her mood. She can cry in a low voice to cry in tears and ignore anything else.

There was a knock at the door.

Both Jewish women's voices and Chinese women's voices are asking in English and Chinese: are you OK, miss he?

He Wei opens the door.

Two housewives came into her room and asked her what was the matter.

He Wei shook his head: "I have a cold and headache, and I'm a little homesick."

These two housewives, all have the age of He Wei's mother, she is in front of them, without concealing tears.

Both housewives like this young girl very much, because she can adjust the neighborhood conflicts, and often bring some snacks to their children, which is quiet and does not disturb the people.

"You're here alone. Tell us anything." Xiangdi woman said.

The Jewish woman also said, "do you want a doctor? We know a good doctor who can give you an injection at home."

He Wei declined the kindness of the two housewives.

Two housewives comforted her for a long time. Seeing that she was a little tired, they went back to each other.

He Weigang lies down, and someone knocks at the door.

She got up and saw only the door of the old gentleman next door closed, and the last ray of light disappeared, while there was a small cake box in her main door.

He Wei picked it up and saw that there was a very small chocolate cake and a card face, on which he wrote a poem in English: "like the rose in the garden in the morning, it beautifies himself and fragrant others, and there will always be stop and care."

Poetry is not so brilliant, but it's warm.

He Wei knows that the old man next door went downstairs to buy a cake and wrote a card.

She's really hungry.

She sat at the dinner table and ate the cake one by one. Her fear and worry were like a black shadow. She wanted to devour her, but now she stayed quietly in the corner.

It still exists, but he Wei is not afraid of it.

She had enough to lie down and sleep, and told herself: "no one can predict their own life, plan encountered setbacks, change the way to go."

It's impossible to marry George.

However, the way of life is the same. Married women have more security and advantages in doing things, and they also have great hopes for promotion.

There are several colleagues in the company who are fond of her, but as soon as she enters the company, she shows that she has a master of famous flowers and keeps everyone away.

In the future, consider other people.

She thought of it here, and then Huo Yue.

Huoyue is always the Holy Land in her heart, no man can match him. He is so good-looking and gentle, but he is never afraid of anything, will not be easily tempted, and will not be easily moved.

The next day, He Wei got up early, dressed up, and went to the bank.

After entering, she heard her colleagues talking about Zhang Zhu.

Zhang Zhu, however, hasn't come to work today.

"Will she leave?" Colleagues are talking about it. When a position is vacant, many people will sharpen their heads and try to squeeze in.

"I think so. I heard that she is a lady. How many ladies come out to work? " Colleague.

In British culture, they call that kind of woman from a well-known family a lady, which means that the woman's family has some money or status.

For example, the Chinese say that a great girl should have a high rank and a rich family.

He Wei knows that many famous people in Hong Kong are advocating open door and are willing to let their daughters go out to do things on the premise that they can do things in a glorious industry, such as hospitals, banks, etc., which is easily inaccessible to ordinary people.

At this time, Zhang Zhu came.

As soon as she entered the door, she glanced at him Wei first, and then went to her own station.

Mr. Ghent, the head of the branch, is very busy. She hasn't come today. Her colleagues are gossiping about Zhang Zhu. Her reputation has been greatly damaged in the bank.

During lunch break, Zhang Zhu passed He Wei and whispered, "are you satisfied now?"

He Wei said: "what do I have to do with you? Are you down or not? Why should I be satisfied or dissatisfied? "

"Zhang Zhu a stem, voice gradually evil:" you don't expect me to forgive you

"I've never been sorry. How can I forgive you? Miss Zhang, we Chinese people say that there is a bad return. Don't you think what you have suffered is just your bad return? " He Wei Dao.

Zhang soo turned around angrily and didn't take advantage of it.

She really doesn't want to provoke any more, because this woman is so vicious and articulate that Zhang Zhu is at a loss.

However, she has suffered such a big loss, how can she do without making up for it?

Zhang soo came to work for half a day. He was so angry that he had a stomachache that he asked for leave in the afternoon.

She wanted to go to her cousin, Luo Ailin, and talk to her. She went to the hospital to know that Luo Ailin asked for leave today. It seemed that she was ill.

Surprised, Zhang soo immediately went to her sister's apartment.

Irene is no longer living with her family. Her father, a large group of aunts and wives, all of them live together in groups. In fact, Norda's garden house is very disturbing.

Rowling's words were so clever that her father bought her a set of luxury apartments. She lived comfortably alone.

She seldom brings men back. She has a fixed room in the hotel all the year round. She goes to the hotel by chance.

This time, Zhang Zhu came to see her. Her old servant told Zhang Zhu, "I don't see you, miss. I don't see anyone."

Zhang Zhu said again and again, "you say it's me. How can my cousin not see me?" In the room came the voice of Rowling: "is it AZU? Let her in."

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